Wolf Creek Pass protectors have shared their statements to help stop the destruction of this incredible natural resource. Their statements are as follows.

(Statements that contained passionate but inappropriate language for a generalized audience have been filtered out from this page. Statements that could be amended from harmful language have been amended so they could appear here. Where amendments have been made, the replacement word is in brackets.):

Please keep some places in the state wild. The snowpack at Wolf Creek is the most precious in this hemisphere. Please protect the people of the San Luis Valley that are already overburdened with climate change impacts, live with low socioeconomic conditions, have been forced to assimilate to failed Federal policies and laws, do not have access to healthy food despite living in an agrarian space. Please consider disrupting this snow pack with development of this scale is a cumulative impact to the way of life in the San Luis Valley. Please consider and analyze this environmental injustice.

Meg Payne, Lakewood, CO

The village at Wolf Creek will overwhelm this pristine environment. The sheer number of visitors will strain the local water supply, a critical resource in the high alpine. Increasing water consumption and wastewater accumulation will overload existing facilities, and potentially pollute the delicate watershed that feeds the San Juan Valley. Increased traffic will disrupt the peaceful character of nearby towns, while the large-scale development at Wolf Creek Pass will mar the area’s natural beauty. The village might offer a short-term economic boost, but the influx of tourists will strain the local infrastructure and drive business towards the new development and in turn away from the surrounding towns, ultimately harming the unique charm and economic stability of the surrounding communities.

Our collective environmental and social responsibility needs to supersede the profit of the few.

Iris Devlin, South Fork, CO

Wolf Creek Ski Area is a part of the Rio Grande National Forest and provides a home to countless animals and indigenous plants, as well as being a huge provider in our watershed system. Developing the ski area would compromise the ecosystem and work against conservation efforts in the SW Colorado region. We do not want a village. We want tourists to spend time in local towns around the ski area, such as Del Norte, South Fork, Creede, Pagosa. These towns rely on the ski area tourism to stay alive and thrive.

Stella von Dedenroth, Del Norte, CO

Colorado is being developed at an alarming rate. This area is critical habitat for the lynx and snowshoe hare. It also provides water to the populations along the Rio Grande, (San Luis Valley Agricultural Communities, the northern Pueblos in New Mexico, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Texas and the Country of Mexico, etc.,). Development in this area on Wolf Creek Pass would have massive impacts on the ecosystem as well as the people that depend on this area for water.

Isabel Lisle, Graduate Student, Boulder, CO

The undeveloped nature of Wolf Creek Ski and the surrounding area gives the area a quintessentially Colorado atmosphere that can no longer be found elsewhere in the state. It attracts core skiers and lovers of the sport while supporting wildlife habitat in a corner of the state revered for its natural beauty and biodiversity. The greater communities of Pagosa Springs and South Fork provide excellent and convenient accommodation and the ski town feel and would be negatively impacted by a development at Wolf Creek. Support Colorado’s last great ski area. There are plenty of resorts available for those who desire them, and not many ski areas left for those who do not.

Freeland Wegner, Cortez, CO

My daughter and I fought this 20 years ago. She ignited some classmates who lobbied the town council to come out opposed to the village. It worked. Looks like we have to do it again!

Bruce Andersen, Pagosa Springs, CO

Colorado is being developed at an alarming rate. This area is critical habitat for the lynx and snowshoe hare. It also provides water to a huge portion of the Western Slope population. Development in this area on Wolf Creek Pass would have massive impact on the ecosystem as well as the people that depend on this area for water. Additionally adding stress to local cities (Pagosa Springs & South Fork) with traffic and other infrastructures.

Jane, Pagosa Springs, CO

This would be an absolutely devastating development. Please do NOT let this happen! Our wildlife need corridors. Our watersheds need protecting! Please protect this area for our children and our grandchildren and do not destroy it. Please please PLEASE!

Terri Andersen, Pagosa Springs, CO

I am against the development of wolf creek for many reasons but here are two. One, if anybody hasn’t already noticed wolf creek pass is a treacherous drive and having more traffic would cause a lot of accidents on top of the ones that already happen regularly. Two, it’d be a shame to see so much lovely country turn into houses, I think Pagosa already has enough of that. I’m only one person but I think I speak for many local and non local people that enjoy our beautiful scenery.

James Martinez, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please keep some places in Colorado wild and recognize the impacts of development. The snowpack at Wolf Creek is the most precious in this hemisphere. The infrastructure required to build a village in this location would be an unrecoverable burden on the fragile land along with all the creatures that depend upon it. We need to consider the environmental impacts that this development will bring to the water and wetlands. There are many communities and ecosystems that are reliant upon the snowmelt coming from Wolf Creek Pass. Please consider protecting this incredible natural resource.

Brian Rogers, Durango, CO

I refuse to allow rich pretentious non residents to destroy Wolf Creek. I love this resort it has brought the fondest memories so far in my life, Purgatory has already been playing that same game. There is no care for the beauty of the mountain, or the locals that pay taxes and fuel their whole operation. The only thing that has done is created more money, for expansion which is also completely unnecessary, and most of the people who build or buy do not care for the incredible thing that is snow sports. Their money is not placed back into the economy or workers pay, mountain operations, trail maintenance and, is greedily spent on destroying beautiful land for their own benefit that most locals cannot afford. These houses and mansions are non locals living in them 2 months out of the year. I’m only 18, but i have grown up with the privilege of being able to ski, but snow sports are already incredibly expensive and the more resorts in small towns being bought out by big corporations. The less likely it will be attainable for anyone other than the rich to enjoy, and the less beauty there will be. I love everything about Wolf Creek, I only pray that the personality and character that is so preciously kept specially hidden stays that way. For everyone to enjoy and afford. Thank you, and I appreciate everything that I have gotten to experience skiing a Wolf Creek. Please don’t ruin it.

bell, Durango, CO

Please look at the wrongdoings that shouldn’t haven’t have happened through the Forest Service. If that doesn’t sway you, consider the myriad of negative impacts such a development would create. Please be smart.

Meg-a-leg, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep local local!

Jonah DiGiacomo, Durango, CO

It is truly sad to see the continued development of the last few wild areas left in the United States. Urbanization will only cause more issues with this remote community as can be seen with many other ski resorts before. Please listen to the locals and allow the wilderness to stay wild.

Sam, Durango, CO

Building on Wolf Creek Pass is just a bad idea. The intrusion into this natural environment would negatively impact wildlife and resources that are best left alone. The increase in traffic on the pass, which already is heavy during the winter ski months, would extend year-round, and the increase in service vehicles would certainly bring about more wrecks coming off the mountain. Every time we have an overturn truck, gas, oil, coolant, etc is spilled into the canyons below, and this happens several times yearly without the additional trucks that will be servicing this resort.

The CDT trails that run right through the resort will be over run with hikers, diminishing the solitude of this great trail. Both Pagosa Springs and South Fork are within 30 Minutes of the resort. There is no need to put people right on the mountain.
Keep the high country wild, and don’t bow to the almighty buck-$$$$.

Bill Milner, Pagosa Springs, CO

The development of Wolf Creek Ski Area is not supported by the residents of Pagosa Springs or South Fork. These towns are not equipped to deal with the detrimental impacts created by overcrowding, massive increases in infrastructure needs and skyrocketing real estate prices. In addition, the environment that supports native wildlife would suffer serious degradation. The Canadian lynx is just one example of wildlife whose ability to survive would be compromised. Finally, there is the crucial issue of water. The only way to get enough water to sustain this development is to pump it from the land owned by nearby ranches. Pumping the needed volume of water to sustain the Wolf Creek development would seriously degrade the San Juan River flow downstream from the ranches. This means existing residential areas such as San Juan Ranches, San Juan River Village and the town of Pagosa Springs itself would receive significantly less water. In some cases the river could conceivably entirely dry up. The result of this would be catastrophic on so many levels. Sacrificing the quality of life for the current residents of the San Juan River Valley and destroying a vast ecosystem in order to benefit a few wealthy Texans and some tourists is an unacceptable exchange. Prioritizing the economic gain of the few at the expense of the many, including current residents and the natural environment, is not only poor policy, it is profoundly immoral!

Ernest Curtis, Pagosa Springs, CO

STOP THE DEVELOPMENT! Wildlife existence is already being treated by over development! The beautiful forest will be gone forever trampled out by 10,000 individuals. The State will suffer loss of a substantial amount of revenue generated by local and out of state hunters..the wildlife will be greatly affected in a very detrimental way. Wildlife’s forest will no longer exist. Please listen and STOP THE DEVELOPMENT!

Margie Gurule, Pagosa Springs, CO

I love wolf creek and everyone deserves to experience a ski area rather than a ski resort.

Aava Dreger, Durango, CO

I support wolf creek remaining wild, undeveloped, and pristine

Raj inder Khalsa, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep the Pass natural! No development!

Cary Sauer, Pagosa Springs, CO

Pagosa can not handle more development our roads and resources are at their capacity. People in aspens springs don’t have running water evem though they are 10 mins out of town. I myself haul my water and the quality of the water is terrible. I’m tired of the people who run this town not taking their people who keep this town alive in any consideration what so ever. Us residents are at the richer developers expense and it’s bs… paying 2250 for a small apartment or one bed room? Yet we need more development???

Jayde Beery, Pagosa Springs, CO

I am a member of a family with a long history in Colorado and most are still there. I still travel to Colorado every chance I get, at least once or twice a year. Colorado MUST protect its wild places. The environmental conditions at Wolf Creek do not support the placement of a ski resort there. Nor do the desires of the few justify ignoring the larger public interest in maintaining this wild place. This boondoggle should have died with Red McCombs. Instead, foreign interests have been allowed to resurrect this plan, I believe simply as a way to park/hide their money outside of their own countries, a form of money laundering. This is happening all over the US — in my city, foreign interests keep building high rises that remain vacant, and local government lets them, to the detriment of this city. I believe this is behind the push to develop Wolf Creek. Colorado needs to protect its wild places for the good of the larger public and for the wildlife that depend on it staying a pristine place. The goals of a few rich people or companies (not even US citizens I assume) do not take precedence over these vastly important and far-reaching considerations. Keep Wolf Creek WILD.

Domino Hawks, Seattle, WA

We want to protect wild creek and tree systems here. We want this powder to stay secret

Logan Fullington, Durango, CO

I support the battle to keep the pass wild.

Robyn, Pagosa Springs, CO

I support to keep Wolf Creek wild

Chrissy Karas, Pagosa Springs, CO

I love wolf creek this would make it suck

Kenneth Milam, Durango, CO

Stop the overdevelopment of the region. Once these habitats are gone, they cannot come back.

Sophia Estudante, New Bedford, MA

With so few wild places left our wildlife corridors and paces are critical for maintaining thriving populations and helping endangered ones recover. Also, with Colorados water resources strained already, where will water come from for this massive development? This could impacts communities downstream of Colorado who need this water immensely. This is a money grab for those at the top without concern for the ecosystem or the locals who do not want this.

Tracey, Boulder, CO

Keep Colorado wild

Anonymous, Fernley, NV

I support our Wolf Creek to remain wild. Any development will ruin our beloved wildlife. Don’t let our beloved Wolf Creek to become a resort!

Anonymous, Hurst, TX

Development is understandable if a dire need for housing or commercial infrastructure to support human life exists. This build is not either of those. Pristine wilderness and healthy biodiverse ecosystems are shrinking in Colorado and all over the nation. There has to be a line drawn somewhere. Just because you can build and develop an area, doesn’t mean you should.

Shauna Hart, Logan, UT

I totally support keeping Wolf Creek wild. It’s ludicrous to even consider building a village up there. In addition to the negative effect on the environment, need to consider there is not enough water in the region to support a village. Nor is there the resources for waste removal, sewage, etc.

Leo Milner, Pagosa Springs, CO

No more

Amado Villalva, Golden, CO

There was a time when this development was being planned in support of the ski area. No more! This is simply a plan to drop an urban project into a pristine forest environment. There is no water to support this project. Please don’t let it move forward.

Rodney Proffitt, Pagosa Springs, CO


Taylor Johnson, Pagosa Springs, CO

I lived in Pagosa Springs for 10 years and had a season pass to Wolf Creek. I am adamantly opposed to the overdevelopment of this fragile area. The high elevation environment and overall decline of the forest due to beetles, fire, and diminished rainfall cannot recover from the impact of a soaring tourist population. This development was a bad idea from day one and it is even worse now.

Kate Petley, Peekskill, NY

We do not need a faceless legal entity developing in this area, especially one that will be destroying a clearing through the Forrest and is not even based or benefitting the local area.

Sarah Tober, Durango, CO

Please keep this beautiful place undeveloped. It will not only harm the biodiversity but the tourist rentals in both Pagosa and South Fork.

Matthew Eldredge, Pagosa Springs, CO

The building of this village will completely ruin the natural habitat that makes wolf creek what is it. Adding this will ruin Pagosa Springs. We already have enough tourists that take over and don’t respect the land. This would be an atrocity

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf creek Ski Area is one of the last few remaining ski areas that remain underdeveloped. The space is small and able to accommodate low numbers of skiers currently without further damaging the environment or the skiing experience. Development would damage animal habitat, eradicate a purist skiing experience and create escalated traffic on an already dangerous mountain pass. The extreme fire hazard alone should be enough to deter development. The number of dead and dying trees on Wolf Creek Pass is a disaster waiting to happen. Development should be halted. This is not an area that can support a mountain complex. Traffic escalation in both winter and summer months will create multiple challenges that the current infrastructure is not able to accommodate. This is not a place where future development should occur.

Nancy Arata, Longmont, CO

Ski town development has gone far enough. It ruins small towns with ski mountains. It’s also dangers the natural landscape surrounding a small resort. This includes construction of large hotels and restaurants, as well as the large increase of traffic and human presence.

Tristan Bleicher Otto, South Lake Tahoe, CA

We chose to move to this area for its naturally beautiful setting and uniqueness. The “village” development would disrupt wildlife and be bad for the environment. It would have a negative impact on nearby towns, especially economically. The proposed development would ruin the appeal to skiers/snowboarders. Wolf Creek Ski Area attracts skiers because of its natural setting. Developers would come in, cause permanent disruption to the environment and the surrounding economy, then move on to new projects. In the words of Joni Mitchell – “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone? Pave paradise and put up a parking lot.”

Revis, Pagosa Springs, CO

This would ruin the entire area.

CO, Longmont, CO

I have grown up in durango co and been fortunate enough to experience wolf creek and all of its beautiful terrain over the last 22 years of my life. Having experienced how a village negatively affects my home resort, purgatory, I have always appreciated being able to go to wolf creek for a less blown out experience. It is not worth exploiting such a special place just to make a profit. Don’t pillage wolf creek. Thank you.

Caleb Gates, Durango, CO

This would be horrendous to the expansive beauty which we are gifted with at WC. It would devistate much of the natural habitats and degrade the scerene value that exists there. We do not want development for the sake of someone’s pocketbook, we want people to come into town and use the facilities that are already there to lessen the environmental impact!

Nikki K., Alamosa, CO

This will not help our town but bypass it

Coyote Kazarinoff, Pagosa Springs, CO

Additional development is unnecessary as the opportunity doesn’t out way the damage caused.

Charlie Beck, Longmont, CO

I support keeping Wolf Creek Wild. Once it’s destroyed and developed it can be returned to its natural beauty. From a business perspective, this resort could potentially be a “bust”. In the deep of winter, the pass can become impassable – people will be stuck and can’t get to airports, you will have employee issues and issues delivering supplies. I was up at Wolf last week on May 14th, and it was sleeting and snowing – beautiful in town – conditions on top were very unpleasant. I thought to myself – it’s May and if I were staying at a resort up here I would be miserable!!!

Why would you destroy this beautiful land for the convenience and enjoyment of a few? If people don’t enjoy Wolf Creek the way it is, they don’t need to come visit. If we have to build a resort for those people to want to come, please don’t do it for them. Keep it natural and don’t destroy nature and all the animals that call it home.

Diane Copeland, Oak Point, TX

There’s plenty of other places that already exist to have you’re dream wealthy community. This country doesn’t need another Yellowstone club

Gavi, Montrose, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is a special place, free of massive developments that are seen in other mountainous areas of Colorado. A large development would benefit those that are already wealthy, further displacing working class people that can’t afford to live in Vail, Summit County, Aspen, and other areas of the state that value the lifestyle of the ultra-rich. With 2% of the population holding 50% of the nation’s wealth, this would only exacerbate this problem.

Ari Lightsey, Montrose, CO

Wolf creek is beautiful wild and should remain so.

Waldo Baca, Colorado Springs, CO

Pillage elsewhere!

Charlotte Young, Dallas, TX

I do not support a village at wolf creek and would like to protect the essence of the San Juans.

Annie Bruner, Dallas, TX

People need to respect and preserve wilderness areas. If developers continue to have their way, there won’t be any wilderness areas left. Isn’t it enough that we have carved up this country and have already caused extinction of species or have made many species of animals near the brink of extinction? People don’t belong living in the middle of nowhere, it is inefficient and unsustainable. All this so a few investors can make money. What happens 40 years from now when the shine and the veneer wears off? How efficient and effective is it to maintain these properties? Will the pristine wilderness that attracted buyers in the first place still be there? Will the wildlife have been forced to move on? Lets stop this endless irresponsible cycle of land misuse and develop urban areas instead. This makes more sense as far as infrastructure is concerned. Reckless land use has been blighting areas forever. Stop this waste now. Respect for the land and wildlife for a sustainable future means hands off wilderness area development now in the present.

People need to pay more attention to the natural, Lakewood, OH

The wolf creek corridor is too small and fragile; more human expansions there will irreparably destroy the narrow habitat corridor that connects the southern part of the san juan mountains with the rest of the range.

Taylor Hurt, Antonito, CO

Developers should not be allowed to build within Wolf Creek Pass. Resources such as water, sewer, gas and electric are not enough to support the population now. You will be adding a strain to the community that the area nor the developers are going to take any responsibility for within wolf creek pass.

Jessica Roberts, Farmington, NM

Wolf Creek must be preserved!

Callum, Portland, OR

Keep Wolf Creek wild!

Meena Jeffreys, South Fork, CO

Wolf creek is one of the few wild places for wildlife to survive. Don’t we have enough ski resorts in Colorado already?

Meaghan Crowell, Antonito, CO

I don’t support the proposed development at wolf creek. I believe it would be too destructive to the ecosystem to justify.

Ty, Saguache, CO

Don’t turn the beautiful mountain into crooked Vail Resorts!!!!

Ccbradley08, Blanca, CO

I support keeping Wolf Pass wild

Thomas Gallagher, Dillon, CO

There is enough places on either side of Wolf Creek that tourists and skiers can utilize for accommodations. We do not need more. Supporting local businesses is needed more than supporting corporations. Keep Wolf Creek wild!

CO, Alamosa, CO

I support keeping density and development out of wild spaces meant for habitat and recreation. The proposal is flawed from a planning perspective, specifically due to the lack of transportation infrastructure, utilities, and public services. The risk for wildfire is high in this area and not a place for a city. Keep public lands public!

Jen R., Golden, CO

I do not support the development at Wolf Creek. I live in Glenwood Springs and this would be the same as a big wig coming in and redeveloping Sunlight Ski Resort. Let’s keep the mom and pop ski resorts how they are. I am disgusted by this idea and I do not support it.

Brad Bugara, Glenwood Springs, CO

Stop prioritizing developers over nature and the local community!

Matt Enquist, Monte Vista, CO

Please don’t ruin this beautiful space. Haven’t we done enough already? Some things need to remain sacred but maybe we’re bent on proving otherwise.

Nathan, Augusta, GA

I proudly am in support of keeping Wolf Creek area free and wild. Unhindered by noise, light, traffic, and waste pollution is the key to its beauty and significance. The billionaire and partner’s main interest is making money developing. A limited amount of people will make money exploiting this pristine area while thousands of others will suffer the ramifications.

Camille, Pagosa Springs, CO

This village should not be allowed it will not only damage unrepairable wetlands but the amount of people that this will attract will also overwhelm what little infrastructure exists in this remote part of the state.

WC, Monte Vista, CO

I believe a village at Wolf Creek Pass would negatively affect the wildlife, environment, and the experiences/activities available in the area. I do not support a village on Wolf Creek Pass.

Carson, Atlanta, GA

The rest of Colorado has been ruined. Please don’t ruin Wolf Creek too!

Anonymous, Parker, CO

I support the wildlife and the environment, especially in this area. The main thing we all, the locals and the visitors, love about Wolf Creek pass and ski area is the remote, peaceful, natural, and undisturbed vibes and lifestyle. We say “NO CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT!!”

Colorado, Pagosa Springs, CO

It is contrary to the very essence of conservation that the National Forest Service claims to represent to allow this to go forward. Greed is the single reason for this expansion, which is the root of all evil

Jason Groves, Buda, TX

I have lived in Colorado for over 25 years and watched as one by one, the smaller ski areas are getting eaten up by developers and big corporations. Not only is Wolf Creek one of those gems that should stay small and wild, but it’s still affordable in comparison to the prices charged by the large corporate mountains (which, arguably, do not provide a return on that investment in terms of quality of experience as they are tremendously overcrowded). This mountain cannot sustain what is being proposed, and once it’s developed, it can never go back to its former state because the damage will have already been done. Please don’t let greed win.

Anonymous, Minturn, CO

Iam not in favor of exploiting the resources around Wolf Creek for commercial gain. Please leave it wild.

Scott Lemberger, Littleton, CO

Wolf Creek, as it is now, is a great place for Colorado skiers and snowboarders. It is where I found my ski legs, it is a place where you can always find a stash of pow. It is where my daughter learned to snowboard. It is a skiers mountain like they all used to be. Its value is that it a real Colorado mountain that everyone can afford. We have plenty of high end mountains for the rich to show off their outfits. Please don’t let a rich out of state greedy billionaire destroy its value for regular Coloradans just so he can have a little more in his already overstuffed pockets.

Robert McDermott, Crestone, CO

Stop developing our beautiful mountains.

Chelsea, Alamosa, CO

Keep these wild places the way they are we don’t need another ski village in Colorado let alone at the headwaters of one of most prominent and beautiful rivers

Ben, Center, CO

I support keeping wolf creek as it is, development has run is enough beautiful places in this country. Not everywhere needs to be developed in order to make someone more rich. Just to leave the locals forced to move as prices increase over time with the proposed change.

Carlton Aaron, Idaho Springs, CO

I was born in Colorado Springs, but I live in AZ, I have a lot of family history in Colorado, I always love driving through Wolfcreek, this show not be allowed to happen!!

Richard, Chandler, AZ

I don’t support Village at Wolf Creek.

Brody, Fort Collins, CO

This natural area is one of the reasons I frequently visit Colorado. Developing this area would be a devastating loss for me and so many others.

Matt, Hummelstown, PA

I believe nature reserves like this are so important to natures ecosystem in colorado!! We do not need more tourist attractions!

Naomi, Alamosa, CO

Wolf Creek is one of the last true ski areas in Colorado that serves a variety of people from all walks of life – advanced riders, beginners, families, local and regional visitors. Wolf Creek makes skiing and snowboarding financially accessible to all

Chris Dolan, Denver, CO

Keep Colorado Wild- this will devastate local ecosystems and the areas appeal

Jianna, Evergreen, CO

The proposed development of a “village” for 10,000 people at Wolf Creek Pass faces significant challenges and environmental concerns:
1. Ecological Impact: Wolf Creek Pass is a remote, pristine landscape with unique ecosystems. Introducing a massive development would disrupt wildlife habitats and threaten native species.
2. Infrastructure Challenges: Supporting 10,000 residents requires extensive infrastructure development, straining resources and altering the landscape.
3. Traffic Congestion: Increased traffic from such a large population could impact safety and air quality.
4. Visual Impact: The development would alter the scenic beauty of the area irrevocably.
5. Community Character: A sudden influx of residents would change the close-knit community dynamics.
6. Legal Battles: Community groups have consistently opposed the development, winning legal battles against Forest Service approvals.
7. Affordability: Wolf Creek is one of the last affordable, independent ski resorts in Colorado. Development will likely result in the resort being acquired by one of the behemoths that are ruining the ski industry and making skiing unaffordable for middle class families. A day pass at Wolf Creek ($89) is less than twice the cost of the average Vail owned resort (>$200).
In summary, the Village at Wolf Creek risks irreversible damage to the environment, disrupts wildlife, and alters the character of this pristine mountain region. Decision-makers should prioritize conservation and sustainable land use over this ill-conceived project.

Derek K., Golden, CO

Keep Wolf Creek pristine. No development

Jason Reed, Nevada, TX

It feels right in my heart to do what I can to help spread the word and help oppose this alleged development.

Haley Robinson, Bayfield, CO

This Development is bad for the Wolf Creek ecosystem. There are places that need to be kept wild and this is one of them.

Kevin Bruce, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf creek is one of the gems of Colorado. The mountain itself is not beginner friendly, and a big part of its allure is the lack of crowds and small mountain vibe.

Andrew Laudenslager, Breckenridge, CO

Please keep this area unique and wild.

Thomas Kluck, Palmer Lake, CO

There is not enough mountain to support a resort at Wolf Creek. There are plenty of corporate resorts in Colorado without taking away the charm of another “family” mountain. Please don’t take away my culture and lifestyle to cater to some fat, entitled rich person’s vacation. They can go to Telluride or even Purgatory.

K. Scott, Pagosa Springs, CO

Leave the national forest and pass in it’s natural state.

Toby Lee, Platte City, MO

Protect our wildlife and forests. Colorado does not need anymore people coming in and taking away from our states beauty

Kira Hanna, Del Norte, CO

In an era of climate change and increasing global warming causing more and more wildfires, why build a huge housing development in the midst of the wilderness forest? I can’t believe the Forest Service supports this project!

Catherine, Crestone, CO

Wolf Creek could be considered a “last best place” of Colorado. It is wrong to destroy it with massive development. ANILCA access issues to private inholdings have ruined many tracts of our nation’s public land. But in some cases No Vehicle Access or No Snow Removal have been mandated to protect special qualities. The Forest Service can use it here. And what happened to 30 by 30, America the Beautiful, that brought hope to so many? Agencies should be identifying and protecting key places to avoid tragedies like Wolf Creek.

Skunk Bear, Nederland, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is an irreplaceable gem, with its pristine natural resources, unique ecosystems, and rich biodiversity. The proposed development of a 10,000-person “village” threatens to irreparably damage this treasured wilderness. Wolf Creek’s fen wetlands and the South Fork headwaters of the Rio Grande are vital water sources for downstream communities and agriculture. The development would extract up to 1 million gallons of water daily, depleting these essential resources and isolating the fens, which are crucial for water quality and downstream fisheries. At 10,400 feet, most visitors would suffer from altitude sickness, necessitating frequent medical evacuations and stressing limited emergency services. Moreover, Wolf Creek Pass is critical habitat for the threatened Canada lynx. Increased traffic and development would fragment this habitat, jeopardizing the survival of this iconic species.

Building in this forested area would increase wildfire risk, complicating fire management and emergency rescue in a region already prone to severe wildfires. Additionally, the development would shift Wolf Creek from being a carbon sink to a carbon source, exacerbating climate change. The increase in traffic on the hazardous, winding road to Wolf Creek Pass would significantly raise the risk of accidents, straining emergency response capabilities. Local businesses in nearby towns would suffer as the development draws tourists and resources away, while emergency services would be overburdened without adequate tax revenue support. The “village” would restrict access to beloved recreational activities, altering the character of Wolf Creek Pass forever. We have alternatives. Development should occur in nearby lower-elevation towns with existing infrastructure.

Nicole E., Bayfield, CO

Be Mindful, Earth is a place of Reverence & Grace. Cherish Her Beauty. Fight for Preservation!

Marion Murphy, Boulder, CO

Wolf Creek Ski Area, nestled within the Rio Grande National Forest, is a sanctuary for numerous animals and indigenous plants and plays a vital role in our watershed system. Expanding the ski area would jeopardize the ecosystem and undermine conservation efforts in Southwest Colorado. Instead of developing a village, we encourage tourists to visit and spend time in the nearby towns of Del Norte, South Fork, Creed, and Pagosa Springs. These communities depend on the tourism generated by the ski area to sustain their local economies and thrive.

CO, Evergreen, CO

In addition to the destruction of all that’s good about the ski area culture, relaxed environment and varied terrain, Mineral County cannot service, support or aid any first responder demands for this new planned village. It will take that county years and incredible expenses to even begin to service the planned buildout. The run from Archuleta is extensive and deaths, injury and related litigation will be extensive. The ‘Village’ is just bad, stupid and greedy action by the developer.

Dave, Chromo, CO

This is an unwanted and unwise development that will have lasting harmful effects on the cultural and environmental resources of south central Colorado.

CO, Del Norte, CO

I go to WC to avoid the environment this proposal creates. If I wanted the “Vail” type atmosphere, I’d go to that type of resort. I moved my daughter to the WC area and have adopted locals as family/friends. Please go to a resort if you desire. It should not be WC. Please leave my dreams and family alone!

SZ, Elgin, OK

A village atop of Wolf Creek Pass is a terrible idea. The ecological impact alone should be reason enough not to allow this development to happen. The lynx that live in the area are a keystone species, one which if threatened can disrupt the entire balance of the ecosystem in the area. Further, the increased runoff from all of the additional impermeable surfaces will add additional sediment into local waterways threatening the health of local fish populations. If local fish populations decline as a result of increased sedimentation then there will be less visitors coming to fish these waters which means less tourism dollars for local communities. The people who will purchase properties in the village will likely only use these dwellings a couple of weekends per year leaving the village otherwise empty when the units are not being occupied by people from outside the area. Let’s not even get started on how many of these people will not be prepared for mountain weather or driving. During large storm cycles these people will likely get snowed into their dwellings and will have a difficult time getting the resources they need to weather these storms. In closing, don’t let one person’s greed destroy one of the few remaining special ski areas in Colorado. The last thing southern Colorado needs is a large base village development. That is what Summit County is for.

Paul Bourdon, Santa Fe, NM

Just leave it be. We have over built way too many areas.

Glenn, Blairstown, NJ

As a lifelong resident of Pagosa, who has traveled to many other resorts, this will completely change the nature of the mountain, and it just doesn’t have the vertical or size to support it. It would be devastating.

Melissa Buckley, Pagosa Springs, CO

This will permanently change not just the landscape, but the natural migration of animals and water sources. It is a terrible idea.

Carrie Medlin, Pagosa Springs, CO

We don’t need any more towns in Colorado

Dawn Turner, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please don’t allow the destruction of Wolf Creek with this development. It will decimate the ecosystem and destroy the quality of life in the surrounding towns. Why are we letting the billionaires come in and take over this area when no one who lives here wants that to happen?

Amy Diamond-Brewer, Pagosa Springs, CO

This area being developed would be a massive stress on an already stressed environment. I do not support this development and its destruction of more wild lands.

Sharon, Pagosa Springs, CO

I’m sick of commercializing our back yard. We live here because we love it in the raw. If I wanted a “village” on the mountain, I would have moved to Denver.

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is a special place and this development would hurt the environment and small town feel of Pagosa. We do not want this!

Corrie Howell, Austin, TX

This is the wrong choice for our smalll yown. It has already grown too much, in some ways good but also a lot of bad. This would be horrible not only for the wildlife in the area but also the surrounding towns, bringing in a different kind of people that are trying to change our way of life. Not everything needs to be about money and this is exactly what this will be. It will be for the rich who have no consideration of the townspeople and will do whatever it takes to keep themselves happy, ignoring all sense of community that we have relied on for so long.

Sammy, Avondale, AZ

We don’t need this development!

John Barry III, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is part of an invaluable wildlife migration corridor, biologically diverse ecosystem, and treasured backcountry recreation wilderness worthy of complete protection. The proposed “Village at Wolf Creek” is founded on unlawful and insufficient environmental review processes and critically threatens wildlife, backcountry recreation areas, nearby local businesses, rare fen wetlands, and the water quality and quantity of the Rio Grande River headwaters – to name a few.

Miranda, Breckenridge, CO

Keep it Wild as can be please.

Beth Miller, Durango, CO

This would absolutely destroy the environment of this area

Rowan, Cresco, PA

Horrible idea and always has been.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek & Colorado Wild and support our small community!

Ryanne, Pagosa Springs, CO

We are supposed to be a “small town”, but if we keep building houses on all of our wild/free land, we are going to become a city, anyone that grew up here and has loved Pagosa, is already upset with all of the changes in some of our beautiful spots of Pagosa, you will just be driving out locals and ruining the beauty of this beloved town.

Savvy, Pagosa Springs, CO

This shouldn’t even be a consideration. Locals are already pushed out of town and to make a village for 10,000 rich folk doesn’t sit well with me. DO NOT PASS THIS PLEASE!!! We have a small gem within the town so please let us LOCALS enjoy what we got.

TACO, Pagosa Springs, CO

The wilderness we have here is our most valuable commodity. Wolf Creek is home to so many threatened species of wildlife and must be protected. Our infrastructure is already strained by the rapid development. This would be an environmental disaster.

Katherine Auble, Pagosa Springs, CO

We, locals of Pagosa, are deeply troubled by plans to produce a pillage at our cherished Wolf Creek Ski area/Mountain. This beautiful haven is not only our sanctuary but also the lifeblood of our local businesses. The introduction of pillage production threatens to tarnish the natural beauty that attracts visitors and sustains our economy. As patrons of local businesses, we refuse to see our community exploited for short-term profit at the expense of our environment.

Let’s prioritize the preservation of our pristine surroundings and the livelihoods of our local entrepreneurs. Together, we can ensure that future generations can continue to experience the magic of our beloved resort while supporting our vibrant economy.

Postolese, Pagosa Springs, CO

We are opposed to this development on many levels. The wildlife will be negatively affected as well as the people of the nearby towns of South Fork & Pagosa Springs.

Shelley Sikes Baker, Pagosa Springs, CO

I have always been against the pilage at Wolf creek!

Merenda Romine, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please preserve the ecosystem that sustains the habitat for many organisms in Wolf Creek. This is one of the more underdeveloped areas of Colorado and to pave over the land would only harm. People and land over profits!!

Ashley, Austin, TX

Please don’t allow development of the village at wolf creek to proceed. We have been down this path so many times already. Using the court system to push and push and push until you get your way is not appropriate. Numerous studies have been done showing the irreparable harm to environment and ecosystems, loss of revenue for local communities, and of course a permanent breakdown in the character of one of the few remaining low density ski areas in the country.

If we have to buy out this oligarch too, so be it. A bitter pill to swallow but better than trashing our environment and community.

Chris, Pagosa Springs, CO

My family has owned property in the Wolf Creek area since the ‘70s. The beauty of being here is its remoteness and tranquility. It’s one of the few places in Colorado where you can truly escape the hustle and bustle, unplug, and enjoy. Colorado in general has become overdeveloped, and the impact of a development doesn’t stop at the footprint on which it is built. Nature is destroyed, bigger roads are built in and out, other entities establish themselves to capitalize on its presence. Wolf Creek is a touristy destination, and I fully understand and support the need for business to make it thrive. However, if we are not careful, we’ll ruin the character that makes it so unique. In my opinion, it’s the simplicity that draws people here and keeps people coming back. Do we really need another Winter Park or Breckenridge? Let’s just preserve what we have.

Sam, Aurora, CO

It’s important to maintain the culture of our small town mountain and avoid development that ruins the charm and appeal of the locals.

Lauren Lynch, Pagosa Springs, CO

There is no water for such a development. You cannot inhabit an area without it. There is very little emergency access during big storms and there are many of them. The roads on either side of the pass are treacherous. This is no place for a housing development of any kind. Stop wasting taxpayer money fighting to put in an uninhabitable development.

Kim Hedberg, Boulder, CO

This mountain and its surroundings can’t support the infrastructure needed to support this scale of project. It would forever change the environment, landscape and the feel of our small mountain town. There are other places to go for those wanting a resort experience. Keep Wolf Creek wild, if you love the environment.

Kelly, Pagosa Springs, CO

Don’t disturb the trees and wildlife. NO village

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

The world creek area does not need to be developed. There are plenty of other areas that have already been developed, and the negative impacts to the local community and environment are astounding.

Anonymous, Dillon, CO

Please don’t allow Wolf Creek to be destroyed by greedy developers

Pennie DeClark, Pagosa Springs, CO

How is it that the Forrest Service restricts the ski calendar for wildlife considerations and environmentalist fight expanding the ski area, but a developer might be allowed to build a town near-by. This only benefits big money.

Mark Ferguson Pagosa Springs, CO

This development makes absolutely no sense and is a huge threat to the wetlands in the area they are looking to build. Additionally, the harsh winter conditions (not to mention the harsh weather in the 3 other seasons) is not conducive to a “village” of any kind. What I forsee happening is that they will build this village and it will end up an empty, unused eye sore in this beautiful area. I’m all for progress but, perhaps they should look into buying Bootjack Ranch or Goodnight Ranch instead. I am wholeheartedly opposed to this project. I always have been and I always will be.

Sunshine Blue, Pagosa Springs, CO


Elliott Jim, Waterflow NM

Allowing access is directly connected to the action of development. The USFS must account for those connected impacts. This ecosystem cannot sustain the substantial impacts that this development would have. Further, this development would be cause for loss and economic hardship to the many recreators that have enjoyed this area for many decades. As evidenced by the many other resorts that have been subjected to development, those without excessive wealth will lose the ability to use this area. This is a socio-economic issue, as well as an environmental issue.

Anonymous, Bayfield, CO

Please keep Pagosa local.

Katie Croy, Pagosa Springs, CO

Stop the pillage at Wolf Creek Pass! It’s time to stand up to greedy developers who are ravaging our state at an alarming pace. Colorado does not need another eyesore like the Vail/Beavercreek/Avon mega development stretching for miles along I-70. Keep southern Colorado wild and beautiful!

Kim, Trinidad, CO

I grew up going to wolf creek. Many of my best memories are in the slopes up there. To think that the roots of this place will be replaced along with the trend the rest of Colorado is heading to is tragic and seems to only justified by consumerism and greed. Please keep wolf creek from being developed by the Texans who hold no stake for this place in their hearts and will only serve to further alienate the locals who can already barely afford to live or ski in pagosa.

Walker, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please allow the Wolf Creek Mountain Area to remain as pristine and untouched as we have enjoyed it for 20+ years. Logistically it does not work either, regarding utilities, support, taxation.

Susanne, Pagosa Springs

As a young 20-something without really any power in the world, it has been difficult and disheartening to come to terms with our changing climate and the lack of people that, frankly, give a [hoot]. I don’t even feel like I can plan or make hopes for my life, because I’m not sure there will be a world where any of thAT effort matters. So, when I hear of ANOTHER project that will surely wreak havoc on our delicate and beautiful ecosystem, it makes me want to scream and makes me truly understand how much I don’t understand. Will corporate greed always have the winning hand over human life? Will I ever see a world where we cherish the air we breathe by? Can it somehow get worse? Is planning my future even feasible? How can the people with the MOST resources deplete so much without any second thought about who or what it might impact? Will I one day live in a world where I can’t access water? Or heat? Or AC? Or food? Or non-arid soil?
Please don’t bring more stress to our environment and ecosystem than it can handle. The reason wolf creek is beautiful is because it hasn’t been wrecked by corporate greed – yet.

Anonymous, Durango, CO

The time has come to take a stand to the demands of the rich Oligarchs who will not stop at their desire to assume all the assets they can grab. Progress is not the answer to a successful society. It is only a tool of the greedy Capitalists who have corrupted our economic system.

Handhewn, Pagosa Springs, CO

This access for the proposed development at the top of Wolf Creek Pass was not in compliance with NEPA, and the Forest Service failed to adequately evaluate the cumulative effects of granting access and allowing the development on numerous forest resources. This area is one of the last intact forest habitat that provides connectivity between the San Juan mountains and the mountains to the south going to New Mexico. These corridors are vital for wildlife, esp. species of concern like Canada Lynx. This poorly evaluated access will facilitate this development, and the destruction of an irreplacable ecosystem.

Joan Berde, Llano, NM

Don’t spoil Wolf Creek!

Kelly Dermody, Thornton, CO

As [someone born and raised in Colorado], Breck used to be my favorite until it got to touristy. It’s insane how you can’t even have fun there anymore because it’s too big. Keep wolf creek the way it is!

Alexa Ward, Colorado Springs, CO

There’s plenty of heavily developed mountain areas to visit/own a part of. Keep the ones that haven’t been developed wild!

Alex, Norwood, CO

If this project is actually allowed to move forward it will go down as one of the most selfish, greedy actions that will destroy a last remaining remnant of prime Colorado wilderness! Additionally, the negative impact this will have on the Pitcher family, the family of loyal employees and patrons of one of the last remaining unique ski areas in Colorado and our country!

Do not let this happen!

Jim Banks, Pagosa Springs, CO

The development of the Wolf Creek ski area poses significant environmental risks that outweigh its potential economic benefits. This project threatens the delicate ecosystem of the San Juan Mountains, home to numerous wildlife species, including the endangered Canada lynx. Construction and increased human activity would disrupt habitats, leading to a loss of biodiversity and long-term ecological damage. Furthermore, the development could strain water resources, impacting both the local watershed and downstream communities. The pristine nature of the area is a critical asset, not only for its ecological value but also for the outdoor recreation industry that relies on untouched natural landscapes. Ultimately, the irreversible environmental costs make the development of the Wolf Creek ski area an unsustainable and shortsighted venture.

Laura Barr, Monte Vista, CO

I am against any development of WC area by developers attempting to building a housing village- it would put too much stress on our wildlife, water supply, pollution and traffic would increase and our locals would be faced with Vail/Beaver Creek/Aspen like prices. Let Us enjoy our mountain without more clear cutting of trees and developers lining their pockets.

Lynn Robinson, Pagosa Springs, CO

I fully support the protection and conservation of the Wolf Creek Area land. Development should be prohibited due to the value the land holds as an ecosystem and a beautiful place to the eye of any beholder. It would be a tragedy and an eye sore to develop the area for unnecessary human use, and primarily second home owners.

Ellen Muckerman, Durango, CO

I have been in this town a long time and have seen many changes. I don’t think this change is good. I don’t even like the buildings going up right smack in downtown Pagosa. How are you going to even get people through the down town area if this place keeps growing so fast. The roads are not well thought out! This used to be a sweet place with kind people, but not any more. You are chasing the Pagosa people out while bringing in the snobs. Pagosa is not that kind place anymore! You are already segregating different classes of people and making it worse. And high prices are also doing that. Certain people cannot afford all the hoa charges in this area, but we keep getting more and more if them.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

It would be an abomination to build wolf creek up. 100s of animals would be without homes and come down to town and be hurt, people would be stuck on the pass all winter.

Angel, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please leave Wolf Creek wild. Development has ruined most of the country. Greed is all it is. The developers will make their money and leave. Go somewhere else.

Marilyn, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please stop this project. It will only benefit a few wealthy investors and will permanently damage a pristine wilderness environment.

Larry Malone, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please keep some places in the state wild. The snowpack at Wolf Creek is the most precious in this hemisphere. Wolf Creek Ski Area is apart of the Rio Grande National Forest and provides a home to countless animals and indigenous plants, as well as being a huge provider in our water shed system. Developing the ski area would compromise the ecosystem and work against conservation efforts in the SW Colorado region. We do not want a village. We want tourist to spend time in local towns around the ski area such as Del Norte, South Fork, Creede, Pagosa. These towns rely on the ski area tourism to stay alive.

Fuller Courtney, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild!!!

NO development!!!

Louise Baley, Pagosa Springs, CO

We need to keep wolf creek area wild and undeveloped. We don’t need the destruction from this development.

Frances Chavez MD, Santa Fe, NM

Wolf Creek Pass is a wild and scenic area. While we enjoy utilizing the Wolf Creek Ski Resort in the winter, we also actively enjoy that area for hiking and animal viewing in the summer. The CDT passes directly through this area. Additional housing or development here will completely and permanently alter this profoundly special place. Our wildlife who call this pass home in the warm summer months will be forced out. The CDT experience will lose its value with additional people and infrastructure. Wolf Creek Ski Area has successfully exited in a highly competitive atmosphere primarily because those who use this resort love the raw wilderness that surrounds. The community of Pagosa Springs and others in the area are supported by tourists and placing them in housing beyond the reaches of these communities will have a substantially negative economic impact. I absolutely abhor the idea of housing development at Wolf Creek Pass. It simply cannot be allowed. This area must be protected and our family is available and willing to assist in whatever way necessary to ensure that the unaltered magic of this place remains for all who visit.

Kristi Brister, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please do not build this development at Wolf Creek. We do not need or want this. Wolf Creek needs to stay unchanged to protect the wildlife and protect our water resources.

Maggie Hall, Pagosa Springs, CO

It is absurd that this judgement was made in Denver by those who will not be impacted by the environmental issues which will arise as a result of slashing up this part of our beautiful state. Those who will benefit from this destruction are not mindful of the damage that will be visited upon the wildlife and the water resources. It should not become simply a playground for the wealthy.

Rhonda Schoenecker, Alamosa, CO

We do not care for this development. They can go somewhere else to build their unimaginable tourist trap. I would hate driving past that anytime going to Pagosa springs, or back to south fork. Leave the land untamed and wild.

Davy Jones, Pablo, MT

I have a small massage business and I’m afraid with this development that it will hurt the small business that rely heavily on tourism. If they have everything they need at the new ski resort why would they come drive down to pagosa.

Larissa, Pagosa Springs, CO

Listen to the people. This is not what they want! Nature does not exist for corporations to do whatever they want to it.

Rachel Abramson, Silverthorne, CO

I support wilderness and wild places These beautiful spaces are becoming rare and disappearing I will stand in support of keeping Wolf Creek Wild and Natural as it’s already a ski destination of which is over crowded and polluting. Enough is enough. No more development!

Patricia Schilling, Pagosa Springs, CO

Developing a ‘village’ to house the size of the entire town of Pagosa Springs is incomprehensible and dangerous. Wolf Creek Ski area is unique because of the lack of development in the area and is incomparable because of its wildness. Water appropriation for New Mexico and Texas would be seriously affected by such a large-scale development. Animal habitat cannot be infringed upon more than it already is. Please, keep high altitudes wild and visit them with the respect and care they demand. We have to protect wild areas, not people’s right to make money. There is so much to develop in the towns surrounding these areas, why not save your money (building and implementing infrastructure at such an altitude is more than cost prohibitive) and invest in furthering the needs of several struggling towns.

Mindy, Pagosa Springs, CO

I want to keep Wolf Creek wild! This is a terrible idea because it will not only make the closest town, Pagosa Springs, more expensive and difficult to live in, it will do irreparable damage to the forest and the wildlife habitat!

Emily Hester, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please protect Wolf Creek and surrounding habitat.
We must be good stewards of our environment. Greed is not a reason to destroy this special place that has been entrusted to us by God!

Katie, Pagosa Springs, CO

I am against this project. I moved here last July from Southern California, from a rural area that exploded in recent years. The area was two lane roads, ranches and farms. Then the developers came in and the city and county councils allowed the building to happen without any regard to the infrastructure. Crime soared, traffic was nothing you could imagine. Local business, Mom and Pop shops were forced to close as big businesses bought their way into the town. People came from areas that had all the creature comforts at their fingertips. They were disappointed when they found it didn’t have what they left behind and started to make the area just like what they left.

The once town now city called Menifee is now dotted with subdivisions, warehouses, fast food restaurants, shopping centers, thousands of people and two lane roads. If this project is allowed to go forward, it will open a door that cannot be closed and Pagosa Springs will be lost forever.

Christine Arthur, Pagosa Springs, CO

I was born in Denver area, watched as the Vail’s, Aspens, Winter Park, Copper Mnt, Breckenridge made those towns into the upper class playgrounds and forced out the middle class. Stop the Wolf Creek expansion!

Gerald Mathews, Pagosa Springs, CO

This land needs to be left alone. More wildlife lives here than any one person with a bulldozer is worth. Is nothing sacred? Money will never fix the destruction this will cause.

John Giordano, Dillon, CO

Wolf Creek has been a word in my vocabulary for 40 years. I know it as remote and wild-please keep it wild.

CO, Edwards, CO

Wolf Creek Ski Area is apart of the Rio Grande National Forest and provides a home to countless animals and indigenous plants, as well as being a huge provider in our water shed system. Developing the ski area would compromise the ecosystem and work against conservation efforts in the SW Colorado region. We do not want a village. We want tourist to spend time in local towns around the ski area such as Del Norte, South Fork, Creede, Pagosa. These towns rely on the ski area tourism to stay alive and thrive.

Christine Schmidt, Pagosa Springs, CO

Having a village of 10,000 people at Wolf Creek would ruin the entire ambiance of the area. A beautiful natural location is NOT improved by developing it, instead the beauty is removed to make way for human habitation, which UGLIFIES it. That is NOT an improvement. This is all about money for outside interests, with no concern for what the locals actually want to have happen, which is to leave the area alone in it’s natural state, and anyone who says different needs their head examined. In addition, there will be water needs that will merely add to the water shortages we are already experiencing. Don’t let greed destroy the natural beauty of Wolf Creek and add to the water shortage problems we are already experiencing here.

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

I will support against this development for as long as I’m able to – this does nothing but create wealth for others – there is no thought or care into how much this will negatively impact the environment, the Pass, resources, etc….this development was done with back deals & w those no longer in power & should be deemed void & invalid

Susan, Lakewood, CO

Pagosa and Wolf Creek are unique. This type of development will destroy the iconic small town ski area feel. Our infrastructure can’t support this and the idea of more infrastructure is frightening. Don’t destroy what makes PS and WC beautiful.

Kerri Cooke, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek Ski Area is a treasured natural gem in Colorado, and there are many compelling reasons to preserve its wild character instead of the proposed development:

1. *Environmental Protection*: The area is home to sensitive alpine ecosystems, including wetlands, meadows, and forests. Development would disrupt habitats and potentially harm endangered species.
2. *Preservation of Natural Beauty*: The ski area’s pristine landscape and scenic vistas are a major draw for visitors. Development would alter the natural beauty and character of the area.
3. *Wildlife Corridor*: Wolf Creek Ski Area serves as a vital wildlife corridor, connecting the San Juan and Weminuche Wilderness areas. Development would fragment habitats and disrupt wildlife migration patterns.
4. *Recreational Experience*: The ski area’s unspoiled nature is a significant part of its appeal. Condos would alter the ambiance, potentially leading to overcrowding and diminishing the skiing and snowboarding experience.
5. *Local Community*: The nearby town of Pagosa Springs relies on sustainable tourism and outdoor recreation. Preserving the ski area’s natural state aligns with the community’s values and supports eco-friendly economic growth.
6. *Cultural Significance*: The area holds cultural and spiritual importance for the Navajo Nation and other indigenous groups. Development could desecrate sacred sites and disrupt cultural practices.
7. *Climate Change*: Preserving natural areas like Wolf Creek Ski Area helps mitigate climate change by maintaining carbon sinks, like forests, and supporting biodiversity.
8. *Sustainable Tourism*: By keeping the area wild, you promote sustainable tourism, which supports local businesses and encourages responsible travel practices.

Judith Patton, Pagosa Springs, CO

This idea of a huge development above Wolf Creek is not taking into consideration what it might do to the areas surrounding it. What about all the small towns around? And the traffic on the 160? We cannot accommodate such traffic and influx. It will suck the life blood out of Pagosa Springs.

Most important of all, do we need another Aspen, Telluride, etc.? The people who live in the surrounding areas live here because of the small town atmosphere. We are appalled.

Laurah Brock Young, Pagosa Springs, CO

First of all, wolf creek is NOT big enough to develop! If this goes through, LOCALS will not be able to afford it! I know the lift ticket prices will skyrocket! WE DONT NEED THIS ON OUR TINY MOUNTAIN! Leave it be! Don’t take more nature away from the animals! I want my kid to be able to be a wolf pup for an affordable price in the future! Please keep it as is…a small community mountain!

Shawnette, Pagosa Springs, CO

You cannot undo destruction of the natural world. This area belongs to the people of the United States not solely to the corporations that want to build on it. Keep it green and beautiful and wild! Please!

Susan Wiley, Tannersville, PA

As a community member of Pagosa Springs, I am very much oppose to building a “village” for 10,000 people at Wolf Creek Pass. This is a very harmful idea and the wrong choice for our community and state due to the significant negative impact it will have on the natural resources and wildlife in the area. Wolf Creek Pass is renowned for its pristine natural environment, including dense forests, clean waterways, and diverse wildlife. This development would disrupt the delicate ecological balance, leading to habitat destruction and fragmentation that threaten local species, some of which are already vulnerable or endangered. The construction and subsequent increase in human activity would result in pollution, increased traffic, and noise, further stressing wildlife and degrading the natural beauty of the area. Additionally, the increased demand for water and other resources could strain the local ecosystem, leading to long-term environmental damage that outweighs any short-term economic benefits. Preserving the natural integrity of Wolf Creek Pass is crucial for maintaining the ecological health of the region, the well-being of wildlife, and the enjoyment of future generations. Our community and state must prioritize sustainable development that respects and protects our natural heritage.

JRG, Pagosa Springs, CO

1) A development at the high elevation of nearly 11,000 feet above sea level:
a) Will impose severe stress on the already stressed plants, trees, and wildlife doing their best to survive at this difficult elevation
b) Will likely cause numerous cases of altitude sickness in out of state visitors, and even in-state visitors. The majority of people will not be able to tolerate living or visiting at this high elevation.
c) Will cause an increase in weather related traffic accidents as residents of the development try to navigate in the frequent blizzard like conditions that occur on Wolf Creek Pass
d) Will be an eyesore in this pristine environment
e) In addition to being a severe strain on the fragile eco-system, the development is completely unnecessary, when the towns of Pagosa Springs and South Park are close to the Wolf Creek Pass ski area and can provide vacation homes and hotels
f) Even further damage to the fragile and pristine environment will be caused by building the additional infrastructure of water, electricity, roads, etc. needed to support this unnecessary development
g) The arrogance of the moneyed and powerful can be overwhelming, where they think they can impose their will through their moneyed influence to benefit a tiny wealthy minority at the expense of the environment and the local majority.

Eileen Monyok, Boulder, CO

Many people from New Mexico enjoy Wolf Creek and contribute to the local economy. All that will be lost should this development take place. Intact ecosystems are critically important not just for plants and wildlife, but for our human species.

Liz Aicher, White Rock, NM

I’ve not missed a year at The Creek in almost 30 years and have supported all movements against pillaging for almost as long. Here’s a link to the 10th circuit decision.

Al, Indialantic, IL

I support keeping Wolf Creek and the surrounding area wild, open and untouched.

Anonymous, Greeley, CO

Keep Wolf Creek the way it is and how it is suppose to be.

Lucas Murray, Colorado Springs, CO


Anthony Vendola, Woodland Park, CO

Keep nature wild. There doesn’t have to be people on every square inch of earth. Some places do not need “developments”.

Jackie Christian, Creede, CO

Keep lodging and development out of Wolf Creek ski area!

Nathan Skiba, Buena Vista, CO

This development is the wrong choice for our community and state. Keep Wolf Creek Pass wild!

Erin, Golden, CO

Stop over developing!

Nic J., Peyton, CO

There are plenty of 5 star glitzy resorts in the state of Colorado and throughout the western states. What we need to do is preserve our forests and wildlife that live there. We also do NOT need the crowds and the overindulgence of the human race. Put on your skis, snowshoes, or just your boots and go explore the beauty of Mother Nature! The people of the San Louis Valley do NOT want any more people on our mountains except those than can appreciate the natural beauty they provide!

Douglas Hammett-Lair, Creede, CO

The mountain can’t support the infrastructure needed for a village at this location.

Chellie, Aurora, CO

Wold Creek is an important place for wildlife and fornature. Let’s keep it untouched

Mark H., Morrison, CO

Wolf creek is an amazing place that would be drastically changed in a negative way if this goes through and the building and expansions go forward. Would change the whole area for the worst.

Sam, Boulder, CO

As a lifelong Colorado resident and disabled U.S. Army Ranger, I am vehemently against this development. This is money grubbing at its very worst and most disgusting. Local towns rely on the tourism income and the environmental impacts would be devastating. We don’t need or want this development, and we will fight against it passionately.

Danny Wetmore, Del Norte, CO

Not every skier want a big fancy, expensive ski resort. Some like having the small town feel in there ski areas. Wolf Creek is a family owned ski area ….please help them keep it that way

Dorthy Powell, Oklahoma City, OK

We are a Colorado family who has lived through the devastating consequences of large scale development. Growing up in the Vail Valley we witnessed firsthand being priced out of our homes and watched as the wildlife got pushed further and further out and the massive rise in roadkill related accidents. Do not let this happen to Wolf Creek.

The Lightfoot Family, Alamosa, CO

Stop the destruction of natural beauty.

Everly Gurule, Mancos, CO

There are already many largely developed ski areas in Colorado, we do not need more, we need Wolf Creek to stay local and small

Elizabeth, Center, CO

Please do NOT develop the Wolf Creek area!

Kerry Crandell, Fraser, CO

keep wolf creek small

miles lahue, Boulder, CO

Stop the development of Wolf Creek Pass!!

Robert Shafer, Lafayette, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek wild.

Rebecca Burns, Nederland, CO

Wolf Creek Pass CANNOT realistically and sustainably support a new development such as this one. If it were being developed in a valley and not at 10,000’, this might be a different conversation, but that’s not the reality of it.

Wolf Creek Ski Area is a small, family-owned ski area. It is not on the same level as Breckenridge, Copper, Winter Park or Steamboat, so stop trying to build a new development there that wouldn’t better in one of those 4 places.

Quinton Gonzalez, Carbondale, CO

Let the people of Wolf Creek have a voice and steward their community.

Lisa Schwartz, Boulder, CO

We love Wolf Creek as it is – a mountain that hasn’t been taken over by big money and made into a playground for the rich while becoming unaffordable for locals. There are also already water shortages during drier years, which are becoming more frequent, especially in the San Luis Valley, which relies on snowpack from the high mountains where Wolf Creek is for a lot of agriculture – where are the resources going to come from to support such development? Also wolf creek is on national forest land, with a lease designed to minimize impact, and the area intended for development is a peaceful place for people to recreate in the summer, and habitat for many creatures. Is Wolf Creek becoming yet another place where money and “development” matter more than the land and the animals and people who call the area home? I’ve worked at Wolf Creek for almost 10 years, and learned to ski and snowboard here as a kid. I highly doubt I would continue to support the mountain and the Pitcher family as such a development happens, as I have no desire to be a cog in the wheel of a money making machine where money matters over local sustainability. The development would also take business away from restaurants and hotels in South Fork and Pagosa, many of which in South Fork already struggle to make it since a lot of their revenue relies on winter ski tourists. I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS.

Kaitlin Hulsbos, Pagosa Springs, CO

There is no shortage of resorts in the country. This area does NOT need one. I enjoy camping and hiking here and supporting the locals because of the un-commercialized wilderness. Most people in the country have no idea of the pristine and remote nature of south Colorado. I agree, keep the oligarchs and corporations out!

andrea, Sylvania, OH

Don’t destroy that natural beauty & water that we love on the WOLF CREEK PASS.

James Martini, South Fork, CO

We don’t want a village!!!

Eric, Alamosa, CO

Wolf creek ski are is one of the last great home-town ski resorts with reasonable lift lines and courteous guests, not to mention the wildlife and high pass safety that would be compromised by this development. This development would destroy what makes this area so special. This area doesn’t need anything the development would bring to the pass. Please don’t let people who don’t care about this area destroy something cherished by thousands.

Marta Starr, Fairplay, CO

I worked at Wolf Creek and lived in the SLV for over five years during my 20 years in Colorado. Wolf Creek and surrounding communities are a very special place, unlike any other place in Colorado. The construction of a “village” would create the devastation that has occurred along the Colorado Rockies over the last 50 years leaving nothing but destroyed habitats and massive droves of tourists leaving behind a scarred land and shattered community. Stop the village and the money flowing into the pockets of politicians to help save the natural beauty and the locals surrounding WC.

Terry Henninger, Hilo, HI

Keep Wolf Creek local!!

Roy F., Denver, CO

Supporting responsible growth. This proposal would threaten and displace natural wildlife and resources while setting up a deadly matchbox situation for future wildfires. Very little thought has been put into this plan aside from profits.

Erik Keith, Denver, CO

This is a perfect example of Texas money pushing their beliefs onto Colorado. The corruption here with developers and banks that are too big to fail is being put to the test on one of the last frontiers.

Don’t buccees my Colorado.

John Jobes, Austin, TX

We are running out of small town ski areas. It will soon be a thing of the past. We don’t need more million dollar villages. Send them to vail resorts for that. Keep small Colorado ski resorts alive.

Mel Michel, Frisco, CO

I believe that adding a village to house thousands of people on the top of Wolf Creek is responsible at best, and blatant exploitation at worst. This development will degrade our water and air. Destroy valuable habitat for our wildlife. Put money in the pockets of few to the detriment of thousands. I am absolutely against this development.

Christa Chagra, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep wolf creek small!!!!!

Ashton Kirby, Frisco, CO

The disregard for these small mountain towns, the residents and the wildlife all to get rich is sickening. This is what is wrong with our country. Keep Texas out of Colorado and keep the people that love and cherish this beautiful state as it is.

Courtney Rogers, Denver, CO

While I have not skiied at Wolf Creek yet, I am always envious of the powder the get each winter. I would hate to see an area with such character lose out to developers that only seek to profit from destroying the natural surroundings.

Anonymous, Breckenridge, CO

I support this petition because wolf creek is meant to be a local zone, where LOCALS don’t have to deal with the troubles that come along with commercialization. It has stripped the authenticity and pleasure of wonderful ski resorts that scatter across the state of Colorado. It is nearly impossible to have a day out on the resort without it becoming a whole endeavor due to overpopulation and tourism.

Jake, Boulder, CO

I was born and raised in Southern Colorado and have visited Wolf Creek many many times in my life. It is a place where many of my childhood memories are held and a dear part of my life. This beautiful piece of nature is not open for the destruction and disgrace that developers would bring upon it. I am currently an Active Duty member of the United States Military and coming home to visit and see Wolf Creek is one of my favorite things to do. Here is where you can find the purest of air, where the wildlife thrives and nature grows without bounds. It’s a safe haven provided by God that does not to be ruined by the touch of man, but admired and worshipped. Developments happening on this land will drive away the animals, the good people who care for it, and do nothing but destroy a sacred part of Earth. For the sake of everything that’s good for this land, do not develop, do not ruin, do not touch or tamper and let God’s land flourish the way it is intended to do.

Cheyenne, Manassa, CO

Preserving Wolf Creek is essential for maintaining biodiversity, providing recreational opportunities, and safeguarding cultural heritage. Its protection aligns with our community’s goals of sustainability and resilience. I urge decision-makers to prioritize conservation efforts to ensure a healthier environment, stronger community and a love for Wolf Creek’s less populated recreation for generations to come.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is a special place for all of us in Colorado. Its beauty and wildness are a big part of what makes our state unique. Building a large village there would drastically change that, and not for the better. Thousands of new residents would disrupt the habitats of animals like elk, mule deer, and even migrating birds. This could threaten the delicate balance of the mountain ecosystem. A village of 10,000 people would need a lot of resources. Water, for one, is scarce at high altitudes. Imagine the strain on the local water supply. There would also be issues with traffic congestion and waste disposal.
Wolf Creek Pass is known for its peace and tranquility. A large development would destroy that unique character. It wouldn’t be the same place we all know and love. There are better ways

Mark, Durango, CO

It would ruin all the land up there that is so pristine. It would never be a place for the animals to roam again

William Bradford, Pagosa Springs, CO

keep wolf creek wild and beautiful, not just beacsue wolf creek is such a beautiful area but also because we don’t need to add and contribute to the beautiful earth dying. the growth of these ski resorts kills areas like wolf creek and the economy as well as the surrounding nature and if there is something we can do to stop it i think we should do our best to make a positive change.

Aspen, Durango, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is a beautiful landscape that should not be decimated in order to house people who come to visit only a few months out of the year. Pagosa Springs, Southfork, and Durango have plenty of housing options for people coming to visit. Not only that, but the pass is not suitable for large amounts of traffic that this development could possibly attract. Keep Wolf Creek Pass accessible for the people, no developing!

Grace Mercier, Denver, CO

The environment and subsequent eco-system are always forced to take a back seat to development and progress at the cost of beautiful places that we hold dear. Keep Wolf Creek wild and make the developers get creative and figure something else out.

Anonymous, Denver, CO

Wolf Creek is one of the few undeveloped treasures in CO that is a local’s secret

Diana, Silverthorne, CO

I’ve grown up in SW Colorado. What gives it its charm is its smallness. Development is not needed for ANY reason but greed and money which Colorado makes plenty of off of wolf creek with its ski resort. Nothing about this beautiful nature needs any more additions, it’s beautiful the way it is. This growth spurt of our land can stay within the cities stop destroying our home and the wild animal homes. Stop being so power hungry and look at the beauty of the nature you want to destroy. Lemme say it one more time for the people in the back. NO. MORE. INFRASTRUCTURE. NO MORE BUILDING. LEAVE OUR FOREST AND MOUNTAINS ALONE. Grow elsewhere make genuinely small towns grow a little put them on the map but for everything good leave Wolf Creek alone. No one can handle the weather those mountains truly face without years of preparation, and skill set. Plus nobody wants to drive through the pass and see houses lining the sides and more stores than we can count. Let the passes stay as they are for years and years to come. No one wants this. If you do I am baffled. This is a horrible decision for our environment.

Shea Kramer, Durango, CO

Our roads can not handle the amount of traffic this will bring. Our Big Game that live in this area can not/ will not survive this amount of traffic. We do NOT want to be another play ground to the rich! You will destroy the beauty of the mountain.

Tami Peckham, Del Norte, CO

Born and raised in Pagosa and it has always been a small town. With the development it is completely changing and messsing with the beautiful forests we have. We don’t need to develop more we have to get our hunting and fishing figured we need to continue to conserve our beautiful land and forests and developing is the complete opposite of that.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

The “Village at wolf creek” is an abomination. Wolf creek is and has remained one of the last truly unexploited recreational areas where any and all strata of society can find an opportunity to experience a taste of our once wild wilderness, regardless of their financial status. The average Colorado family does not have the means to treat themselves to $10,000 ski vacation weekends in much of their own home state. However, wolf creek ski area is one of the few exceptions due to there more accessible pricing and family friendly practices. If wolf creek is to be molded into another vail or Aspen-like version of Beverly Hills or Sedona, many and most of the local community will no longer have access to the wonderful activities in their own backyard due to inflated costs and restricted access. The fact that this has been overlooked and denied by the federal government for over 40 years is telling of the fact that the wishes and wellbeing of the area constituentcy is not a factor in decisions made in regard to the allocation of publicly owned assets. The vast outcry from the public is silenced by a billion dollar lobby that simply will not take no for an answer after 40+ years of obvious objection from those who will be immediately affected by the outcome. If allowed, the village at wolf creek will go down in history as a true defeat of the people of the United States of America.

Jeremy Hill, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep it wild! Natural beauty and environments promote happiness and prosperity in both animals and humans! Please protect natural areas like these from being harmed by development.

Autumn Ford, Durango, CO

Don’t ruin our ski area!

Deanna, South Fork, CO

Please leave it wild

Marc, Wichita Falls, TX

Preserve wild spaces!

William, Durango, CO

No more giant condo villages!!! Our wildlife and environment can’t handle it!

Garcia, Oak Creek, CO

I oppose any development of Wolf Creek and I will vote against any elected judge that negates president or ignores environmental impact.

Jennifer Gerber, South Fork, CO

This will ruin the beauty of Wolf Creek pass. It will also take away the lively hood of the surrounding towns.

Leslie, Creede, CO

Wolf Creek should stay a beautiful mountain and let the surrounding towns gain the benefits of tourism. The best part about nature is the lack of development. If you take that away, what you’re left with is another town full of people at a really high elevation. I wish people would put the same amount of effort into maintaining the wilderness and taking care of it instead of trying to destroy it with development. They need to focus on the beauty of the area instead of the money potential.

Kaycee Ross, Pagosa Springs, CO

I believe we should keep as much undeveloped land as possible. There’s only so much wild, undeveloped land left and I want my children and future grandchildren to be able to enjoy these wild places as they are.

Jacob, South Fork, CO

The ecologic and socioeconomic impacts of this project are simply unacceptable. Wolf Creek ski area currently supports local economies in a way that is sustainable and appropriate, while maintaining the watershed and supporting biodiversity. Why is it necessary to develop, and in turn destroy a rare and pristine natural area, to the sole benefit of out-of-state developers who wish to profit from turning Colorado into a Disneyland for Texans? We welcome all visitors to our state who are willing to enjoy these pristine outdoor landscapes with respect.

Andy Hackbarth, Saguache, CO

Skiing at Wolf creek is an amazing experience. No lines, no crowds, fresh powder. Building a resort will ruin ALL of that and for what? To make money. This human being who thinks that is a great idea needs to take his money and ideas back to Texas. My husband and I are originally from Texas. We have lived in colorado for 6 years now for our love of the mountains. We are fortunate enough to have a 2nd home in South Fork where we stay all winter to ski at our favorite mountain. You’re not only taking away from all the locals buy building this monstrosity but your affecting the wildlife. Animals need to be able to access water, shelter, food, etc away from humans in order to survive. Stop killing our wildlife!!! Stop big resort companies. No one wants you here. Stop trying to ruin our home mountain.

Amanda, South Fork, CO

Keep wolf creek wild and small!

Danielle Morrison, Dillon, CO

Save wolf creek! This is to much development for the area, redevelopment would be better in many of the smaller ski resorts and surrounding areas that have closed over the last few decades. Spread out the capital!!

Anonymous, Lakewood, CO

My family and I really value the wild spaces in Colorado, namely Wolf Creek, where we can work a little harder to get off the beaten path and still enjoy world class snow without headache. We don’t want to be exclusionary and we believe anybody who wants to should be able to access these incredible places as well but there are existing towns in close enough proximity that can absorb visitors without jeaporidizing our wild spaces that can and should be preserved for future generations to enjoy!!!

Ann, Colorado Springs, CO

Speaking as a former citizen of a similarly contentious LEX deal, the USFS can only do so much in the face of funded congressional nepotism. Keep Wolf Creek wild

Mark Castaneda, Fort Collins, CO

This proposed development is wrong on so many levels! What about the environmental impacts…downstream watershed contamination from the ‘village’, the fact that downstream states (NM and TX) have first rights to the Rio Grande water, etc? What about the impact to the species that call the area ‘home’, some of which are endangered or threatened (such as the Canadian lynx)? What about the fact that appropriate studies haven’t even been done? What about the fact that this has been shown for decades now to be a bad idea for numerous reasons? What about the fact that those of us who live here don’t want this? There are too many mega-resorts and ‘villages’ already! Please keep Wolf Creek wild and pristine! NO ‘village’!

THG, Alamosa, CO

I’m a builder, I support development, however as an ethical and conscious builder, I also support revitalization of existing, in favor of bulldozing down pristine land for more ‘new’ and especially working to prevent destruction for construction in pristine areas like this.

Mark Mico, Albuquerque, NM

Wolf Creek pass is a beautiful, unique and special area that need to be protected. I’ve visited the area many time for skiing, backcountry skiing, and hiking. When I visit I stay in Del Norte and support the local economy. Part of the special character or the area is that it is far from any major cities or developments. This gives it a remote and wild feeling. Building a large development on Wolf Creek pass would destroy this character and would block a major wildlife corridor.

Please save Wolf Creek pass from development.

Dave, Barnet, VT

Neither Wolf Creek Ski Area nor Pagosa Springs can support the development and people it will bring to the area. This will have significant impact on the existing infrastructure and the surrounding open lands and wilderness. I suggest you make a contribution to the community by instead making the property a conservation easement and if earned income is necessary, charge a nominal fee for access. I suspect tax benefits can also be realized by doing so. Trust For Public Lands can probably provide guidance on this if needed. I will gladly support you in an initiative to develop the property for conservation.

Randy Merker, Pagosa Springs, CO

The development proposed at Wolf Creek is the wrong choice for our community. Development in this area on Wolf Creek Pass would have massive impact on the ecosystem as well as the people that depend on this area for water by disrupting the snow pack we are already losing at alarming rates.

We do not want a village. We want tourist to spend time in local towns around the ski area such as Del Norte, South Fork, Creede, Pagosa. These towns rely on the ski area tourism to stay alive and thrive. Having people stay in town between time on the slopes makes for vibrant downtowns.

Please help us maintain the beautiful ecosystem and quality of life in our towns. We don’t want to be Breckenridge.

Katie, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is some of the best snow the Colorado has ever seen. Therefore, we don’t need all of Texas coming in building. Huge condos filling up lines. Leave it wild, leave it for the people. Do not mess with Wolf Creek. Leave it just like it is.

Aaron, Denver, CO

I’ve ridden over 30 resorts in the last 5 years, and Wolf Creek holds a special place amongst all of them.

The community at Wolf Creek is a welcoming place for locals and vacationers alike. The mountain itself is perfect for what it is now, it will lose all of its charm if it goes the same route as many resorts in co & ut.

A village would also negatively affect the communities of Pagosa and South Fork, decreasing the amount of revenue in those cities and driving up the cost of living. A village could be the death of the surrounding areas of WC.

WC is worth the time and money to ski, but I (as well as the majority of my ski partners) will not return to the creek if the village proceeds. We will not support the loss of another great American ski resort to corporate greed.

LJ, Eagle Mountain, UT

Construction of the village will would harm the local ecosystems – taking water resources away from the Rio Grande headwaters and watershed, the already endangered lynx would feel more stress and pressure from the new development. And the small local businesses would face even more competition potentially ruining the local communities. And the Wolf Creek pass is not designed for the safety and increase in traffic volume for 10,000 plus additional people. The development is bad for our mountains and bad for our community.

Ricardo Lopez, Alamosa, CO

This area does not need more condos. Protect Wolf Creek!

Eva Holland, Sacramento, CA

I am a Texas resident to travels to WC Pass to ski and hike. The pass is wild and rugged and it must stay that way!! Development of the pass will have many negative consequences which are not justifiable!!!

Melanie Martin, Amarillo, TX

Development in Colorado is out of control and this would be one of the worst developments for our state. There’s no upside to this

Clinton, Manassa, CO

I went to college in Durango and frequented Wolf Creek throughout my years there. It’s an amazing gem of a ski area and should remain a beacon of hope for affordability in the ski industry. I work in the outdoor industry and we continue to look to increase participation levels, and we do so in skiing without adding new ski areas, unlike other sports where we build new facilities to handle increased demand. This would only take away from the pristine, uncrowded experience that Wolf Creek currently offers. Ultimately, this would do more harm to the ski community in Southwest Colorado, and also decimate the natural environment on the pass.

Keep Wolfie Wild, Lafayette, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek wild!

Anonymous, Dillon, CO

I have been aware of this battle for years. I first heard about it in high school, and it is one of the stories that inspired me to achieve a college degree in wildlands conservation. Little projects like preserving Wolf Creek Pass make a massive difference in keeping Colorado wild. We need to keep our wildlands protected from developers, because these are the lands that make up our home. I have dedicated my life to wildlife and wildlands conservation because I don’t want to live in a Colorado without it. And I am pretty sure the rest of the population agrees.

Allie Chipman, Gunnison, CO

This section of the Rio Grande National forest is an invaluable resource for our state and drier regions at large with the density of trees and water we receive there. It feeds the Rio Grande, a vital resource for high desert communities below. We need to keep this ecosystem intact in order for this place to remain as stable as possible. I used to live down in the San Luis Valley and would often visit Wolf Creek. I LOVE that there aren’t any condos or massive developments. It is part of the character of the gem that Wolf Creek is. Do not disturb this land for second homeowners that may visit once or twice a year or for rentals that continue to exasperate classism, pollution, and displacement. Let this community be.

Jillian Tomlinson, Steamboat Springs, CO

Keep this amazing family ski resort local. Colorado has enough tourist destinations that destroy small towns and kills your local work force and housing. Don’t let idiots ruin this place.

Mason Morrison, Breckenridge, CO

A development of this size would not only alter the existing ecosystem and affect wildlife, but also change the character and operation of Wolf Creek ski area as we know it, which I, as a local, am against.

Amyrose Messina, Pagosa Springs, CO

STILL?! Trying to get this “village” situated? STOP. STOP this idiocy. The people say NO!

Mary Higgins, Albuquerque, NM

I grew up going over this pass. I learned to drive over this pass. When I think of my beautiful home, this whole county is what I think of. I have brought my friends from all around the world to this special part of Colorado. Any form of development will completely ruin this special place. One of the prettiest places in Colorado. Please leave our home alone!!

Anonymous, Monte Vista, CO

Parts of Colorado, like Wolf Creek Pass, are what makes this state so unique and beautiful. Let the people who live here decide what to do with our state, not these tycoons who are only interested in capital gain.

Kelsey, Frisco, CO

Building a 10,000-person village at Wolf Creek Pass is an unsustainable and uninviting project that will ultimately affect the surrounding natural environment and hurt the surrounding communities. This development is not sustainable at such a high altitude and so far from other services. As well it will not contribute to positive surrounding businesses because it will change the whole character of the serene Wolf Creek Pass. Not all development is good for overall business opportunities.

Eric, Pagosa Springs, CO

This place draws us in because of its small crowds, endless powder, and little mountain vibe. Continuing with a project like this will truly take away from all the allure wolf creek has to offer. Please don’t be like the rest of the world and make a good thing bad, just let it be.

Jared Conway, Boulder, CO 80302

Developing 1500+ units of housing on the summit of a delicate ecosystem is a tragic retelling of the story of Icarus set in the modern day. Be like Daedalus, buy a home in Pagosa Springs. Don’t be like Icarus.

Stephen, Durango, CO

Wolf creek was a part of my childhood, we have already lost so much land to developments, and I would someday like my children to witness the beauties within those mountains.

larrea, Denver, CO

Fight the development scum that ruins our state

DJ, Ebert, CO

There is no reason for there to be a development at Wolf Creek Pass except for someone that doesn’t care about the area to line their pockets. It has been working fine for decades supporting Pagosa Springs and South Fork. Keep Wolf Creek Wild.

Jim, Monte Vista, CO

Wolf creek is a beautiful pass and ski area. Commercializing it is only gonna destroy the natural beauty of that area

Matt, Denver, CO

Keep Wolf Creek pass wild.

Jay, Golden, CO

Keep Colorado Wild

Iris, Monte Vista, CO

Wolf Creek Ski resort remains one of the last great, family-owned and affordable ski areas in the state because of the lack of developments around the area. I believe a growth this rapid would not be sustainable not only environmentally but economically for the area.

Caroline Knight, Durango, CO

Over 60 years of family history here in Pagosa Springs, 15 years working at wolf creek and this village is a greedy reasoning to make money for the ones who feel “it is a great move”. To have the amount of Units on Wolf Creek they are wanting is a joke, and taking away the future of why it is so amazing. On a busy day, we hold 6000 people at Wolf Creek Ski area, and they want more to be residing in the village. This impact is far greater than any impact the forest service has tried to hold the owner of the ski area from doing, and they are going to allow it? No true local wants this… expand the ski area. Expand the depths of our skier experience, but don’t do this to our sacred lands. Our divide is already changing and growing as we speak due to over selling and why can’t we prosper the towns of south fork, Pagosa and beyond, well they want it for themselves and that’s not right. I am a big NO on the village!!

Kevin, Pagosa Springs, CO

A “village” on Wolf Creek Pass would cause irreparable damage to the pristine ecosystem of the area. It is irresponsible, reckless, and immeasurably selfish to develop on that land.

bella liffick, Durango, CO

Ski resort villages suck. They build in a place that causes everyone who wants to ski to have to navigate through a maze of shops selling their wares. They also require a lot of people to staff it, and the ecology of Wolf Creek Pass doesn’t support it.

Phil, Steamboat Springs, CO

This place draws us in because of its small crowds, endless powder, and little mountain vibe. Continuing with a project like this will truly take away from all the allure wolf creek has to offer. Please don’t be like the rest of the world and make a good thing bad, just let it be.

Jared Conway, Boulder, CO

Keep it small

Kyra Glatz, Denver, CO

At a time when we’re seeing a lot of changes to our environment, I believe it is more important than ever to protect our natural resources. I am against developing a “village” on Wolf Creek pass because development ALWAYS has negative effects on the wildlife, ecosystems and ultimately the people who reside there (or nearby). I grew up in Pagosa and I want to see Wolf Creek pass protected so that I can continue to go back and appreciate it with new friends or family. Please, think beyond the money and consider what future we should be protecting this place for.

Anonymous, Gunnison, CO

We don’t want this huge development in our area. People that want to ski with crowds and traffic can go to Aspen or Vail. It would detrimentally alter the character of this rural area.

Kathleen Kathleen, Del Norte, CO

To permanently scar these beautiful mountains for a town which will serve little purpose other than further human interference and destruction in our forests would be a huge mistake. There are plenty of towns on either side of the pass to continue development. Towns which probably need the money and resources and housing that would be wasted on this new eyesore of an idea. Keep Colorado Wild

Mo, Mancos, CO

Please preserve Wolf Creek and build your luxury village elsewhere—there’s no shortage of high-end mountain villages. Leave Wolf Creek to the people who love skiing and the small-resort experience.

Anonymous, Breckenridge, CO

There is no reason to touch such a beautiful piece of land and the wildlife that live there!
Gluttony and greed are killing this planet and we should do everything in our power to prevent such wasteful ideas and notions!

grace caldwell, Durango, CO

Do what’s best for the earth

Kerry, Bridgeport, CT

I support the battle to keep Wolf Creek Pass wild!!

Sophia, Denver, CO

Wolf creek is a beautiful area that already has enough ecological impact from the ski resort and the mountain pass, and absolutely does not need any more of our footprint out there

Holden, Durango, CO

I spent summers with my grandparents as a child and still frequent Wolf Creek. I can’t imagine why this development would be needed. Especially in this day and age, large developments are not worth the destruction that they entail on the environment. Practically everything beautiful is destroyed these days. Buildings can be placed anywhere, but once land is destroyed it’s gone. Animals deserve a home. Keep Wolf Creek wild.

Ry, Fort Myers, FL

I live in the front range and make trips to Wolf Creek a couple times each winter to specifically get away from the mega resort. The I-70 corridor is full of over developed areas. What makes Wolf Creek so special is the mom and pop vibe that you can’t easily find in the ski industry anymore. Wolf Creek offers deep snow and no frills skiing at its finest!

Anonymous, Denver, CO

10,000 beds!!!! The ski area has a hard time supporting 5000 skiers. I am curious as to where the road into the Village will originate. Will there be a stoplight on Hwy 160? Will truckers be able to stop in time? Also, where will the water to support this development be obtained? Will the sewer system be adequate to prevent pollution of the South Fork of the Rio? With this development the nearby towns will suffer a huge economic loss since folks won’t be staying in, eating at or renting from, the locals who depend on Wolf Creek to survive. The ecological impact of having 10,000 people in this pristine area will be devastating. Who, other than the developers who already have more than enough money, will benefit from “The Village.” Greed is the worst of all the Cardinal Sins and will be the downfall of our precious Earth.

CO, Del Norte, CO

Just No.

Katie German, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please keep some areas as they are. No additional “villages” built where NO ONE lives but resources are consumed.

Anonymous, Winter Park, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild

Evan, Vail, CO

This development is unnecessary especially when out of state residence want to come to another state and develop onto national public land which is part of our natural environment. We are in no need of these people to be building here so they can take their Texas resident butts back to Texas, stay there and stop trying to ruin other states with damaging our natural mountains. This is completely unnecessary and inhumane. This affects the wildlife as well also economic development will also be affected. We live in a place where we are impacted by high poverty levels and by these residents moving in to a local area near us will cause prices to increase more. We do not need this at all, therefore I do not support the construction of this leave mountains alone go back to Texas. We do not want you here in Colorado if you are not going to respect our nature and leave it alone, take your development ideas to Houston.

Anonymous Z, Center, CO

As someone who uses federally granted recreational business permits to teach sustainable recreational practices on Wolf Creek pass, I am appalled at the short-sighted and greed-driven decision on the part of the managing bodies. I pay significant annual fees in the name of conservation. This is a slap in the face for all that have been habitually subjected to a ridiculous and financially unsustainable standard for decades just to have this potential blight approved.

Craig Butler, Pagosa Springs, CO

The quiet magic of Wolf Creek should
Be retained for everyone to enjoy. Plenty if
Development opportunities on both sides
Of the hill

Jason Faust, Centennial, CO

Wolf Creek should remain wild and cannot support a huge development

Anonymous, Breckenridge, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Wolf Creek

Ross Meyer, Frisco, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild and pristine!

Aaron, Breckenridge, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is a majestic endurance of timeless wilderness. Bigger is not better. Keep our small ski resort a small gem.

Elizabeth Massengale, Pagosa Springs, CO

I am in support of leaving the land as is. The forest does not need any more development.

Jehonathan Frankhouse, Rio Rancho, NM

Wolf Creek has been one of the greatest ski resorts in Colorado with its small town atmosphere to having great tree runs. With putting up a village to “help” Wolf Creek become more Successful. Would truly lose more profits then benefits. Without the small Colorado mountain town vibes and old style ski resort it Takes out the most important things that make Wolf Creek so special, Putting up a village will get rid of locals and make Wolf Creek a plain boring experience ski resort just like the other ones around Colorado. There is no way we can stand back and watch Wolf Creek one be one of the greatest Colorado ski resorts into a village. I have lived here my whole life and loved Wolf Creek for how it is. Instead of being an excessive stupid village.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Say no to this deal!!!

Sudan, Dillon, CO

We all know where this is going. Another gem of Colorado sold and destroyed to the highest bidder. Don’t ruin another small ski resort is locals hold dear.

Casey, Denver, CO

I support keeping development out of the Wolf Creek area. I support keeping the ecosystem intact to protect diminishing natural areas of Colorado. I support the surrounding communities by keeping the business with them. Devouring the country in development is and will ultimately be regrettable for all the native species and the human race who depends on the earth and it’s health.

Anonymous, Alamosa, CO

The village at Wolf Creek will overwhelm this pristine environment. The sheer number of visitors will strain the local water supply, a critical resource in the high alpine. Increasing water consumption and wastewater accumulation will overload existing facilities, and potentially pollute the delicate watershed that feeds the San Juan Valley. Increased traffic will disrupt the peaceful character of nearby towns, while the large-scale development at Wolf Creek Pass will mar the area’s natural beauty. The village might offer a short-term economic boost, but the influx of tourists will strain the local infrastructure and drive business towards the new development and in turn away from the surrounding towns, ultimately harming the unique charm and economic stability of the surrounding communities. Our collective environmental and social responsibility needs to supersede profit of the few.

Iris Devlin, South Fork, CO

This would be horrible for the natural environment and the community. We don’t want it!!

Lindsey, Albuquerque, NM

Enough’s enough, go to Vail, Aspen, Breckenridge, or Telluride. Leave Wolf Creek wild. Don’t drive out the locals with an economy that they can’t afford & bring in a huge influx of people that do not appreciate it for what it is, & are only interested in profits. Stop the development [nonsense].

steven c siegel, Farmington, NM

Please no developments in this area.

Diane Noveroske, White Rock, NM

There should never be a development here where the wild should be wild.

Rebecca Deacon, Monte Vista, CO

Does not need to happen keep it wild

Leora, Alamosa, CO

As a 3 year long resident of Del Norte, and 7 year long resident of the SLV I oppose further development of Wolf Creek. South Fork already has several RV parks and further development occurring. If any plans for development should occur I do hope the developers reconsider and propose to further develop South Fork, instead of a vulnerable area such as Wolf Creek.

Allyson (Al) Stone, Del Norte, CO

Don’t mess up ecosystems. We need those!

Paula Wolgram, Alamosa, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Wild!! This development will kill the local culture.

Schuyler Pratt, Charlestown, MA

Please don’t allow yet another small privately owned ski area fall to the greedy and misguided. The proposed development will indeed force the owners to ultimately sell. It would ruin the charm and soul of the area, and ecologically it would be even worse. It would turn Wolf Creek and the surrounding area into another completely unaffordable place to live for the majority of us. Please stop this [nonsense].

Steve, Cañon City, CO

Please don’t ruin this beautiful space. Haven’t we done enough already? Some things need to remain sacred but maybe we’re bent on proving otherwise.

Nathan, Augusta, GA

This area is one if the last pristine mtn ranges left in the entire state. Don’t let it turn into another over run poorly managed area like my town of Steamboat. Corporate greed will eventually kill Colorado’s ski culture forever if we let these developments continue

Mike Higgins, Steamboat Springs, CO

Please do not do this.

Jeff Hoffmeyer, Boulder, CO

Absolutely awful idea. No need to destroy such a beautiful area, I’ve grown up in Pagosa my entire life and to see that this decision is being made breaks my heart. Not to mention how much it’s going to making living in Pagosa or South Fork 100x harder for the people that own small businesses such as restaurants or hotels

Brock, Pagosa Springs, CO

Stop the pillage!

Derek Kutzer, Pagosa Springs, CO

It’s gonna destroy of one of the historical places in Colorado. It is one of the most popular area for sledding and skiing. I do understand that it will help to put a roof for a lot of people. But, it is also destroying the happiness and the house of the wildlife. We have to many buildings that we are losing a lot of trees. I believe that it will affect our climate change as well.

Developing a well known area are only for the good of rich people.

Lj08, Antonito, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek as it is. It’s one of the last areas that’s not been fully encumbered by new construction and a population boom.

Ryan Kwasky, Fort Collins, CO

Never develop Wolf Creek. Keep somewhere special.

Christian Caldwell, Durango, CO

We do not need to continue destroying land for tourism. The state has already boomed in development which is ruining local mountain towns, pushing out locals for rich people to have vacation homes. This development will only contribute to the growing problem Colorado is facing by bringing outside business to develop on rural land for profit. It is not needed, or wanted by those who have lived here for years or generations. The reason this area is so desired to begin with is because of the rural beauty. By developing it you will not only be destroying homes to the wildlife but as well as destroying part of what makes this area so special to begin with.

Ryan, Carbondale, CO

I am confused how the land swap with the forest service benefits the public. Sure seems to benefit the developers more. Story about my experience at Wolf Creek. Huge powder day phenomenal skiing. Wife’s in lodge reading as she does often and this older gentleman comes up and checks in on her to see how she’s doing. A couple hours later he stops by and chats to her for a 15 minutes. On our way out we see him talking with how they had 300ppl on the mountain today and was excited about all the great skiing come to find out he was one of the family members who run the mountain. This experience doesn’t happen at Vail, Keystone, Copper, or even A-Basin (Al H. Probably the closest thing). The experience that Wolf Creek provides is dying. If the mountain felt they needed a resort to drive business I would be all for it but the fact that they’ve spent decades fighting this should tell us it is a bad deal. They know what the mountain and surrounding infrastructure can support. Please listen to those in the community that this decision affects and not special interests from outside of Colorado.

Sean Nash, Golden, CO

I love the secluded feel of Wolf Creek as it as always in. It’s a place to connect with nature and your fellow humans. Please deny the proposed development and protect the natural character of the area.

Marcus Thackston, Carbondale, CO

It would be difficult to imagine a worse place for a development than the Wolf Creek summit – and the fact that it’s enjoyed by so many in the current configuration really makes you wonder why this remains a topic of conversation. Tell the Texans no and let’s move on.

Paul, Bayfield, CO

Why would you ruin something so great! This is a Colorado gem

Tyler Ems, Boulder, CO

This area is covered not only by the people but paramount to the animals that live there. We will not see development take their homes for greedy mouths to be filled with dollar bills.

Melena Vanderford, Alamosa, CO

Why is this again a battle? This will impact the natural habitat of many mountain species, and economically will not be a benefit to the economy. There is already absolutely zero affordable housing in the area…where will people who work here live? This changes infrastructure as well and I doubt the McCombs family will even care about this piece, as they didn’t care the first battle for our land. None of this makes sense except to greedy billionaires who don’t even use the mountain, or live here. This is a ridiculous money grab, plain and simple.

Colleen E Hurst, Del Norte, CO

Colorado already has enough fancy resorts.

Joy Meadows, Boulder, CO

We can not let another person who has so much money they don’t know what to with it destroy more of the little forest land we have.

Brandon, Durango, CO

The Village at Wolf Creek is a bad idea in so many ways, but you seldom hear that it, if built, is doomed to fail. All the beds in its hotel and residential units would be above 10,000 feet above sea level. Many people from lower elevations feel ill or much worse trying to stay and sleep that high. It will fail, and much mischief will be done on the way to that failure.

James Milstein, Durango, CO

“They paved paradise, put up a parking lot/With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin’ hot spot.”

Construction of the Village at Wolf Creek and the roads and infrastructure needed to support it will destroy what may be “the most biodiverse concentrated, ecologically sensitive area left in the southern Rockies” and create epic pollution at the Continental Divide. Add outrageous traffic and crowds, and in no time we will have swapped something that has been accessible to virtually everyone for something that will become the overcrowded playground of the Gulfstream-and-Limousine Set.

Wolf Creek currently walks the talk that others merely chirp: Stewardship, Sustainability, and Community Contributions. Will the proposed Village, underwritten by investors hungry for outsized financial returns, realistically complement today’s eco-friendly mission?

Let’s also consider the economic impact on Wolf Creek’s neighbors, since developers often tout the economic benefits to the surrounding communities. Nowadays, Wolf Creek every afternoon sends its skiers to nearby hotels, bars, and restaurants—promoting an essential economic foundation for its neighboring communities. In a “developed” Wolf Creek, Villagers won’t likely be making the trek out of their wealthy bubble for dinner. So adios skier business to the local communities. To state otherwise is trickle-down hogwash. With a “developed” Wolf Creek, local economies will suffer, and the only economic winners will be the investors.

Joni also reminded us: “Don’t it always seem to go/That you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone?”

Stop the [nonsense], stop the Village. Let’s Keep Wolf Creek Real.

Sam Houston McCroskey, Princeton, NJ

Ever since I can remember I have always admired Wolf Creek Pass for its wild, docile surroundings and it would be a shame to even think of starting a town there. Durango has already been overrun with out of staters and it’s driven the locals out because it became too expensive, and I’m horrified the same would happen to Wolf Creek Pass should this development come to fruition. Humans have already made a huge, devastating impact on wildlife by encroaching into their habitats and further commercial development would surely be a heart wrenching blow to the wildlife and environment for this splendid part of Colorado. NO PILLAGE AT WOLF CREEK PLEASE

Elliott Jim, Waterflow, NM

I strongly support keeping Wolf Creek Pass wild. Enough is enough when it comes to developing our public lands and wild places. Not everything has to be exploited for the age of greed that we currently live in.

BD, Durango, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild; please don’t turn it into a Vail resort. Overpriced and too crowded.

Jody, Los Alamos, NM

It is so disheartening seeing more and more land turned into development every single day. Please make the socially and environmentally responsible decision.

Caroline, Durango, CO

This is a beautiful and wonderful place. Its attraction is that there is not a “resort” or those issues to contend with. Please, keep Wolf Creek’s natural beauty in tact and keep improvements minimal.

Molly, Frost, TX

I do not support development at Wolf Creek. As a 5th generation Pagosan, my family and I have seen the town grow and prosper in wonderful ways this threatens the economy of the town, along with the town of South Fork across the pass. Small businesses and families rely on this ski income. Also, taking natural forest land in an area with reintroduced Canada lynx that’s recovering from a major spruce beetle epidemic is not something I support. Wolf Creek Ski area and Pass are known and loved for their remote, natural beauty and rugged terrain. Please listen to the people of Pagosa, South Fork, and of Colorado at large and do not allow this development to destroy a section of this unique and vulnerable environment, and to wreak havoc on the local economies and families who depend on the overnight stays of Ski tourism in town and let wolf creek ski area remain as is. It is known and loved for its lack of a village, remote and rugged terrain, and draws in a crowd looking for more of a back country experience rather than another Vail, Aspen, or Breckenridge.

Carson, Pagosa Springs, CO

It’s a rare gem at Wolf Creek. Not only to keep it wild & free as one of the last great places in Colorado but why are we even having to fight for this considering the ecological impact from this plan. Does no one care about our ONLY planet….money won’t buy another one so it would be nice to have some respect for last few places we still can experience the Earth & Mother Nature without the hand of human ruining the land.

Morgan, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek local and family friendly!

Colt, Arapaho, OK

Wolf Creek Pass does not have the capacity for a development of this size. From a skier’s point of view, Wolf Creek is one of the last remaining ski areas unspoiled by the resort mentality plaguing the sport. From an ecological standpoint, the area is key to maintaining habitat for wildlife, and protecting a healthy watershed for the communities on both sides of the pass is vital. Please protect this Colorado treasure from exploitation.

Erin Laine, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is the heart of this area. Don’t ruin it by conforming like the rest. It’s a hidden gem that is filled with powder and LOCAL families. Think about the people. Stop thinking about money.

Emily, Seward, AK

I grew up in the valley. Was amazing in 60s 70s. Then we got transplants. Tex. Cali. They are rude overbearing and are ruining one of the last open spaces left in Colorado!! DONT LET EM BUILD ANY MORE!!

John Wilson, Burlington, CO

I oppose development of Wolf Creek Pass. Wolf Creek Pass is a beautiful and scenic area and developing it is irresponsible and against what the local community wants to see.

Christina, Ouray, CO

Keep Wolf Creek protected from massive development. Listen to the locals and those who aren’t trying to capitalize on others’ losses of lifestyle and habitat! Greed needs to be stopped.

Wendy, Jamestown, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek wild. We don’t need another development in a place that’s special because it’s wild.

Lizzy Owens, Eagle, CO

This area is way too small to support a development of this size.

Megan Custy, Breckenridge, CO

I support keeping Wolf Creek Pass wild and undeveloped.

Anonymous, Silverthorne, CO

I strongly oppose additional & unnecessary development at Wolf Creek ski area. This would have detrimental scenic & environmental impacts. This development would greatly change the character of a beloved independent Colorado ski area and have negative economic impacts for the gateway communities of Pagosa Springs & Del Norte / South Fork.

CO, Littleton, CO

Leave it alone. No need for this monstrosity

Courtney Freeman, Hays, KS

This Village development proposal is alarming. It would have detrimental impacts to the ecology and economy of those people local to the region, threatening both human and non-human livelihoods. Tourism income benefits would be isolated only to owners at the expense of family-run businesses in neighboring towns, and cost of living increases would drive residents and workers out of the valley (as other resort regions in Colorado have already seen). Environmental impacts would be far reaching, since Wolf Creek’s snowmelt provides water to the region more broadly. I urge developers and decision-makers to re-evaluate this plan and identify a more suitable alternative location for development.

Alison, Longmont, CO

I do not support a large development in this pristine forest location. Wolf Creek ski area is a special place and the small family owned ambiance will be lost. I am a skier and a believer in keeping as much of our existing forest ecosystems free of development.

Louise Van vonno, Durango, CO

Enough development is enough! After being a Colorado resident and skier for the last 36 years, I am sick of seeing our way of life impacted by irresponsible development where there is not adequate infrastructure.

Please keep Wolf Creek Pass wild!

Colorado, Castle Pines, CO

Proposing a large-scale development on Wolf Creek Pass, CO, would not only disrupt the delicate ecological balance of this pristine area but also threaten its unique biodiversity. With over 10,000 people, the proposed development would inevitably lead to increased pollution, habitat destruction, and strain on local resources.

Wolf Creek Pass is home to numerous species of flora and fauna, many of which are already under pressure due to human encroachment. Introducing such a large population into this environment would exacerbate existing challenges, endangering vulnerable species and disrupting critical ecosystems.

Moreover, the pass is part of the headwaters region for several important rivers, serving as a vital water source for downstream communities. The environmental impacts of the proposed development could have far-reaching consequences, affecting not only the local area but also the broader watershed and beyond.

In addition to environmental concerns, a development of this scale would fundamentally alter the character of Wolf Creek Pass and surrounding communities. The serene beauty and natural splendor that draw visitors to the area would be irreversibly compromised, replaced by urban sprawl, traffic congestion, and commercialization.

Preserving Wolf Creek Pass in its natural state is not only essential for safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystem health but also for maintaining the region’s cultural and recreational significance. Instead of prioritizing short-term economic gains, we must prioritize the long-term sustainability and integrity of this precious natural resource for future generations to enjoy.

Amanda Hurley, South Fork, CO

there will be a tremendous negative impact. this is a bad choice

Kelly, Arvada, CO

Creating a resort at Wolf Creek takes away from the wildlife and takes away trees. That area of forest already has had substantial loss due to fires and beetle kill, and tearing down what is trying to regrow is not beneficial to the area. The resort will also increase prices of everything. Locals will no longer be able to enjoy the ski area with the increased prices. Also this will also increase the number of accidents that happen on the pass, due to the increased amount of tourists. Wolf Creek Pass is not a drive for everyone. This will also affect areas surrounding that rely on tourists to keep open. Tourists will no longer stay at hotels or cabins within the towns because they will go to resorts. This will also increase cost of living in those areas, pushing locals to move elsewhere. This is already happening in Vail and Aspen, where nurses, teachers, etc can not afford to live in towns with ski resorts.

Anonymous, Monte Vista, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek Pass wild. Stunning views, ultimate wildlife… needs to be preserved!

Beautiful Area, Copper Mountain, CO

As a CO resident and public lands user, I strongly discourage Colorado from allowing development of homes on top of Wolf Creek, Colorado. The impact to this pristine nature setting would be irreversible and the harm would affect generations to come. Please don’t sell out CO and allow this proposal to be approved, the wild life and humans will thank you for keeping CO wild. Thank you

Tom Kent, Ridgway, CO

I believe Wolf Creek Pass should remain how it is, with natural terrain, trees, and wildlife.

Amanda Lopez, Sanford, CO

Why does everything have to be developed? So some greedy bastard can make more money? Just leave it alone. Wolf Creek is fine the way it is.

David Huls, Grass Valley, CA

A village would absolutely destroy not only the wildness of Wolf Creek, but the entire surrounding community. The expense and influx would drive out the locals, unable to afford the expense of competing with outsiders. Just look around, Vail, Aspen, Breckenridge, it’s been shown time and time again, those large villages kill the tiny communities that surround them. Please don’t ruin our home.

Anonymous, Del Norte, CO

This is a beautiful area that already has gained a lot of traffic. While development may increase tourism it will also increase danger with people from all over traveling in winter mountain conditions without an understanding of what those are like.

Dana, Montezuma, CO

It is a beautiful land and we should keep Colorado colorful!

Jordan, Leadville, CO

Please stop out of state actors from coming to Colorado and destroying our wilderness and wildlife.

Stop the Texas Invasion, Edwards, CO

We seek to preserve nature and the authenticity of Wolf Creek Ski Area. 

Colin, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek does not need a big resort

Scott, Farmington, NM

Don’t let Wolf Creek get blown out like everywhere else in CO thanks to Texas

Kody, Silverthorne, CO

I would love to stop any mass corporations from building on such beautiful land and wilderness. This is one of my favorite places to see the mountains and appreciate the vast landscape. I have so many pictures from this area and it really holds such a big place in my heart. Please don’t make it ugly and take away the charm.

Megan, Durango, CO

Keep Wolf Creek local and small! Development of this ski hill would impact wildlife and ecosystems past the point of repair. CO has plenty of ski resorts!

Lindsay, Morrison, CO

Let Wolf Creek be wild!

Javi, Durango, CO

I am in full support of keeping Wolf Creek exactly as it is. Why must we develop every stinking gem in the world? Build more skyscrapers in cities, not in our wilds.

Cory W. Schmidt, Breckenridge, CO

I don’t think we need any more development in nature. We already have enough of it in the plains.

Austin Trail, Englewood, CO

This development would disrupt the local small business economy with corporate greed and the special wild environment. I do not support the relentless greed of those in wealth and power to destroy the environment and small local economies. Keep Wolf Creek wild.

Erica Brown, Albuquerque, NM

Love Wolf Creek! It’s unique and has amazing snow. And the surrounding forest is absolutely beautiful. It should be protected as is.

Shannon Toler, Tulsa, OK

If the people have voted and don’t want it then the development company should respect that.

James DeHerrera, Colorado Springs, CO

One of the best things about Wolf Creek is its small mountain feel. By building lodges and such, that feeling would be destroyed. On top of that, the natural beauty of the landscape would be destroyed and affect the environment and organisms that live there. I’m also worried that building a lodge would negatively affect the economy of the towns nearby. No longer would they be getting the revenue of people staying at those hotels/motels/etc. Building a “village” is going to lead to overcrowding. All in all, this is would be a major mistake to move forward with this project.

Joe, Englewood, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Pass wild

Trey Owens, Albuquerque, NM

I don’t support the village because I feel it will jeopardize everyone’s pay and possible position for many who work during the winter at Wolf Creek. Also, I believe the village will try to expand on what is allowed for them and what not allowed to people not living in the community. Alberta Lake is a great example on becoming private. Wolf Creek is great because it pays employees well, it’s not corporate, lift lines are short or non existing. Passes are reasonable. Villages at other resorts flood out and over populate ski areas. Also I don’t feel that the village will benefit Pagosa or South Fork areas. No on the village, let the wilderness and wildlife be undisturbed in that area.

Max, Pagosa Springs, CO

Gotta stay wild

Parker Randles, Denver, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild! Snowpack at Wolf Creek is extremely precious. As a former resident of the beautiful San Luis Valley I know where their water comes from- and these residents deserve better and this would greatly impact them. Furthermore, Wolf Creek Ski Area is on Rio Grande National Forest land and serves as an important ecosytem for native flora and fauna. We must protect the forest, watershed and ecosystem as a whole. If this development were to go through, it would compromise not only the ecosystem, but its watershed and also the people of the SLV. No more development in Colorado! Some areas need to stay wild in the state and this is one of them.

LYoung, Grand Lake, CO

Keep nature wild. No more condos for billionaires

Shannon Myrick, Frisco, CO

Really bad idea for the environment. Wolf Creek is perfect as it is.

Nancy, Breckenridge, CO

Developing a “village” around Wolf Creek will ruin our cherished small ski resort. This would make the area overcrowded and drive up costs, making it inaccessible for many. This benefits only a few wealthy individuals at the expense of the community and the pristine environment. Let’s preserve Wolf Creek’s unique charm and affordability for all who love it.

Devon, Denver, CO

Love this little mountain. Love the snow conditions it gets. No other resort gets the snowfall they get. Been chasing powder here for decades. Please keep it as is!

Marc Shen, Louisville, CO 

This is just a BAD idea all around. Not only in terms of the potential harm and pollution it can create to local ecosystems and waterways, but also in terms of the added traffic and congestion on an already dangerous mountain pass. It’s already bad enough that we have so many people treating it like a speedway only to wind up driving off one of the cliffs for the limited amount of local residents and tourists that we already have. To increase that local resident number by an additional 10K is only ASKING to put added stress on local SAR teams, and it only will be a matter of time to be seeing more increased fatal accidents over Wolf Creek Pass.

If this Texas billionaire really wants to do some good with his money, how about making the nearby town of South Fork more appealing and viable to not only tourists but year-round residents? If he wants to build condos and other residential units, shops and restaurants he can start THERE. Otherwise, leave the pristine and untouched nature of the Wolf Creek Pass area ALONE!

CO, South Fork, CO

I love wolf creek the way it is. One of the last remaining ski AREAS we don’t want a resort

Nevada White, Gilcrest, CO

I support this initiative to protect the Wolf Creek ski area from a residential development.

John, Oklahoma City, OK

Wolf Creek is one of the few remaining places to ski in Colorado that still feels like a classic resort. The size of the mountain and the infrastructure are not capable of handling such a massive increase in numbers of people staying there. Not to mention the impact on the raw beauty Wolf Creek Pass possesses without a massive resort complex.

Jonathan Cross, Colorado Springs, CO

Please leave Wolf Creek alone. Not many places like this left in the world. There are so many other places for you to go spend your money. Help keep this place special by not ruining what it has.

Joey Toler, Creede, CO

This proposed development ridiculously assumes that US Hwy 160 can handle the additional traffic of 10,000 visitors and the mass of people required as workers. There has never been a proper EIS done to determine the effect of such development at over 10,000′ altitude. Water and sewage are a very big deal.

There IS NOT ENOUGH WATER to supply even a fraction of the water needed to operate such a place. The San Luis Valley is already in dire straits with the effect of years long drought and depletion of the natural aquifer.

Please have this entire project (start to now) reexamined to see that the very first land exchange should NEVER have happened. It certainly appears that the rich Texan found a way into the pockets of some at the US Forest Service. He’s gone now. Propose that his daughter contribute the land and immortalize his name on the Red McCombs Wildlife Preserve.

Randi Young, South Fork, CO

Wolf Creek Ski area is one of Colorado’s treasures. It’s not ran by a big corporation which makes it such a great place to ski. Making a lodge would cause more traffic on the pass and make lines longer.

Wrangler Elliott, Alma, CO

Everyone all over the world comes to enjoy the beautiful NATURE and BEAUTY of our amazing Wolf Creek. Why is there any need to change it? I believe that the people love it just the way it is.

Anonymous, Monte Vista, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild!

Kelee, Del Norte, CO

This is a travesty for our ecosystems and wildlife! No more unnecessary development for wealthy and ignorant individuals only seeking to gain from our natural resources. Protect the sacred!

AJ Connors, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is the best for a reason. Keep it wild!

Nick, Nederland, CO

Former employee of the ski area. Life at 10,000ft in the Southern San Juan’s is hard. Massive snow storms that shut down the pass happen often. Seems to be a very high risk area to have a village. Most snow in Colorado.

Leslie Hutchinson, Pagosa Springs, CO

Just no. Leave the land as it is.

Callie Cribley, Westcliffe, CO

I do not think it’s right to build housing development on this sacred and beautiful land

Breva, Boulder, CO

This area is way too small to handle this development, don’t ruin this Colorado gem.

Steve Lauder, Silverthorne, CO

I’ve been skiing in the Wolf Creek area (ski area and backcountry) since 1989. It’s a wonderful place! This proposed development would destroy this unique and fragile slice of heaven! Don’t let it happen!!!

John Spengler, Colorado Springs, CO

We don’t need this here! Keep Wolf Creek Wild

Megan Jones, Monte Vista, CO

The impact on the environment will be too great. There needs to be another EIS completed. Many visitors cannot stay overnight at 10,000 feet elevation and not get acute mountain sickness, AMS.

We don’t need another corporate owned ski resort. This is a failed village from the start. Leave Wolf Creek Pass alone!

Scott Baker, Longmont, CO

I’ve lived in Pagosa Springs for 23 years. I’m against the Wolf Creek Pass Village. It would destroy the economy of our little town, and is a completely unnecessary introduction based solely on Texans who don’t even live here making more money.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild, family owned forever.

Tadija, Nederland, CO

Don’t ruin a great thing for a few more dollars. Take a ride up Alberta lift. Then get lost in the tree and powder. That’s the cure for anything life has to throw at you. Please don’t do this.

Bryce Boone, Hallsville, TX

A village for the people will absolutely ruin the sanctity and peace of Wolf Creek Pass. Humans have enough bases in this world, let’s keep it wild and for the animals!

Jose Garcia, Nederland, CO

This only benefits the rich while making them richer. There’s no positive side for locals, and the impact on high country habitat will have forever lasting consequences. There’s no good that can come from this, if you truly care about Colorado.

Cole Smith, La Jara, CO

Keep the public land public!

Dalton Heredia, Laramie, WY

Keep the few wild places left wild.

Shea Dugall, Bozeman, MT

A needless atrocity fueled by greedy speculators. And lust for more tax revenue. Leave the pristine as pristine!

Sara Savage, Port Charlotte, FL

WC is not the place for all this. Its natural beauty is beyond worth keeping a village away.

Gabriela Riddick, South Fork, CO

I fully support the battle to keep Wolf Creek wild and undeveloped; it is what makes Wolf Creek Wolf Creek. There are so many more developed resorts, so if that’s what you’re looking for, there are options out there. Tell the Texans if they want to develop, do it in their state or move to Colorado, live here for a few years, and see if you still hold the same viewpoint.

Austin Messaros, Nederland, CO

Stop ruining the mountains

Cameron, Leadville, CO

I own a house in Pagosa Springs and it means everything to me to live close to such pristine wilderness and beauty where animals still have their homes. Please don’t destroy the environment for the animals and people. Nobody wants your development. We are very happy with the way it is.

Jennifer Stolze, Honolulu, HI

This area is an incredibly beautiful and unique piece of public forest land that includes the Continental Divide Trail and is home to so much wildlife. We have so many areas that have expanded and built in places like this. Why do we need to allow more of this to greedy developers who simply want to line their pockets at the expense of the locals/communities surrounding the pass? Not to mention the amount of dead spruce surrounding the area, with more traffic means the risk of wildfire shoots up exponentially. The ski area brings tourism and life to the economy in these small surrounding communities in the winter and the natural, unaltered beauty brings folks in the summer. One big reason Wolf Creek Ski Area has the reputation it does is due to the lack of people. It is one of the few ski areas that offers an experience true to the sport any more. Please I beg of you to reconsider this decision and keep this little natural slice of heaven wild.

Cole Link, Durango, CO

Please don’t overcrowd Wolf Creek. Keeping small resorts small helps everyone. Trying to add to the infrastructure of a resort this size is prosperous. Send these people with all this money to other areas that can be developed and can handle this much oversizing.

Steven Henson, Breckenridge, CO 

It would destroy South Fork and the small businesses in town that are already struggling to survive… as well as the family owned resorts trying to survive.

Kris Mackowiak, Geneva, IL

Developing the ski area would compromise the ecosystem and work against conservation efforts in the SW Colorado region. We do not want a village. We want tourist to spend time in local towns around the ski area such as Del Norte, South Fork, Creede, Pagosa. These towns rely on the ski area tourism to stay alive and thrive.

Kate Sawyer, Durango, CO

I do not support building this development. I am against it.

Sara, Bayfield, CO

Development of this scale should be centered where people already are to protect natural areas like this. I would support Silverthorne or Grand Junction growing much larger and more dense since those areas are already developed. Don’t add to the sprawl!

CO, Denver, CO

Wolf creek is not meant for everyone. It’s charm is that its a mostly unknown secret. The snow is great because of the LACK of traffic it gets. BECAUSE it’s not on a major pass. And the effort it takes to get there is a wonderful and invited obstacle for those of us willing to make the effort.

It’s not for tourists. It’s not for Texans to come ruin like the resorts of Summit County. Not only is this proposal a gross overstatement of expected traffic, it would ruin all the things that make this place great.

Those of us who ride Wolf Creek are talented skirts and riders. And we definitely don’t need or want the casual skiers and riders of the world tearing up the snow conditions.

Keep this place special. Keep this place private. Keep this place out of the hands of people like billionaires who believe anything, including the secret gems of the world, are available for purchase.

Please don’t allow this to happen. So much of the world isn’t special anymore because of the number of people who overpopulate the trails and mountains of the world. Please preserve this place as it is. For the true passionate skiers and riders of the world.

James Coleman, Denver, CO

Please put an end to this terrible idea which is developing a wild, high-elevation, isolated area into a sprawling ski resort. We’ve been going around and around this long enough, haven’t we? Do the right thing. Red McCombs left a terrible legacy. Change this narrative once and for all.

Mary, Durango, CO

Wolf Creek is a gem of a mountain and it does not have the capacity to grow to the magnitude thar is being asked of this project. Please don’t ruin a good thing by overstressing a fragile environment, with limited resources and limited room to grow. Keep Wolf Creek wild!

Rachel Jones, Frisco, CO

Many of Colorado’s ski areas that used to be enjoyable are now overdeveloped and overpriced. Please do not develop this unique, small resort into another overcrowded, overpriced ski area that the average person cannot afford. Keep Wolf Creek as it is!

Julie Rethman, Parker, CO

Please keep this sanctuary for skiing and hiking safe from commercial use!!!

Derrick Winfield, Houston, TX

The only people who want this development are the ones who will be financially better from it. The people who live here don’t want this.

Stephen Coleman, Del Norte, CO

This will have a horrible impact on The community and let alone the Rio Grande National Forest. We do not have a population base to support such a large village. This would be a mistake and be detrimental to the environment and local economy.

Klayton, Monte Vista, CO

Absolutely awful idea. No need to destroy such a beautiful area, I’ve grown up in Pagosa my entire life and to see that this decision is being made breaks my heart. Not to mention how much it’s going to making living in Pagosa or South Fork 100x harder for the people that own small businesses such as restaurants or hotels.

Brock, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek Pass should be left as is, for the betterment of the local community and visitors a like.

Intrusion of the natural landscape by development would produce a large negative impact on the area.

Cal Deutsch, Wauwatosa, WI

Growing up at Wolf Creek I got to see the busy times of the year, eventually I worked there as a snowboard instructor. While busy times bring more money, building housing is not the way to go. Wolf Creek is a family ski AREA, not a resort, most families choose Wolf Creek because of the affordable prices and experience. If you look at big resorts like Aspen, Breckenridge, Keystone, etc. they have outrageous prices on food and tickets. To keep Wolf Creek a ski AREA we can’t have housing, who can afford it? The Colorado [locals] who grew up on the mountain. I think not. It will be full of out of state people enjoying the housing. It also would make plowing harder for CDOT and be potentially hazardous on one of the most dangerous passes in Colorado. It would need a fire department because 30 minutes to an hour response depending on the weather is not safe. Keep Wolf Creek a family ski area and not a resort.

Daniel, Monte Vista, CO

This proposal is [ridiculous]. Traffic, access in the winter, and water to say the least, I had a developer once say “my job is to get away with as much as possible then leave, your job is to stop me” (we stopped him). Develop South Fork or Pagosa instead.

JD, Durango, CO

Let’s keep one Colorado ski resort pure and wild. NO to development!

Ethan Clarke, Lakewood, CO

The proposed development would destroy the beauty, the ambiance, and the peaceful atmosphere of the entire region. People will be less likely to spend their vacation time here due to overcrowding, traffic, and destruction of the beautiful section of Colorado. Please stop this misguided money grab.

Karl Baumgardner, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild!

Brian Pfotenhauer, Kirkwood, MO

Housing is important, but done improperly it causes more harm than good. I cannot support a village that would effectively disrupt the ecosystem immediately without any ease or idea about displacement of wildlife or their habitats.

Brandon Burnaugh, Fort Collins, CO

I support the Friends of Wolf Creek’s opposition to this development. This development is a bad idea. It will cause damage to the local ecosystem, existing towns and locals. It should not be built.

Evelyn Wiant, Alamosa, CO

This development is highly unsustainable. Just more wealthy, out-of-touch individuals trying to profit off of nature while destroying it in the process. In an area that frequently suffers from drought and wildfire, the last thing that needs to happen is a village being thrown into the mix. Where will all the resources come from to run something like this? How much land and habitat is destroyed in the process? Who is going to work here when the surrounding towns of South Fork and Pagosa Springs already struggle with finding employees due to high cost of living. This realistically doesn’t help the surrounding towns, as it will either lead to overwhelming the existing infrastructures with an influx of visitors, or have the opposite effect by taking away from the local economy and driving visitors to stay and eat outside of town. This development is very clearly not considering the local communities, as usual, only worrying about making tourists happy. The locals have relentlessly spoken up and opposed this time and time again, yet somehow it keeps coming up? This land should be protected, not exploited!

Amber Demeis, Pagosa Springs, CO

Absolutely unconscionable to destroy the environment of Wolf Creek Pass. Shame on those who will do so in the name of profit. And even more shame on those who are enabling this horrific destruction of the San Juan National Forest.

Barb Ferrell, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek local, it’s one of the few resorts left that aren’t overcrowded. The terrain is not that expansive and it cannot fit more than 4,000 without it feeling crowded.

Natalie, Durango, CO

I support keeping Wolf Creek the way it is and I oppose development at said area.

Penny Kipley, Pagosa Springs, CO

I support Wolf Creek as a steward of our National Forest & i disagree with any progressive components which may alter the wilderness & the present landscapes in its natural capacity

Glen Goss, Pagosa Springs, CO 

The mountain is not large enough for this. There are not enough resources for this to move forward. It should not go forward.

Hart Tabitha, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek has a giant heart and sense of soul that would be broken by a monstrosity hotel. Please remember why people are out to ski in the first place, I believe they want to connect with nature and themselves. To build a 10,000 person settlement at the base would RUIN a place that people have loved for decades. As someone born and raised in Colorado, I can personally say I would be heartbroken to see this deal go through.

Lara, Basalt, CO

I support the battle to keep Wolf Creek Pass wild.

K Stewart, Golden, CO

Places like Wolf Creek Pass keep Colorado colorful. 

Jared, Livingston, LA

Do not build a village at Wolf Creek Pass.

Adriana, Saguache, CO

Wolf Creek Ski Area is apart of the Rio Grande National Forest and provides a home to countless animals and indigenous plants, as well as being a huge provider in our water shed system. Developing the ski area would compromise the ecosystem and work against conservation efforts in the SW Colorado region. We do not want a village.

Amy, Saguache, CO

Wolf Creek is a gem of the west. Any idea or motive to change it will take away the fact that it is a gem. It would be such a shame to allow money from Texas to ruin what we call home, and where we recreate.

Greg, Eagle, CO

Please limit development in this area. This planned development will have a negative effect on the locals who call Wolf Creek home, local wildlife, as well as the environment. It’s time to rein in developers who want unfettered access to Colorado and its wild lands.

Mike Stawicki, Fairplay, CO

As a local Coloradan, I am watching wildlife, natural habitat and the beauty of what makes Colorado… Colorado become center of capitalism and greed. Do NOT develop Wolf Creek. Keep Colorado Wild.

Coloradan, Glenwood Springs, CO

Stop over-developing ski towns and mountain areas

Greg Matthews, Highlands Ranch, CO

The Village at Wolf Creek will not only disrupt the soul of the ski area…one of the few privately owned ski areas left, but will also affect nearby communities and the ecosystem.

Wolf Creek Ski area’s charm is its small size and family-friendly atmosphere. It isn’t a mega resort that charges an ungodly amount of money to recreate on private lands like other ski areas which have turned into playgrounds for the rich. The village would change this.

The nearby communities survive largely because of tourism. This development will be taking money out of the hands of locals to benefit those who will not be impacted by the changes.

Lastly, we should strive to protect the ecosystems that we have left. Our public lands should remain the untrammeled wild that we have come to enjoy.

I am opposed to the Village at Wolf Creek.

Concerned Local, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Wild! This development would ruin everything that makes Wolf Creek special.

Danny Hack, Medford, MA

I stand to object the “village” at Wolf Creek, keeping public lands public should be top priority. Everyday we lose more public land to land grab tycoons. Keep Colorado wild and shut down the village at Wolf Creek.

Anonymous, Monte Vista, CO

This development would have a substantial negative impact on the locals, tourists, and the ecosystem in the area. Please prioritize the environment and people over dollars!

WI, Wauwatosa, WI

Keep Wolf Creek local and wild

Carson, Loveland, CO

There is not enough infrastructure to support such a development, nor is there the demand. It would stand 3/4 empty at least. Moreover, it would take Wolf Creek Pass from a beautiful wilderness area to a commercialized “Vail.” We don’t want it, and we don’t need it.

Anne, Bayfield, CO

Please keep this beautiful area wild and serene. Over development is never good and this area has always been precious because of the lack of development.

Janice Domanski, Durango, CO

Building the village up in Wolf Creek Pass will adversely affect the elk herds in the area that depend on those high-altitude areas for their summer range. Elk don’t like people. This includes the tourists. The noise. The traffic. Studies have shown that disturbing pregnant elk even just a few times can cause a miscarriage; what will 10,000 people in the area do? My bet is disturb the elk.

Anonymous, Colorado Springs, CO

Keep Colorado wild

Madeline Marks, Broomfield, CO

Please don’t let development destroy one of the last great independent ski areas. We don’t need another resort in Colorado to busy up areas that cannot accommodate the high traffic on roads and slopes. A big part of the allure of Wolf Creek is the wild, untamed aspect of the area. We have enough corporate influence here already with Vail Resorts ruining those mountains, and now Alterra beginning their journey down the same dark path. My heart broke with the news of the sale of A-Bay to Alterra, and I don’t think we as a community can handle the destruction of Wolf Creek due to corporate invasion as well. Please, please, please keep Wolf Creek wild.

CT, Denver, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild!

Amy Holly, Loveland, CO

Keeping the area the way it is and intended to be, a small community based independent ski area, the pass and wilderness would severely suffer from such a large scale development, keep it wild!!!!

Kenny B, Empire, CO

To allow mass development in the Wild Creek area would corrupt the character of the ski area, the town, and most importantly Wolf Creek. Residents have come together time and time again to say, “no, we do not want to become another Vail, Crested Butte, Keystone, or Aspen.” This project would hurt the full time community and cause unnecessary environmental impact.

Jess Sandoval, Pagosa Springs, CO

I do not want a village at Wolf Creek Pass. It is a critical ecosystem for many animal species and its undeveloped slopes provide a beautiful and unique recreation paradise. Wolf Creek Ski area is also not as large as many others in the state, and the proposed size of the village will create extremely crowded conditions on the ski slopes. Send the village development into one of the local towns to boost the tourism and economy and leave the pristine pass.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is one of the last resorts that feels authentic to the Colorado spirit and experience. Please keep its integrity alive and don’t sell out developers that have exploited every natural resource in this state. People deserve to live in and enjoy one of the last affordable areas in Colorado.

Caitlin, Denver, CO

The proponents of the Village at Wolf Creek are arguing that the construction of the “village” will bring economic opportunity to the surrounding area. It has been seen time and time again that projects like this move into a community, pay workers at poverty rates, and once the work is done, cast them aside and make millions. The site that the “village” is set to be built on would not be a safe or feasible location, considering the elevation and amount of snow that falls in the area.

This project is a disaster waiting to happen. In addition to the misuse of resources, and the greed that this project promotes, Wolf Creek Pass is an important wildlife area, and building a huge development on the land is guaranteed to disrupt the natural ways of life- which are already suffering as the result of an influx of migrants to the state, who bring out of state money and do not contribute to the local economy. There are so few wild places left in Colorado, not to mention the entire country, and sacrificing this for a greedy development only accessible to the rich is an affront to people who already struggle to make ends meet in the state.

Aspen Frick, Durango, CO

We don’t need more traffic more people and more roads in this beautiful wild environment at Wolf Creek.

I would hate to see this natural resource ruined by humans.

Linda, Bayfield, CO

The Wolf Creek Pass area is a jewel in the crown of Colorado’s wild lands. It provides critical wildlife habitat, water, backcountry recreation areas, and a chance of people from all over the world to appreciate Colorado’s large undeveloped wild places. As many studies have shown, the V(P)illage at Wolf Creek would endanger wildlife corridors, be yet another of Colorado’s already overdeveloped “ski” villages, and be a blight on the landscape and resources of this delicate habitat. NO to the Village at Wolf Creek! Keep our wild lands wild!!

Susan C, Paonia, CO

I oppose the development of Wolf Creek village. This area can not sustain this development and traffic on an already dangerous pass.

New Jersey, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is one of a kind. The natural character of it should not be disturbed by further development on the mountain.

Skier, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please keep some places in the state wild. The snowpack at Wolf Creek is the most precious in this hemisphere. Please protect the people of the San Luis Valley that are already overburdened with climate change impacts, live with low socioeconomic conditions, have been forced to assimilate to failed Federal policies and laws, do not have access to healthy food despite living in an agrarian space. Please consider disrupting this snow pack with development of this scale is a cumulative impact to the way of life in the San Luis Valley. Please consider and analyze this environmental injustice.

Rick F, Los Alamos, NM

As a birder and wildlife watcher, I am appalled at the idea of resort development in the Wolf Creek area. Besides the impact on local business in nearby towns, one cannot ignore the impact on birds and other wildlife. Upscale luxury resorts price out the average person; infrastructure will decimate surrounding forested areas disrupting habitat – the Wolf Creek area is a valuable environmental resource and a haven for species such as the rare Northern Goshawk; water and waste disposal present considerable challenges and risks; human presence and activities will alter the behavior of wildlife and disrupt their mating and reproductive success. While I’m not naive enough to think that money doesn’t talk and that well-connected people don’t get what they want, I firmly suggest that environmental stewardship should take precedence over making money. “Conservation of natural resources in a way that takes into account the interests of society, future generations, and other species, as well as private needs, (Worrell & Appleby, 2000, p. 263) should apply.

Peg, Penrose, CO

We own land adjacent to a wilderness area in Wyoming (where I was born in a log cabin), and periodically visit the San Juans to experience the untarnished natural splendor of the area. The loss of the untrammeled nature of the Wolf Creek Pass forest and the diversity of environmental riches it protects would greatly diminish our motivation to visit the area. More importantly, the proposed development would irreparably harm, permanently and irreversibly, the ability of native wildlife to traverse the area and the flora and fauna that support their presence. Allowing the proposed development of this land currently managed by the National Forest Service would bar us and other members of the public from experiencing the wilderness nature of the area, particularly along the continental divide, further limiting our ability to restore our bonds with that complex natural community that are essential to our well-being and care for the planet. Please do not permit this proposed development to go forward.

Nathan Fawcett, Ithaca, NY

I support all efforts to stop access across National Forest.

Grace Golden, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep it wild. The absurdity of this development proposal only becomes more clear as the years pass and climate change and loss of habitat become more pronounced. The developers picked a losing battle that will only get worse. Close the door and let them do something else somewhere else.

Nathan Knecht, Boulder, CO

Protect for the generations of today and our future. You can see over the state of Colorado the negative effects of not protecting areas that need to be protected. Wolf Creek and the Weimunche areas offer some of the truest wildest mountains and wilderness. It remains undeveloped for a reason. Why would we not keep Wolf Creek wild?

Aja Ramsey, Durango, CO

I am against giving highway access for a village at Wolf Creek. It is not the place. Please keep it wild and follow your own legislation your own ruling in 1994. Do not allow the village of 10,000 to be built at the top of Wolf Creek pass.

CO, Durango, CO

The Village at Wolf Creek has always been an illl conceived project from the start some 40 years ago. There are not that many new skiers, the altitude alone will cause HAPE and HACE episodes. There is no housing for the necessary employees. And last but the most important is wild country and habitat!!! Why ruin wild, mostly unroaded wilderness that lynx and numerous other animals call home for more skiers? Wolf Creek is a wonderful ski area and the towns of Pagosa and South Fork and others benefit greatly from them economically. There is no reason to grant access.

Penny Holmes, Arboles, CO

It is obscene to build at the fragile and wild environment of Wolf Creek Pass. It would have multiple negative environmental impacts on wildlife, water, forest, traffic and more. Please do not allow any changes. Thank you

Anonymous, Durango, CO

There isn’t a good reason to create a development at Wolf Creek Ski area. Their reason is greed and more greed, but no logical decision-making. There are not enough resources in that area to support a population of what would amount to part-time residents that don’t understand what it means to live at a remote location in CO. What will they do when the winter residents become stranded in the middle of a three foot plus snow storm when the food runs out, the power goes out, and they have a medical emergency? I suppose they will expect the first responders from Pagosa Springs or South Fork/Del Norte to come and rescue them which will put those first responders in danger. What about the risk of wildfires burning down their $2M homes while summer residents are trapped inside? Again, this will put first responders in danger. Any residential development would cause a strain on resources as well as the environment. Time to think about this from a standpoint of what makes sense, not what makes them money… Just because they can, doesn’t mean it should be done.

Keep Wolf Creek Wild, Pagosa Springs, CO

The continuous development sprawl has a large impact on the environment and wildlife. The outcome of this potential development is not positive but rather to feed the glutinous machine of greed with little or no concern of the integrity of the land.

Ysela, Durango, CO

Development of Wolf Creek should not happen. Develop will degrade local economies and the environment. We can’t just keep on allowing rich investors carve up our lands in the name of the almighty dollar. Money cannot replace wilderness, wildlife and a healthy water shed. Please do not allow this to happen.

Janet Planet, Fruita, CO

Protect wild places! Colorado has enough development as it is!

Eli Jost, Kansas City, KS

Keep Wolf Creek wild. No development.

marjorie xavier, Santa Rosa, CA

This is just the worst idea ever conceived. Just because some wealthy person has decided to [pillage] and plunder our beautiful country to give himself more money is not a good reason to let it happen. I OPPOSE THIS EXTREMELY!!!

CO, Durango, CO

The charm of Wolf Creek as a ski resort is its small size and wilderness surroundings. Development will only mar this landscape. There are enough Vail-like mega-resorts. Whether skiing or hiking the CDT, a large development would ruin the experience at Wolf Creek.

Besides recreation, it’s even more important to protect the remaining wild lands of Colorado for biodiversity. The Wolf Creek area has fantastic flora and fauna that would be negatively impacted by these development projects. Colorado is great because of its wilderness areas but we are quickly losing these thanks to dubious developments like this. Wolf Creek should remain a refuge for wild things!

Derek, Flagstaff, AZ

It’s honestly hard to believe money can buy that which cannot be bought, even allow the thought to build where it should never be built & turn people into greedy monsters over something that isn’t theirs. This place is so extremely special because its community has fought hard to protect it against the greed for money. This petition is our voice to stay “stop with the greed & let us live in peace” We all work hard to live here not because we make the most money in the world, because we truly love & value this place. Don’t take that away from us. Don’t ruin our community.

Morgan Fauskee, Pagosa Springs, CO

Stop the pillage.

Carrie Steadman, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please reconsider and stop this hideous monstrous project run bu a bunch of greedy Texans.

carl darnell, Durango, CO


Please appreciate the “Village at Wolf Creek” development dream belongs to a bygone spendthrift era. Please stop disregarding our rapidly changing weather patterns, and decreasing rain/snow fall, with its promise of future water shortages for our Southwest. We should be anticipating and figuring out how to confront that, not to exacerbate with more careless development of key ecologically productive lands.

The Village at Wolf Creek at 10,000’ is suppose to be a profit generating enterprise. How will it generate profits while providing the large array of services expected from a municipality – for instance, 5K Breckenridge’s municipal budget is some 130 million/yr, even the more modest 5K Silverthorne requires 60 million/yr budget. This elephant in the room can’t be ignored forever, what’s your plan?

Please take the Rio Grande River & stakeholders interests to heart. For that matter, how about the importance of Alberta Park to migrating and resident wildlife? Why doesn’t that deserve your serious concern?

Alberta Park meadows and Fens areas are the heart of the Wolf Creek watershed, which feeds into the Rio Grande River. Bulldozing into Alberta Park will irreparably damage wildlife corridors, biological diversity and the health of current Fens and underground hydrologic networks, thus unavoidable degrading its biological health, along with the source waters to the Rio Grande River.

Think before you dig! Please Abandon this speculative adventure – return Alberta Park to the RGNF in exchange for a more realistic parcel to develop.

Thank you,

Peter Miesler, Hesperus, CO

The existing area at Wolf Creek is an undisputed critical habitat for wildlife, as well as a natural resource for water. This area needs to be protected from development. The impact of the proposed development would be catastrophic to the environment, as well as the water resources it provides.

Penny, Pagosa Springs, CO

This was, is, and will continue to be the wrong development in the wrong place. The development will literally annihilate a pristine forest and forever disrupt animal habitat.

Rodney (Rod) Proffitt, Pagosa Springs, CO

Quit destroying our wilderness. Leave it alone.

CO, Mancos, CO

I oppose ANY development in the areas near Wolf Creek Ski Area and Wolf Creek Pass. The environmental and financial impacts to the area will considerably decrease the quality of life for those of us that live here. In addition, the manageable crowds at Wolf Creek Ski Area keep it relatively safe, unlike the mega ski resorts, which are so crowded that it’s dangerous. A resort across the highway will mean unmanageable crowds.

Jennifer Gerber, South Fork, CO

The Leavell/McCombs Joint Partnership (LMJP) is proposing at maximum build out, a 1,700-unit village on 300 remote acres next to Wolf Creek ski area. This piece of land provides critical habitat for threatened lynx, calving grounds for elk, and is a favored spot for Lynx reintroduction. The lot is perched on 52 acres of wetlands including 25 acres of fens (rare alpine wetlands that take thousands of years to develop), 8 springs, and thousands of linear feet of streams. At the Rio Grande Headwaters, the development would have significant impacts to the River, influencing farmers and San Luis Valley residents, dependent on the water from the river; not to forget our compact water delivery obligations to New Mexico, Texas and the Country of Mexico. Please deny this development from being built.

Colorado, Durango, CO

I am writing today as a former resident of the San Luis Valley, a naturalist who has educated others about the importance of this land and watershed, and as a concerned citizen who has witnessed developments ruin pristine ecosystems in the U.S. that should have been protected.

Please protect Wolf Creek Pass from large scale development. This unique land provides critical habitat for threatened species like the Lynx. It is also important birthing grounds for elk calves and is a chosen spot for reintroduction of Lynx to help support their populations. The land in question includes 52 acres of wetlands with 25 acres of rare alpine fens (wetlands that take thousands of years to even develop). It also houses 8 springs and thousands of feet of streams. If this development is built at the Rio Grande Headwaters it would not only have significant impacts to the Rio Grande river watershed; but to the local farmers and San Luis Valley residents who depend on the water to survive. Moreover, don’t forget the importantance of the compact water delivery obligations to other states who depend on this water; states like New Mexico and Texas as well as the entire country of Mexico. This development is unnecessary and will gravely disrupt if not destroy an ecosystem, including its flora, fauna and important life sustaining watershed. Residents, wildlife, agricultural crops, other states livelihoods, and a sistering country will be deeply impacted by this decision. Please do not allow this project to move forward.

Lori Young, Dillon, CO

Statement #1: I do NOT want the village to go in within any capacity.

Statement #2: 1700 units… Put two people in each unit if it was to be actually rented. (which, it would be more) That is 3400 people or more that would be “in the village” heading to the mountain to ski per day. Not to mention the detrimental impact on the surrounding areas of Wolf Creek Ski area, but that number is close to a busy day during Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break at the ski area. On a busy day in spring break where the lines are crazy and not imaginable to a local like me that keeps my distance during those times, we will see 4000-6000 people during the Holidays. This is not to mention all of the people who would be coming from the East & West side of the pass who are local, and all of the visitors who travel into South Fork and Pagosa and stay in short term rentals. If you have ever been to the ski area during those times, you very well know our mountain cannot keep up with the capacity of that every day and it would change the skiing experience Wolf Creek brings to our Community. Why is Wolf Creek so special? Because of the reason right there, the skiing experience you get every day you visit Wolf Creek would be changed forever if the village went in and I do not support that at all.

Kevin Blue, Pagosa Springs, CO

I strongly oppose the proposed development of the 1,700-unit Village at Wolf Creek. This project poses a grave threat to the fragile alpine ecosystems of Wolf Creek Pass, which provides critical habitat for threatened lynx, calving grounds for elk, and irreplaceable wetlands that have taken millennia to form. The construction of this large-scale village would disrupt these delicate environments, potentially leading to irreversible damage to the local wildlife and the broader ecosystem.

Furthermore, the development threatens the headwaters of the Rio Grande, which is vital for the agricultural economy of the San Luis Valley and the water needs of communities downstream in New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico. The potential impacts on water quality and availability are deeply concerning, especially in light of our obligations under interstate and international water agreements.

The recent decision by the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to favor development access is disheartening, but it is not the end of the fight. We must continue to voice our opposition during the upcoming permitting process, advocating for more sustainable and environmentally responsible management of this precious area. Wolf Creek Pass is a unique and invaluable natural resource that should be preserved for future generations, not sacrificed for short-term economic gain.

Please consider the long-term consequences of this development and choose to protect Wolf Creek Pass and its irreplaceable ecosystems.

Christopher Wardle, Pagosa Springs, CO

The proposed development is bad on all kinds of levels. It is bad for the environment, which includes critical lynx and elk habitat and sensitive high-elevation wetlands. Supporting a village of the size proposed in such a remote, high-elevation environment would be difficult and would carry considerable additional risks. Look at the number of trucks that already crash at the hairpin on US 160, especially during the ski season when the need for support could be at its greatest. And the quality of the ski experience at Wolf Creek would be further degraded. Already since the pandemic, the ski area has become much more crowded. The additional crowds this development would bring would fundamentally alter the Wolf Creek ski experience for the worse. And housing people up there rather than in the nearby towns would hurt the economies of those towns. This development is a bad idea for all kinds of reasons, and it needs to be stopped.

John Farley, Pagosa Springs, CO

We do not need another resort that will require labor that can’t afford to support it. Property taxes are already rapacious. Your 2nd and 3rd home, only partially occupied throughout the year, brings nothing to our economy. There’s no infrastructural benefit. The project has a massive list of problems, including the environmental impacts (let’s discuss those loudly as well, shall we?) that you do not care about. I am a hunter, an agribusiness person, and a conservative. Your project is wasteful. Build an indoor ski slope in Texas. If the other wealthy people in other countries can do it, you can too. We don’t WANT or NEED another pimped out mountain community. Go to Aspen or Vail. Let us guess, you can’t afford that location so you want WC, right? Make your own kingdom then sell it later? How many people in the regulatory process will benefit financially? We are tired of irresponsible politicians and developers.

Anonymous, Farmington, NM

Our family visits Wolf Creek Pass area every year camping and skiing. Part of the e reason we visit is because of the pristine condition. Development will alter this habitat drastically. We are not in the need of more vacation properties, we need more wilderness! Keep Wolf Creek Pass wild! That is why people want to be there. We don’t want to go to another resort area. You will be ruining it!

Lindsey, Albuquerque, NM

Why can’t we just leave this area alone? No one is in favor of this besides the people whom want to build it and make money. It’s always about profit and developing. Just can we not develop every open area that we find? Can we not just leave it alone for future generations instead of buffing up profit margins with cheap units to live in. No one wants to look at that. Get out of this area it’s so special because of the way it is. Leave it alone.

Zach, Fort Worth, TX

Must we develop we everything? For what purpose? To make the wealthy richer? What about a little respect for wildlife and land? Do we move into natural areas to live with nature only to push that nature out when it conflicts with our selfish interests? This area of Colorado is one of the few remaining natural areas left. To develop it would destroy wildlife corridors, alter pristine areas, increase traffic, etc for what – so a few people can spend a couple of months getting out of Texas? Please reconsider approving this. Remember – once it’s gone, it’s gone. Preservation is a lifelong endeavor.

Friend of Colorado, Boulder, CO

I am against a village at Wolf Creek

Heather Lee Farrell, Albuquerque, NM

I grew up in the SLV and my family has been working at Wolf Creek since the early 90’s. My husband and I still work there and have nearly 40 years of work experience there between the two of us. We are avid outdoors people and enjoy the area year round. The village would bring numerous devastating consequences to our area. There is not enough water to support a facility like this and it would be taken from other people and farmers who need it. These mountains are home to the protected lynx and could further decimate their numbers, which have been growing very slowly. The village would completely push out the locals and raise our cost of living to an even more unaffordable situation. We already struggle to be able to live here in South Fork financially. This would push us and many others, who are by the way the working class, to leave. Then who would serve all the rich people who want to come in and destroy where we live? The McCombs are money hungry selfish people who have zero concern for this area and the people who live here. At this point it just feels like they are beating a dead horse to make a point, to win this decades long battle they us locals have been fighting. And it’s gross. There are many many reasons why the village is horrible for this area and should never happen.

CO, South Fork, CO

We need to keep our open spaces open.

Brett, Aurora, CO

There is already too much development, too much nature being destroyed for the profits of a few. Please let’s keep the remaining undeveloped places undeveloped. let’s preserve nature, and the wildlife and eco-systems that make Colorado so special, not destroy them with more development!

Fred Munger, Littleton, CO

This projected ‘ski area village’ is completely unnecessary. Yes, it favors the Leavell/McCombs Joint Partnership, but no one else. It leaves the neighboring communities out in the wild, while monopolizing and compromising the whole wilderness area. This goes against the grain of all formal and informal efforts to protect watersheds , the natural habitats of vegetation and wildlife. All of which is, as has already made abundantly clear, essential to protect this planet, including ourselves and our descendants.

J., Fort Garland, CO

We moved from the Dallas/Fort Worth area to get away from over development. Development of the Wolf Ski Area would be detrimental to the environment, quality of life of area residents, and local towns like Pagosa Springs who rely on ski area tourism. it is a bad idea all around.

RP, Pagosa Springs, CO

My family and I feel that Wolf Creek Ski Area is an important part of the Rio Grande National Forest and provides a home to countless animals and indigenous plants, as well as being a huge provider in our water shed system.

Developing the ski area as proposed would compromise the ecosystem and work against conservation efforts in the SW Colorado region. We do not want a village.

We want tourist to spend time in local towns around the ski area such as Del Norte, South Fork, Creede, Pagosa as we have done in the past and will continue to do so. These towns rely on the ski area tourism and other tourism to really stay alive, prosper, and thrive.

Allen, Davis, CA

I do not approve this massive concrete structure in a wild area.

CO, Edwards, CO

I lived in Summit County for 28 years and watched the developers and realtors destroy the wildness of the county and now that I have been here in Pagosa for 13 years I am witnessing the same disaster for Wolf Creek Pass. Please do not allow the headwaters of the Rio Grande, birthing grounds for elk and lynx habit be destroyed by Texas developers. Let these greedy and relentless Texans destroy habitat in their own state and leave Wolf Creek Pass/Ski area alone!

Holly, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please keep some places in the state wild. The snowpack at Wolf Creek is the most precious in this hemisphere. Please protect the people of the San Luis Valley that are already overburdened with climate change impacts, live with low socioeconomic conditions, have been forced to assimilate to failed Federal policies and laws, do not have access to healthy food despite living in an agrarian space. Please consider disrupting this snow pack with development of this scale is a cumulative impact to the way of life in the San Luis Valley. Please consider and analyze this environmental injustice.

Katy Maxwell, Mancos, CO

I’ve been a resident of Pagosa Springs for 21 years. And the impact on our town in the last four years since the Covid outbreak has absolutely practically destroyed this town. How anyone can think of adding 10,000 more people when we have severe water issues not even to mention all the really good reasons about the habitat and the animals and the wetlands that need to be protected? You’re giving the greedy a chance to destroy Wolf Creek and surrounding towns. We do not have the infrastructure we do not have the infrastructure. Please cease and assist.

Terri Lynn Pritchard, Pagosa Springs, CO

I oppose any new development on Wolf Creek Pass. It is an important corridor for the endangered lynx and snowshoe hare. Maintaining the snowpack there is important as well.

We do NOT need another high mountain development for the wealthy! How about protection for what wildness we have left?


Beth Kinney, Alamosa, CO

Please do not allow this. The traffic would be detrimental and dangerous. The environment damaged.

Anonymous, Del Norte, CO

This development would most like be detrimental to the town of Pagosa Springs. This would move tourism away from town. Pagosa Springs relies on tourism from Wolf Creek Ski Area. The restaurants and bars would be empty. The lodging would be empty. The grocery store, retail shops, and ski/board outfitters would lose a vast amount of business. Pagosa Springs will become a struggling mountain town with little to no income. The county and city would not have tax revenues due to tourists staying at the development.

I have not even addressed the negative impact that the development would have environmentally regarding pollution and wildlife. Please stop this development.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

This planned development would only perpetuate the extractive nature of a few greedy individuals. Leaving this land undeveloped and stewarding it respectfully benefits the most number of stakeholders, whether they be furry, feathery, leafy, or otherwise.

Ben, Yreka, CA

Wolf Creek Pass is a vital staple for the wildlife of the area. This is crucial habitat to keep the ecosystem running smoothly. This is a burden to the surrounding communities and locals who are against this. Efforts need to be focused on already existing towns and local communities.

Anonymous, Lakewood, CO

The “development” humans need is the connection with natural resources, not to self. Destroying habitats and corridor is not the “progress” US needs, is the greed of someone trying to make a coin when they only see dollar signs instead of trees. The house market won’t be fixed adding more retail spaces and luxury hotels, those are lies.

Angelica, New Bedford, MA

Developments like this have repeatedly not benefited the community. They drive out locals and bring in wealthy elites who do not contribute to local life. Do not add Wolf Creek / Pagosa Springs to the list of mountain towns ruined by overdevelopment. Is there any character or actual locals left in Breckenridge, Aspen, or Steamboat? Coloradoans cherish Wolf Creek because of its character. It is the last best ski area in the state. Colorado has already been overdeveloped, we don’t need more tourists… keep them on I-70. It is affordable, family-friendly, and not overcrowded. Keep Wolf Creek special.

A Respectful Visitor of Wolf Creek, Boulder, CO

Any change in the water table or sedimentation levels will likely lead to irreversible damage to the 25 acres of subalpine fens located on the proposed site. How can we justify destroying or even damaging any of Colorado’s remaining subalpine fens for private interest profits?

Wetlands occupy approximately 1.5 percent of the total landmass in Colorado. Wetlands globally include bogs, fens, marshes, and wet meadows (Colorado Native Plant Society). Of the small percentage of CO land mass occupying mountain wetlands, roughly 0.03 percent of that may be classified as fens (Cooper 2003). In the Rocky Mountains fens are rare and high-value ecosystems (Winters et al. 2006). Fens have the greatest biodiversity of any wetland (Lamers et al. 2015).

Alpine fens cannot truly be replaced as it takes thousands of years for the peat to develop. In southern Colorado, it takes about 2,000 years to accumulate 8 inches of peat at a fen. This suggests that most fens are 4,000 to 10,000 years old (USDA website), with some estimated to be between 18,000 and 20,000 years old (Colorado Native Plant Society).

In addition, freshwater species are among the most vulnerable in the world. The 2020 Living Planet Index estimates there was a decrease of 84% in freshwater species populations globally between 1970 – 2020. This percentage has increased since then.

Susan Pierce-Platais, Del Norte, CO

Rehashing ecological, hydro-logical, environmental, esthetic, economic, access issues, medical emergency limitations doesn’t seem to be enough to continue to deny this appalling reversal after almost two decades. You can go into ANY town in the country-but heck-how bout just over the hill? Do an in depth analysis-or even a shallow one-and compare the quality of life, the sense of community, the reasonably distributed quality of living opportunities, connections to work ethic, youth involvement, and generally stabler family units in pastoral, agriculturally based areas. The ski industry in particular, is expensive, erodes literally and figuratively everything already listed. The spill over from development in and around ski areas is so virulent, that it changes entire regions within five years. The traffic alone is exhausting, the seasonality of jobs, the lack of available lower income housing, the drugs, the alcohol, the short term investments in all things-real estate, schools, support systems…life gets boxed into ever burgeoning pressures to provide recreational opportunities for the few that can afford it over time. The investors do not live here. There are a multitude of ways they could turn their fortunes towards supporting a sustainable legacy in any number of ways that do not include development. I challenge them to do that, I challenge SLV citizens to see beyond that short term dollar and continue to resist this development as planned with everything they have in them.

Claire, Mosca, CO

This development would be devastating to our small local communities on either side of Wolf Creek Pass. It would also be detrimental to the ecosystem of the region. This area has been ill-managed in the past and is currently being developed at scary rates; giving tourists what they want while leaving locals with nothing but sadness for what is and what’s to come. We want Wolf Creek to remain wild. This is a crucial area for lynx, snowshoe hare and bighorn sheep. Its wildness benefits the human spirit. Some places are worth so much more than money, money, money and this is one of those places.

Wolf Creek Pass is a special place of natural and scenic value. Having backpacked and camped in both the Weminuche and South San Juan Wilderness areas, we have a special feeling for the area. Skiing at the ski area and on nearby forest roads is a highlight of every winter for us. We felt privileged to have had the opportunity to ski to and stay overnight at the Pass Creek yurt, enjoying a winter “expedition” rated to our ability! We have driven with friends and family over the pass, and shared their excitement and wonder at such a high, alpine highway route, with spectacular scenery and very little evidence of human presence.

We have many concerns about the proposed land exchange and development on Wolf Creek Pass. Here are a few.

The original 1986 land exchange is the unfortunate root of this whole quandary. This process has been flawed from the beginning starting in1986 when the Forest Service reversed its decision to deny the land exchange.

Concerns for all animals and plants living in this unique high-country area are very important to us.

Water is a major concern related to the proposed community. Is there a source one that can be used without irreparable harm to the high-country ecosystem?

Other concerns: wild fire, pollution, socio-economic risks for surrounding towns and counties, health of residents and visitors, contingency plans and a bond requirement in case the development goes defunct, and more.

Please fight development of a village on Wolf Creek Pass.

Suzanne, Mosca, CO

Developing Wolf Creek to such an extent would have a grave impact on the populations of humans and other animals in the area. Construction of a village would be detrimental to the natural ecosystem on Wolf Creek Pass. It would also contribute to an unsustainable and unmanageable rate of development in nearby towns, which are already seeing rising costs of living. Not to mention that Wolf Creek is so special because it’s unlike many resorts which have become overrun and overdeveloped; a village at the ski area would be a detriment to its natural beauty.

Eva Curlsey, Pagosa Springs, CO

Must not happen.

Michigan, Midland, MI

Misuse of legal system started this. Misuse of National Forest.

Jim, Mancos, CO

It is important that we protect these wild lands! This area is home to many animals and plants that give so much to the well being of the ecosystem. Wolf Creek is beautiful because it is wild and fairly undeveloped. It would be devastating for visitors, locals and wildlife if development is passed!

Cara, Mancos, CO

I support Friends of Wolf Creek and San Juan Citizens Alliance in their efforts to stop the village at Wolf Creek from being built.

Annie Bussell, Mancos, CO

Creating this development at Wolf Creek Pass would not only stretch emergency and rescue resources dangerously thin, but also endanger countless animal species in the area. Local residents do not support the proposed Village and their welfare and voice (aside from that of the flora and fauna) should be paramount.

Anonymous, Menlo Park, CA

I strongly oppose the development plan that destroys the habitats of animals such as American pikas and elk. They are already losing their habitat in many areas as human development encroaches. We don’t need to take away their habitat when we can live elsewhere. Pikas, for example, cannot live at lower elevations as they are susceptible to warmer temperatures. It’s not like they can move to another high elevation area. This development will kill them. Please stop destroying their habitat.

kumigram, Oakland, CA

The beauty of our little town is being destroyed by greed and big money interests. Development of Wolf Creek would be a disaster for the ecology of the area. Let’s let Wolf Creek remain wild!

Naomi, Pagosa Springs, CO

Every bit of land we can keep forever wild increases the chances of humans surviving the Climate Crisis. The fact that this keeps popping back up shows that some legislator(s) are captured by #BigMoney #BigDevelopers. Look at the “ForeverWild” Program in Alabama. We fought them off but they keep coming back. We’ll just keep fighting them off.

Rosalind McDermott, Huntsville, AL

The Village at Wolf Creek is still a horrible idea 20 years after the wealthy dead guy proposed it. The only purpose it would serve is to realize his dream. The impacts on this fragile region are beyond anyone’s comprehension, especially with the climate crisis growing more destructive every year. Are you really willing to take responsibility for all the unforeseen negative consequences this project will bring to this beautiful place? Please choose not to destroy yet another piece of Colorado’s pristine land so someone can get richer.

Lissa, Durango, CO

I fell in love with Wolf Creek Ski Resort the first time I saw it more than 20 years ago. The wildness, the openness, the serenity, the peacefulness, and the perfect size resort. It is one of the very few ski areas left in Colorado that isn’t surrounded or inundated with commerce. Don’t just think of your own greed for building a massive village at Wolf Creek, go build it somewhere else where there’s already the necessary infrastructure in place! Leave Wolf Creek wild!

Katlynn, Bayfield, CO

Wolk Creek Pass and the surrounding wild areas should remain wild and protected. Wildlife and humans alike benefit from preserving wild places.

Anonymous, Westminster, CO

I have in this area for over 30 yrs and am disheartened by the rapid and frequently mismanaged growth in what used to be “wild” areas. I support the Friends of Wolf Creek in their efforts to fight large scale development of Wolf Creek for the sake of wildlife habitat and natural ecosystems.

Anonymous, Durango, CO

This development would be devastating to our small local communities on either side of Wolf Creek Pass. It would also be detrimental to the ecosystem of the region. This area has been ill-managed in the past and is currently being developed at scary rates; giving tourists what they want while leaving locals with nothing but sadness for what is and what’s to come. We want Wolf Creek to remain wild. This is a crucial area for lynx, snowshoe hare and bighorn sheep. Its wildness benefits the human spirit. Some places are worth so much more than money, money, money and this is one of those places.

Becky F., Phoenix, AZ

Wolf Creek Ski Area provides a home to countless animals and indigenous plants, as well as being a huge provider in our watershed system. Developing the ski area would compromise the ecosystem and work against conservation efforts in the SW Colorado region. We want tourists to spend time in local towns around the ski area, such as Del Norte, South Fork, Creede, Pagosa. These towns rely on the ski area tourism to stay alive and thrive.

Becky, Durango, CO

I oppose the development proposed for Wolf Creek Ski Area. My family has traveled to the area not only to downhill ski but also backcountry ski on the pass and hike during summer months. As long term Colorado residents, we have come to appreciate the unique family atmosphere of Wolf Creek which is nonexistent at the larger resorts in Summit County.

The beautiful and fragile environment surrounding the area will never recover from this greedy endeavor.

Andrea Storrs, Woodland Park, CO

Such a beautiful area, and Colorado does not need another Vail or Aspen abomination of our wilderness. Prioritize our wildlfe and our wilderness heritage!

Catherine Etherton, Tucson, AZ

I imagine proponents for the development of a Village at Wolf Creek will claim there is an economic advantage to such development. I am among those who instead foresee the negative impacts of “developing” one of the last wild areas left in the United States. We are but one of many species living in this world, and paving over paradise in pursuit of short-term economic interests dismisses the immense ecological value of our ecosystems. The development of a Village at Wolf Creek is both naive and self-destructive.

Seth Furtney, Durango, CO

I want Wolf Creek to remain wild. This is a crucial area for lynx, snowshoe hare and bighorn sheep. Its wildness benefits the human spirit. Some places are worth so much more than money and this is one of those places. Let us not sacrifice the natural beauty of this area to the developers and out of state tourists who have no vested interest in the preservation of this beautiful land.

Colorado, Boulder, CO

It is incredibly crucial to support and sustain the integrity of areas like Wolf Creek. The sustainability of rural communities is crucial in this time and age.

Bode Wolin, Durango, CO

After a corrupt land transfer of almost 40 years and the decades of opposition to this development, it is still a completely inappropriate use of the land on top of Wolf Creek Pass. Impacts include disturbing a critical wildlife corridor, highway impacts, destruction of wetlands, no nearby police and first responders, and pollution of the Rio Grande River headwaters. The development will be devastating to Pagosa Springs and South Fork communities since visitors will not want to drive down the pass to those communities and instead will keep their business at the development. Wolf Creek is a unique place and the ski area is just great the way it is. This development is about billionaire greed with no concern for the local people and the wilderness.

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

Development in beautiful wild areas like Wolf Creek Pass destroys the wildness and beauty that is so special about Colorado in the first place. What you end up with is pollution, traffic, restrictions, and habitat loss and wildlife destruction that can be found in any big city or suburb in America. When we start selling out parks, and special wild places for development, where does it end?

fred, Littleton, CO

The Village at Wolf Creek should NOT happen. We do not have many wild places left here in Colorado. This area is in between two of those areas; the Weminuche and the South San Juan’s. Nature and the wild needs its space and peace. Let’s not give out to corporate greed. Keep the area wild for that is what it deserves. The last thing we need is an another mountain full of humans and their obnoxious noises. SAVE WOLF CREEK!

Ollie’s wild place, Bayfield, CO

A village at the top of Wolf Creek represents the epitome of human arrogance and total lack of concern for the Natural World. The gross human impact in this wild area will result in habitat destruction for both wildlife and wild forest lands.

Close down this plan of destruction forever!

Bob Kuhnert, Durango, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek wild. The idea of a huge development up there is crazy. No infrastructure, no health services, too high in elevation. It also inversely impacts wildlife. Please don’t allow it to go forward.

Sue Wells, Pagosa Springs, CO

The proposed village at Wolf Creek basically bisects two important wilderness areas.

Colorado, Durango, CO

We need to keep large tracts of wilderness unfractured and free from human development. This not only for the many sensitive wildlife species that call these areas home but also for the sanctuary and peace these areas provide to the human taxpayers.

Bill DeLuccia, Indialantic, FL

The Village at Wolf Creek is an irresponsible corporate money grab that will further endanger incredibly important lynx habitat and irreplaceable headwaters. There is no evidence that this developed plan won’t impede these indispensable resources. This proposed building project should be halted and the area protected from further development immediately.

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

I would hate to see this unique and beautiful area blighted with buildings. Plus it would be detrimental to our town’s economy. No Wolf Creek Village!!

Deb H., Pagosa Springs, CO

Please don’t allow development to devastate this community. It would be hugely detrimental to the environment.

Felipe Vieyra, Aurora, CO

Wolf Creek is a treasured area rich in wildlife and wilderness. The destruction of this area would change the wild nature of the mountain. It doesn’t need to be developed. Additionally, the strain on local resources like our roads, hospitals, EMT etc would increase while our tourist income decreases which is bad for locals.

Kris Salisbury, Pagosa Springs, CO

Elk migration and lynx habitat, watersheds and other wilderness would be harmed by this “village”. Millionaires will suffer, sleeping at 10,000 feet. Red McCombs told me 20 years ago that sewage would be “returned to the system”. We do not have the infrastructure to safely build any residences at the top of Wolf Creek Pass. This has been a terrible back-room deal since day one.

Lisa, Pagosa Springs, CO

This development will have a negative economic impact on Pagosa Springs and South Fork businesses. This development will have a negative impact on the watershed including the local ranchers and farmers, as well as river sports like rafting and fishing. The only place around here where I’ve seen big horn sheep and ermine is up at Wolf Creek, let’s protect this beautiful area. There are already plenty of resorts, hotels and malls on Colorado mountain tops, we don’t need to ruin another beautiful recreation area for generations, or forever, to enrich one family at the expense of all of our families.

Beth, Pagosa Springs, CO


NM, Waterflow, NM

Keep Wolf Creek as the special place it is!

Marco Lam, Boulder, CO

I am deeply concerned about how this development will impact the community I call home. The San Luis Valley is not just where I live, it’s the heart of my culture and heritage. Our ancestors respected the water, air and animals that define this land. Please don’t let money erase our spirit or take away the home that connects us to our roots.

CO, Center, CO

Our planet is getting crowded. Man has won vs. Nature. Wild places have become constricted postage stamps. Wolf Creek Pass sits in the middle of one of the America’s last great wild places. The blight of a village would be an irreversible dagger in the heart of the Mountain Majesty that Makes America Great. Please McCombs, for the sake of generations to come, think beyond temporary profits.

Colorado, Alamosa, CO

I vote to preserve the Wolf Creek area.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

There are no shortage of Villages near ski areas in Colorado. We want to preserve the natural beauty and wildlife of this area not over develop. No one wants this besides the handful of people who will profit from the destruction of the natural beauty. Stuff your money elsewhere and stop trying to develop an area that makes no sense and serves no benefit besides further fleecing of tourists at the cost of nature, locals and businesses in town.

Ben, Pagosa Springs, CO

I’d love it if the state ensures that Wolf Creek Pass stays wild. Throughout my life, I’ve driven through the Pass to visit my dad’s side of the family in Pagosa Springs. Their livelihood relies on tourists through AirBnB and ranch management. We spent many mornings exploring Wolf Creek, fishing, hunting and enjoying the wildlife. There is a direct impact on the enjoyment of these activities for locals and vital tourists that support this area, all season long. Additionally, the vital water this area brings (yea vegetation brings rain) and retains is the water in the local ecosystem. Without this, the region and all of the West will be even more susceptible to drought and economic hardship.

Connor Gnazzo, Centennial, CO

The wilderness should be preserved and protected for future generations to enjoy, and the preservation of the natural ecosystems of that wilderness should be equally valued.

Kyle Tisdale, Castaic, CA

There’s already too much development in Colorado. Let’s stop it while we still can.

Henry Stern, Richmond, VA

Keep Wolf Creek Pass wild! The USA needs to preserve this beautiful place.

Steve, Pontarlier, France

Wolf Creek Pass should be kept wild, not developed. It is a critical home for wildlife in our state, including the incredible pika. It is also an important wildlife corridor. A village at the pass would not only negatively impact wildlife — it would further strain natural resources like water availability for Colorado and beyond. There is no need for a development at the Pass.

Anonymous, Denver, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek Pass wild. The state of the world is going downhill with the way climate change is affecting everything. Wolf Creek is home to the pika. Developing this land means that it will negatively impact the pika. We need to keep this sacred land wild so that the wildlife there may continue to thrive in their natural habitat. Do your part and help preserve what little nature is left. The world is becoming too developed and natural spaces like Wolf Creek is a necessity.

Anonymous, Shelton, CT

I strongly oppose any further development of the Wolf Creek area. As an environmental educator and B.S. in Natural Resources Management I understand the magnitude of damage to the current and future ecosystem this development would cause. It is unnecessary and irresponsible to proceed with development.

Aubrey Balcom, Pagosa Springs, CO

No development at Wolf Creek!

Beverly, Pagosa Springs, CO


Why in the world would you build an 8000-person resort that is ~45 minutes to the nearest medical support on good roads? (assuming the pass is open) The elevation is challenging for locals…. not to mention folks from low elevation.

Why in the world would you build an 8000-person resort that gets over 400 inches/year of snowfall at over 10,000 feet? In 2024, the Wolf Creek Pass/road was fully closed, partially closed or had delayed traffic over 50 times due to avalanche control, rockslides, semi-trailers accidents/spinouts, car crashes, car/semi recoveries and road maintenance.

Why in the world would you build a self-contained 8000-person resort where the economic benefit to the surrounding towns would not be fully realized? If the resort is pretty much self-sufficient with school, groceries, gas, shopping, gear rentals etc. the surrounding towns will not get these financial benefits.

Why in the world would you build an 8000-person resort that disrupts lynx, elk, bighorn sheep, deer migration and calving and so many other smaller critters existence.

Why in the world would you build an 8000-person resort that stresses an already stressed water supply stress, watershed and groundwater

Why in the world would you build an 8000-person resort that would forever ruin wetlands, grasses, trees, wildflower health etc.

Shawna, Durango, CO

This project has never considered the environment or infrastructure which take a heavy toll on all services by the surrounding communities. I know the Pitcher family and they have provided one of the best ski experiences imaginable in this state, a low key, no resort atmosphere. Don’t let greedy Texans come and ruin what CO has always loved about South Fork and Wolf Creek Pass. The forest service knows what’s best for the land!

CO, Frisco, CO

As past residents of Colorado [Cortez and Denver], my family and I feel that his development would be devastating to the small local communities on either side of Wolf Creek Pass.

It would also be detrimental to the ecosystem of the region. This area has been ill-managed in the past and is currently being developed at scary rates; giving tourists what they want while leaving locals with nothing but sadness for what is and what’s to come. We want Wolf Creek to remain wild. This is a crucial area for lynx, snowshoe hare and bighorn sheep. Its wildness also benefits the human spirit. Some places are worth so much more than money and, to us, this is one of those places.

Thank you for your consideration.

allen, Davis, CA

The proposed Village at Wolf Creek threatens vital wetlands, strains county emergency resources, and benefits few while degrading the cherished open-space landscape enjoyed by many. I stand with the Friends of Wolf Creek in opposing this development.

Chase LaCroix, Durango, CO

As developments are encroaching on nature in more and more places on the Western Slope, there should not be a “village” at Wolf Creek. Keep this beautiful and wild place just so! Also, with the wild fires in Los Angeles going on, it seems like a ridiculously stupid idea to build a “village” on top of a mountain with a lack of easily accessible water resources close by… Please let nature and common sense prevail.

Anonymous, Durango, CO

I support all intentions to keep Wolf Creek Pass wild and ecologically viable. At a time when we need to buckle down and do our part to mitigate habitat destruction, support biodiversity and reverse climate change as well as conserve water, it is ludicrous to go forth with anything as ignorantly conceived as a village of 10,000 unnecessary individuals descending upon such a pristine location to develop and expand a ski area. Let us keep the remaining wild spaces wild.

Kristen, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek Pass DESERVES To Remain Pristine & Wild Period.

CA, Tustin, CA

I support Friends of Wolf Creek in their opposition of this large and unnecessary development that would exacerbate habitat destruction and set back current efforts to maintain high-value wetlands, forest, meadow and riparian habitat in the area.

Anonymous, Durango, CO

The impact of a development placed in the high altitude area of Wolf Creek Ski Resort is significant. This area supports our local economy and environment bringing in a development based on consumption and opulence would be the death of our communities.

Julie Cooley, Durango, CO

The plan to build a huge village at Wolf Creek makes no sense.

NM, Aztec, NM

The Wolf Creek Pass area is home to many plants, trees, animals and migration corridors that must be protected now and for generations to come.

This area deserves protection from all activities that may cause deforestation, habitat loss and destruction of the solitude and beauty of Wolf Creek Pass. No development!

Lisa, Ignacio, CO

We need more wilderness protected and less development. End of story. Stop selling off our lands to the highest bidder. Protect the lands for the people.

Janie, Bayfield, CO

As we progress in our growth as a species we need to learn to recognize natural places and animals as deserving a voice. This is a special area for many animals, plants and people. Please listen to the people who live in the area and are telling you this is a bad idea. The state and local government do not have the means to maintain this area.

Felicia, Colorado Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is one of the last bastions of everything that made Colorado wonderful. Please don’t allow greed like this to ruin one of the small slices of paradise you have left.

Tim Weiland, Seward, AK

Keep Wolf Creek wild, undeveloped, and pristine! Those animals that call that area home don’t have a voice to protect their home. Let’s respect them first and foremost and stop with the never ending greediness.

Jen, Deary, ID

I live in South Fork Colorado at the base of Wolf Creek Pass so this is my home we are talking about. I have grown to love this area because of its natural beauty. I can’t even imagine how anyone would put financial gains over maintaining this beautiful area the way God intended it to be!

Terry, South Fork, CO

Please keep wild places wild!

Kestrel Detweiler, Mooresville, NC

No pillage no village!

Rachel, Dillon, CO

Ever since moving to Colorado, Wolf Creek has held a special place in my heart. Wolf Creek Pass remains one of the last untouched places in Colorado and needs to remain that way, as so much of Colorado undergoes further development. So many people, from local business owners to out of town adventurers, rely upon keeping Wolf Creek Pass wild and developing the area would be a detriment to so many for the financial successes of the few. The damage done to Wolf Creek Ski Area would also harm the last vestiges of old school, local, family-owned skiing culture that our state needs to protect. Lastly, we have a duty to protect wildlife and wild places in such dire times for our environment. It’s time to stop turning our public lands over to the highest bidder and instead keep our public lands for the public.

Nicholas, Denver, CO

A village at Wolf Creek will not only impact wildlife migration patterns. It will impact our watersheds. High alpine wetlands make up less than 2% of landscapes around the world. These riparian zones are some of the most ecologically diverse landscapes that we have. A development would be sure to destroy the delicate natural balance. It will also alter the way of life for the people that live in the surrounding areas. Many of our locals make their living and survive by hunting, guiding, and providing rentals to visitors that come to experience Wolf Creek and the surrounding mountains. By keeping Wolf Creek wild we can ensure that future generations will get to experience the natural wonders of our San Juan mountains.

Shelby, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please respectfully consider the commercial development of Wolf Creek would, first and foremost, endanger the habitat for many animals and our fragile ecosystem. The immediate surrounding towns rely on tourism as a result of visitors enjoying the San Juan mountains, and this would detrimentally impact the livelihood of these small towns.

Brenda Ray, Pagosa Springs, CO

According to Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, the area of interest is in a fragile location for water risk. Water stress risk is already at a medium-high (20-40%); Seasonal variability measures the average within-year variability of available water supply, including both renewable surface and groundwater supplies in Wolf Creek is medium-high (0.66-1.00); and lastly riverine flood risk is medium-high (2 in 1,000 to 6 in 1,000 will be affected annually). The West of this great nation is currently and into the future suffers from diminishing water supplies due to population increases and climate changes that are delivering less rain and snowfall many years and higher temperatures that put further stress on our water supplies, forest, wildlife, river systems and recreational activities. The above examples from Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas surely should highlight the stress the Wolf Creek Area is already experiencing at this juncture in time! Our belief is that ANY development will put additional stress on an already fragile ecosystem. [https://www.wri.org/aqueduct/publications]

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

Building this type of development on top of Wolf Creek pass is a terrible idea. It’s a very dangerous pass at times. Everything will have to be develped there – water, sewers, utilities. It will devastate the pristine area. I ski the ski area and ski the pass and we have a jewel of recreation there – which has made it a desirable place. This only makes it become an expensive resort – probably owned by a large corporation like Vail. It will ruin a true Colorado gem.

CO, Nathrop, CO

Having grown up in Colorado, I’ve experienced firsthand how large ski-based economies change the social, economic, environmental, and overall pastoral atmosphere of every single place they’ve been allowed to do so: Aspen, Snowmass, Summit County, Vail… More traffic, more accidents, more drugs and alcohol, higher property taxes and values which makes it impossible for all the “support people” to afford housing. It doesn’t take long before the surrounding area is developed, the water consumption, solid waste, medical, educational and traditional rural economies become stressed, and essentially, it ends up being a metropolitan mecca for people who rarely spend more than a week or two at a time in the community, yet demand it bend to all the whims and desires and amenities that can be had in any other metropolitan area. The charm, beauty, rural pace, community spirit, tenuous balance of wild nature and recreation, and imaginative economic entrepreneurship….The increasing awareness of our archeological and anthropological history, and glimmers of new and exciting agricultural ventures that are experimenting with with the vital hydro-logical challenges will be snuffed out within a decade.
The plan to invade this remote location, treacherous road, wildlife corridor, in this drought stressed area is both impractical and hideous. The elongated nightmare of effort, by this development plan is strewn with well documented predictable disaster. Put forth by investors already known to fleece a community and leave- How many ways and times do we have to say NO! Just NO! Not now-not ever.

Claire, Mosca, CO

We are tired of this happening to all of our wild areas. It’s too much!

Dina Torres Lopez, Estes Park, CO

There is a stone plaque on the walk along the San Juan River in Pagosa which quotes a Native American proverb. It states “Treat the Earth well, it was not given to you by your parents, but loaned to you by your children.” How can we look at our children and tell them these condominiums are more beautiful than a grove of Aspen? How can we say this traffic is more meaningful than a herd of elk? How can we? How will we?! The mountains, forests, and streams around Wolf Creek are a national treasure in a fragile environment. The proposed development would destroy the natural resources and beauty that so many now come to enjoy. It would also hurt our surrounding towns where people now go to stay, eat and play as they recreate in our National Forests. We need to save these treasures for our children! It is time to stand up against those who wish to destroy these lands for personal gain.

Scott Howell, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek needs to stay wild a village up there would be very bad. Not only would it affect the environment but it could have impacts on the Bighorn population.

Clinton Wilson, Avondale, CO

This project is and always has been unrealistic. Stop the plunder of Wolf Creek!

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is not an appropriate location for the proposed Village at Wolf Creek, with its proposed hotels, condos, restaurants, shops, and many other amenities. I support smart building in appropriate locations, but this is not.

As the name of the mountain area implies, Wolf Creek Pass is an important wildlife corridor and ancient migration route used by elk and other species. The remote area is also home to a variety of threatened species, including the Canada Lynx, and is considered a potential reintroduction site for the wolverine.

The high-altitude area also produces some of the heaviest snowfall in the state so is an invaluable source of water for the region. In addition, the area’s fragile ecology such as fens are considered “irreplaceable ancient wetlands” and a “Biodiversity Hotspot”.

I think you’ll agree this ecologically significant area is not appropriate for a new road and resort/village and the planned population surge of 8000 residents on the 300-acre site surrounded by national forest.

The massive increase in construction related traffic and the hauling of the necessary materials from far away suppliers to build such a resort/village and to maintain the necessary services during all seasons could unnecessarily and permanently damage and alter the ecosystem.

For example, CBS News and The Vail Daily (among other news outlets) reported that 50% of elk populations in the resort heavy county of Eagle County vanished during a single decade. According to The Vail Daily, changes need to be made to recreation and development habits.


Wolf Creek is a ski area like those that Colorado had thruout the state in the past. A family run resort for the people in the area. I don’t believe McCombs has the right to destroy our area with crude development. This is ramsacking neighborhoods! The wildlife needs this area. McCombs has many developments they need to let this one go.

Mary Anderson, Del Norte, CO

Wolf Creek is one of the last ski areas of its kind, its is all about skiing and nothing else. Building a full resort style lodging area would destroy the amazing wild feel of Wolf Creek Pass, it would destroy some amazing back country skiing and ski area views. Most importantly this construction would be detrimental to the local ecology, this pass is an extremely important watershed to both the Rio Grand and the San Juan. Please do not destroy this special place, plans like this are the reason locals are leaving and Texans are taking over. Dont sell out to Texas.

Ian Crews, Durango, CO

I support the battle to keep Wolf Creek Pass wild.

Anya Kaats, Crestone, CO

No development at Wolf Creek. Leave the place alone. We don’t need another ski village in the mountains. We need to respect nature and leave the lynx alone.

Beth Kinney, Alamosa, CO

I support the effort to keep this special area of nature free from humans croaching more in on and disturbing what is left. We humans can’t just keep on settling and disturbing plant, tree and animal areas. Thank you.

bomawi, Crestone, CO

When will this end! 30 years of opposition and you would think they would get the message!

Crystal Gillich, Pagosa Springs, CO

Some places are just too special to destroy. Protect Wolf Creek Pass!

Jared, Denver, CO

Keep Wolf Creek in its current state. No developments for profit over nature.

Shanna McRae, Alamosa, CO

I support the efforts to keep wolf creek wild and as is. How many times do we have to say NO! Thank you to all that join in on the support to keep Wolf Creek as is!

Priscilla Sherman, Durango, CO

It’s [wild] that this is even a petition that I have to sign to begin with. Wolf Creek is and has been a precious gem to all locals in the surrounding areas, without any need or interest for a ski resort for decades. A massive part of why we love it so much is because there is no resort, and the fact that this is something that actually might happen is horrible. The environmental cost of building a resort alone should instantly shut this down, not to mention everything that will follow with the rich pretentious people that come with ski resorts. Half of the people that live in the area year round could never dream of affording any type of condo at said resort, and most of the people that do invest in resorts aren’t local, and their money never makes it into the economy, only when they decide to build more mansions that they only live in for two months out of the year. Look at what’s happened to Purgatory, and all of the terrible houses being built at the Glacier Club. No one that actually lives here can afford it and it sucks that people that only stay for a month get the power to ruin it all for people that live and work in the surrounding towns. We are so lucky to have Wolf Creek the way it is and I’m so grateful for all the memories made. Please don’t ruin it.

Tom, Durango, CO

As someone who has lived in Durango all their life and has skied Wolf Creek frequently, this village will not benefit the majority of consumers that pass through the area. Wolf Creek is known as a small ski resort and expanding will fundamentally withdraw a large portion of its traffic. A vast majority of its traffic is brought in knowing that this is an unknown, underground, and underrated ski restort, and anything to change this perception will alter how the towns surrounding the ski area will operate. The only time the village will be used is during the high season such as christmas and spring break, and maybe when comps such as freeride or racing are taking place. These four or five weeks of high volume traffic is not worth the extra construction and the threat of being bought out by epic or ikon pass. keep wolf creek local and lowkey and it will keep benefiting us.

livie, Durango, CO

This would ruin our natural environment!

Shannon Herzog, Del Norte, CO

I am a proud Texan. Have enjoyed skiing Wolf Creek many years. Keep it the way it is !!! That’s a huge positive and attraction that there is minimal development. It’s so beautiful. More development will scar the landscape. Those who want to develop only for financial gain. I love Wolf Creek !!

Steven Scales, Huntsville, TX

I vote to keep Wolf Creek Wild.

Michael Schmidt, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild!

Travis Howell, Austin, TX

Too much of this world is being built up and destroyed by civilization, I don’t think this needs to be done on Wolf Creek Pass. Let’s keep some portion of Colorado Wild and not built up.

Mtlmstr, Del Norte, CO

Stop the pillage. Keep Wolf Creek minimally developed

Colt Fetters, Durango, CO

Be proud to NOT develop what is wild, what is meant to be wild. The impact of the construction trucks, materials, workers will be more than enough to change this wildlife habitat. A fire would be devastating.

Pamela Larson, Pagosa Springs, CO

I support the development not coming to fruition.

Kathleen Woodward, Pagosa Springs, CO

I support keeping wolf creek wild

Julia, Durango, CO

A logistical nightmare in exactly the wrong place. I own property in South Fork and have a season pass at Wolf Creek. I predict if this development is pursued it will bleed you in an endless money pit. Seek alternatives.

CO, Salida, CO

We don’t need another ski resort. Government agencies and the courts should protect public land for the beauty and tranquility they provide the local residents.

Colleen Bennett, Moffat, CO

Development on Wolf Creek Pass exemplifies humanity’s tendency to prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability. As natural habitats are disrupted and landscapes altered, the ecological balance is put at risk, echoing past errors in urban expansion and resource extraction. Ultimately, this cycle of development reflects a failure to learn from history, as the lessons of preservation and stewardship remain unheeded.

Can we please be better?

CO, Del Norte, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Wild, keep out development!

Julie Blanda, Leadville, CO

One of the most amazing parts of the Continental Divide corridor throughout the San Juans is how remote it is. It would be a shame to change that, we all know that this building project would just be the first step. The reason people enjoy living and recreating in the South San Juans is the wilderness. Why should we take that away and permanently ruin that opportunity for everyone?

Bailey, Durango, CO

We need to protect our headwaters at Wolf Creek that serve all people animals and plants. We need to protect our wildlife otherwise there will be no more life.

Xina, Pagosa Springs, CO

This development is wholly inappropriate and misguided. It needs to be put away for good. Enough already!

Gary, Aspen, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is special. We drive across it a lot and the thought of a village there makes me feel sick. Don’t diminish its beauty. Don’t take support of small towns nearby away, don’t commercialize it, don’t further impact its wildlife.

Heather Musclow, Lewis, CO

Creating a new development will only cause more run down structures in surrounding towns, it will disrupt homes for wildlife and create havoc for many! Leave the land clean for the future of our environment! Pour money into the towns and old structures around the community. STOP BUILDING NEW, greed is an ugly thing!

Jess, Mount Pleasant, TX

Support stopping the development on Wolf Creek

Kari Burkett, Pagosa Springs, CO

The forested region surrounding Wolf Creek Pass is home to many critical species. Excess development bringing nearly 10000 people to this area will damage habitats. Additionally, adding that many people to the area significantly increases the risk of a devastating fire to occur. Keep Wolf Creek wild!!

Crystal Glen, Tijeras, NM

No development at Wolf Creek!

Sarah Dudley, Golden, NM

Tragically, wild places are becoming isolated islands of refuge while myopic urbanization has penetrated too far. Wolf Creek Pass is the heart of one of America’s last remaining low latitude wildernesses and it is far too valuable to the future to be blighted with a city. As humanity sets its sights on Mars and beyond, for the sake of our grandchildren, we must protect these treasures from momentary greed and corrupt land swaps. The continental divide along Wolf Creek Pass with no development for many miles in every direction is too valuable to be sacrificed by urbanization.

CO, Alamosa, CO

Greed, greed, corruption, and more greed. How many landscapes do corporate mongers need to ruin for the sake of money? Enough is enough. Also, there is talk of limiting motorized snow machines just around the corner from this development to protect lynx habitat, yet this construction will be allowed? Yet another shady development in this seemingly never ending saga.

Tamara Sciacca, Pagosa Springs, CO

Of course they want to build here. It’s one of the last wild places we have, and, with enough money, they could conquer it with big equipment.

What we should consider is the “life expectancy” of this development vs the “life expectancy” of what would be destroyed. A development would be outdated in fewer years than the average human lifetime. This wild place has existed for millennia and, if not destroyed for greed, will continue to exist for as long as the earth spins

There is not enough money in the world to ever restore this sacred land nor even to mitigate the damage a development would cause.

Not only would the construction phase destroy habitat, the mere existence of a development here would degrade the nature of the place and ruin its beauty.

A development should never be allowed here.

Not now, not ever!

Judy Blaisdell, Bayfield, CO

Please don’t let Wolf Creek explode like Summit County. The world needs more small special places.

Sarah, Breckenridge, CO

Wolf Creek is a Beautiful area and it is untouched which makes it one of the most pristine spots in Colorado. Why in the world would you want to ruin that? We don’t need 10,000 people here, we don’t need 2000 more people here, it’s bad enough when everybody comes to ski, so please walk it back and take it to Texas because we don’t want it. We don’t need it here.

Jules, Westcliffe, CO

Stop the pillage!

Jordan Weber, Denver, CO

Wolf Creek pass cannot handle the traffic demands of a resort capable of housing several thousand people.

Ron Rekowski, Del Norte, CO

Keep this area wild and unique. It’s what makes it beautiful.

Zach Neal, Fort Worth, TX

Wolf Creek is a small, family-owned ski area that feels too crowded with 5,000 people. It cannot handle 10,000. The fragile environment on the pass cannot handle 10,000 people. If this monstrosity of a development is allowed to proceed the owners will have to sell out to a large corporation in order to build the infrastructure needed, and in 10 years we’ll be talking about what a great little ski area we used to have. In the meantime our tax evaluations will go up, cost of living will go up, and scarce housing will be even more difficult to attain, which happens whenever a resort is built. I am willing to do whatever it takes to fight this development which nobody I know who lives in the San Luis Valley is in favor of.

Scott Rappold, Del Norte, CO

The creation of a resort would severely impact the opportunity for human-powered recreation & quiet recreation in the surrounding national forest lands.

Brittany Leffel, Hesperus, CO

I support “Friends of Wolfcreek’s” efforts to stop construction on Wolfcreek Pass and Ski Area. Not only would this negatively impact natural plant and animal species that are native to this area, I also believe that it would become unaffordable and inaccessible to local communities who have enjoyed skiing at Wolf Creek ski area for generations. Let’s let some areas of Colorado remain wild!

C Coombs, La Jara, CO

The Wolf Creek Pass area and the lands surrounding it, including the lands eat and west through which 160 goes, are some of the most beautiful in the state. Do not let developers, much less out of state developers, ruin this gorgeous land. We do not need another Vail, Beavercreek, Avon, Edwards hideous development, especially in southern Colorado. Please protect our wilderness areas!

Kim, Trinidad, CO

Pillage The Village at Wolf Creek

Kermit Herman, Pagosa Springs, CO

I speak out against the development of Wolf creek.

Anna Wiesinger, Crestone, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild and prevent ecological damage!

Raquel, Alamosa, CO

No development…keep wolf creek wild and free

Ronald Bennett, Alamosa, CO

It’s gonna be a town killer for both sides by taking away tax money and sending it to mineral county and take away from all the business owners that rely on the tourism!

Damon, Pagosa Springs, CO

This will be the down fall of one of the last family owned and operated ski areas as well as the San Luis Valley and Pagosa springs. I am a forest service employee as-well I am not going to give up my beautiful wolf creek.

Zachary, Monte Vista, CO

This is a terrible idea. It’s going to completely destroy the natural beauty and make it a congested horrible mess.

Angela Foster, Aurora, CO

I support keeping the Wolf Creek Pass and ski area in its current state. Already much of Colorado has been developed into fakey ski villages that disrupt the wildness and bring more out of state tourist. One only needs to look at the I-70 corridor to see the impacts that over development brings. As a local resident I value what we have, and I am not interested in some out of state developer ruining our area just to make a buck and move on.

Ron N, Del Norte, CO

It seems unbelievable that I have to say this as the Forest Service should be protecting the wildness of this area instead of bowing to a greedy billionaire who has no interest in anything other than money. This is literally your job, to stop this kind of nonsense.

What is wrong with you, Forest Service?

Jim Maynard, Crestone, CO

Hi my name is Natalie. I [was born and raised in] the San Luis Valley area. There’s an abundance of reasons why this village should not be allowed. The number one factor being WILDLIFE. Humans as a whole have been responsible for the destruction of wildlife environments and decline of animals. Let us not participate in this any longer. Instead use the money and resources for something we really need. Housing for the people who do not have a roof under their head, or funding to help feed people in need. There are millions of other good deeds we can contribute to, instead of destroying homes of animal and flipping our world upside down. KEEP WOLF CREEK LOCAL.

Natalie Benavides, Del Norte, CO

There is no room or time for this development. The impact of a village of 8000 with the necessary infrastructure, the damage done to the forest, wildlife and water that can never be repaired would be a tragedy. They don’t give a damn about anything but money.

Ron Chapman, Alamosa, CO

Wolf Creek does not need to be exploited by over development to make a few rich people richer. Leave something for the wildlife and some wild for the people.

Helgoth Blake, Monument, CO

I support the battle to keep Wolf Creek wild.

Elizabeth, Golden, CO

Building this would be a big mistake.

John Kortum, Arvada, CO

Wolf Creek is a Colorado state treasure and one of the few remaining small, family-run ski areas. Its magic lies in its quaint atmosphere. A development of this magnitude would destroy its very essence and break the hearts of countless Colorado residents. It needs to be preserved and protected against this type of large-scale development at all costs.

Andrew Stone, Lakewood, CO

Wolf Creek is too small for a development like this.

Bill, Nathrop, CO

I am a local of Summit County, CO and a frequent pow-day tripper to Wolf Creek. I FULLY and COMPLETELY oppose the development of the Wolf Creek “village”. It would bring un-wanted, un-precedented, and un-necessary changes to the area that would ruin the unique ecosystem, economy, and perfect swath of nature and natural resource protection. It is completely unacceptable and ridiculous to me that the local FS branch is completely ignoring the ruling passed down by the federal government due to pressure from this billionaire and his development company. Shame on them for falling to pressures, shame on them for trying to break the laws and destroy ecosystems all for the profit of some capitalist’s ego. I stand with the Friends of Wolf Creek in vehemently OPPOSING this development for the benefit of the area.

Nathan, Breckenridge, CO

I support the current ski area in its current setup.

Henry, Cornwall, VT

The pristine beauty of this unique space must be protected. There are plenty of places to go if you want development, buildings, people, traffic. Don’t turn Wolf Creek into that, condemning the natural habitat & scenic glory into yet another tourist attraction. Keep Wolf Creek wild!

Sydney A McDougal, Pagosa Springs, CO

Don’t let them Breckenridge up Wolf Creek!!! Keep it small, keep it slow, keep out corporate money!!

Ansell, Breckenridge, CO

Absolutely want to keep wolf creek with surrounding areas WILD.

L Ulasich, Silverthorne, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek Pass wild.

Christopher, Joplin, MO

I wholeheartedly support the Friends of Wolf Creek and do not want to see another Vail Resorts disaster there! Please protect our wild animal and land resources.

JimK, Edwards, CO

Powder to the people!

David Matthews, Lakewood, CO

Please keep some lands free of development for future generations and the wildlife.

Kerry Coy, Lake City, CO

We are a Colorado family who has lived through the devastating consequences of large scale development. Growing up in the Vail Valley we witnessed firsthand being priced out of our homes and watched as the wildlife got pushed further and further out and the massive rise in roadkill related accidents. Do not let this happen to Wolf Creek.

The Lightfoot Family, Alamosa, CO

I support keeping Wolf Creek Pass Wild. The location in question is NO PLACE FOR A DEVELOPMENT!

Iolanthe Coljak, Estes Park, CO

Please do not ruin the environment of the mountain and the community.

Spencer Kates, Louisville, CO

Please do not make WC a resort! I will forfeit my season pass and leave Pagosa. The only reason I moved here was for wolf creek. The mountain is way too small for a city. This is a beautiful small mountain ski area that would be ruined for many of a village was brought up there. There are plenty of other corporate mountain resorts in Colorado, another one would not be welcome.

Jeremy Scott, Pagosa Springs, CO

The South San Juans are one of the last wild mountainous spaces in Colorado. The ultra wealthy took Summit County, Eagle County, Routte County, and more recently La Plata County. Wolf Creek is one of the last affordable local ski hills in a state that used to be exclusively affordable mom and pop ski hills. For the sake of the communities, the wildlife and the culture of local skiing, do not develop this area!

CO, Golden, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Pass wild! This development will have a terrible ecological impact.

Anonymus, Superior, CO

Wolf creek pass way up on the great divide. A magical place for recreation, beauty, wildlife. A sanctuary that does not warrant disruption. Please do not monetize this natural wonder. Sincerely, Cameron

Cam, Golden, CO

The small towns throughout colorados mountain ranges hold a great amount of history for the state and surrounding areas. Colorado is known for its outdoors due to the lack of industrial facilities in the mountain ranges and allowing developers of any kind to ruin the environment in which many out door activists visit and call home is absurd. Not only that but the town is already crowded enough, we do not need cities in our mountains just to ruin the beauty of the state.

Joshua Garduno, Denver, CO

It’s just fine the way it is. Please keep any development in Pagosa Springs or South Fork.

Philip Gorski, Silverthorne, CO

Time and time again, I’ve witnessed the destruction of local economies and communities through corporate development in Colorado ski towns. Adding this village to wolf creek pass would be one more step in hollowing out and extracting profits from locals. Stop.

Noah, Northglenn, CO

A development of this scale at Wolf Creek Pass would be devastating to the fragile ecosystem as well as permanently alter the unique character of the ski area. More traffic, more expensive services, more pressure on scarce water resources. This is a money grab that will not benefit the local communities in any way.

Leslie Cole, Pagosa Springs, CO

No road access for Wolf Creek Village through a National Forest

Simon Philip, San Rafael, CA

Taking away the natural beauty of Wolf Creek pass to build housing will forever change the landscape. The Texan who has been attempting to develop this idea for a decade needs to do a project in his own state! The towns of Pagosa Springs and South Fork will be negatively impacted by this development also. Environment before greed!

Laura Davis, Pagosa Springs, CO

Let’s not wreck what makes Wolf Creek Special. Our National Forest is better enjoyed as it is by the many of the public versus the few that are motivated by profits. There are two mountain towns a short distance away on either side of the pass that offer plenty of development opportunities.

Backcountry Enthusiast, Pagosa Springs, CO

I think this is a disgrace to the local community. The people that have continued to support this mountain will be pushed out and I couldn’t imagine to see it turn into another I-70 resort.

Josh Chaney, Colorado Springs, CO

As a 6th generation [Coloradan] I have watched so much of our beautiful state be destroyed by developers. Once wilderness is gone , it’s gone forever and never the same. Please don’t ruin another place, for the sake of the animals, land and people.

Colorado, Arvada, CO

We must defend the undeveloped nature of Wolf Creek Pass from the greedy clutches of alien developers. Our planet is facing a crisis of unmitigated climate change and resource depletion that far too many power structures are willing to wave off as an inconvenience for themselves, in spite of it having profound consequences for normal people trying to live happy lives. I am tired of living in a world where monied interests are the only guiding factor in the feasibility of a project. As of late May 2024, our mountains have received an estimated 37% of average annual snowpack, and this is on trend with global average temperatures steadily rising with no signs of stopping. How [ridiculous] is it to build a ski village somewhere where our annual snowfall is trending increasingly downward? Coupled with the stressors already placed on valley residents struggling with the lack of affordable housing, and a water table that is already insufficient to support agricultural needs on a sustainable basis, we simply cannot allow this project to manifest unchallenged. We must unite as common people to stand firmly against greed driven individuals with no care for the consequences their avarice will impart upon the people who actually live and work this land. This home we share as valley residents is not up for grabs for whichever rich punk has the most money to enact their villainous plans for wealth accumulation, and I will defend this bastion of humanity however necessary.

Noah Jiles, Monte Vista, CO

Wolf Creek area is a rare place in that it is true wilderness, untouched, and therefore provides a magical place for humans to explore on foot and a vital wildlife corridor for so many species. Please protect this land for hundreds and thousands of years to come! Do not allow road access to be built.

CO, Denver, CO

With all the [wildness] affecting our country right now, it’s so sad to see that the courts have given the guy with the big bucks what he’s been adamant about for all these years. There is NO good reason for this development to happen other than a rich person’s greed and ego. Surely there must be some way to stop this destruction of one of the most beautiful places in our nation.

Char Westby, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please reevaluate the environmental cost of this development. This is a bell that we can not unring. We need to think long and hard about the world we are leaving for future generations.

Colorado, Pagosa Springs, CO

I grew up skiing Wolf Creek and it is still my favorite ski area. I cannot wait to share it with my kids in the state it has always been in: pristine, quiet and wild. We as humans need to begin thinking about the preservation of our earth before it is too late. A 10,000 person village will destroy the simplicity of Wolf Creek and will disrupt the surrounding wildlife and environment. Prioritizing money over our wild places is upsetting. Keep the mountains beautiful and wild.

Anonymous, Gunnsion, CO

Visiting the Wolf Creek Pass area it’s clearly obvious that the forest is deeply stressed and unhealthy. So many dead trees. The area does not need more people living in the vicinity to add more stress to the forest. The village is a bad idea.

Leigh Girvin, Breckenridge, CO

This development was never a good idea and doesn’t serve the surrounding communities in the least. It piggybacks on an existing ski area threatening to overwhelm the experience there as well as overcoming the pristine surroundings.

Bernard Reinhardt, Pagosa Springs, CO

“All things are lawful, but not advantageous” ~ Apostle Paul (who was a lawyer). The ‘monied-class’ seems to always win out. How about let Nature win FOR ONCE? The obsession of profit at all cost has ruined so much of Colorado, it’s time to stop the insanity. “While they try to tear the mountains down to bring in a couple more
More people, more scars upon the land” ~ John Denver (Rocky Mountain High).

This crap has got to stop… before hegemony, conspicuous consumption, and “profits”… are proven unsustainable, fully toxic and a blight… but it’s TOO LATE because ‘shareholder earnings’ trumped being good stewards of the land 

I can’t believe this needs arguing, when it’s OBVIOUS what will happen, should unbridled “growth” be allowed to reign supreme. This development would not benefit future generations… it’s purely exploitative for a FEW at the expense of the many!

What are we… Ferengi?? 

Steve, Pagosa Springs, CO

I am a small business owner and this will greatly impact my office. In addition, our pass is very difficult to drive in the winter months added traffic will undoubtedly increase the amount of wrecks. There are also numerous wildlife trails all in the mountains that will be affected by a new development. I will be definitely looking into the wildlife and birds that inhabit if the proposed development will be fighting on the side of the wildlife. We depend on our hunting seasons here.

Ruthie, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf creek is a beautiful area, let’s keep it that way

Joni Okimoto, Pagosa Springs, CO

This is one of the most ecologically diverse corridors in the region. Cutting a large paved road and building a town through the heart of this area will decrease the ability of wildlife to find habitat away from people, this will push them into the village or the highway. By allowing such a massive condensed town at 10,000 feet in the middle of national forest, we risk the headwaters of the south fork of the Rio grande by subjecting it to effluent from roads, oil in creeks, and negatively impact the ability of future generations to seek out and appreciate nature, by harming it. Developing the area for skiing is a way to increase access for the majority of people to foster an appreciation for wildlife, and wild places, while not harming the environment. Developing a small exclusive community in the heart of the San Juan’s will decrease local people’s access to it and negatively impact the environment and be counter to the forest services mission of preservation for future generations.

Matt, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please preserve the ecosystem that sustains the habitat for many organisms in Wolf Creek. This is one of the more underdeveloped areas of Colorado and to pave over the land would only harm. People and land over profits!!

Ashley, Austin, TX

Keep Pagosa’s community small We do not need this! Go do it up by Denver!

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

As a user of backcountry wild lands and in appreciation of the quiet and peaceful surroundings that Pagosa and Wolf Cr Pass area offer, I must oppose this effort to overpopulate our fragile mountain tops.

Elizabeth Neer, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please keep the Wolf Creek area wild. Colorado doesn’t need another bougie resort. In addition, it could decimate the Pagosa Springs area which is already challenged with affordable housing. A key question for this proposed development is “who is your staff, where are they coming from and where will they live?”

McCollam, Pagosa Springs, CO

Any development like this at Wolf Creek would devastate the natural environment and critical habitats for threatened species including the Canada lynx. We already face water scarcity issues, and any development like this will place an unsustainable demand on water supply. The ski resort can barely handle crowds during peak times now and definitely can’t support the influx of visitors this kind of project would bring to the area. I support Friends of Wolf Creek and I am against any development on the pass because we must safeguard the area’s natural integrity and sustainability for future generations.

Don’t Vail Our Wolf Creek, Pagosa Springs, CO

We need local revenue from visitors to stay in pagosa springs

Chris Nixon, Dripping Springs, TX

Why would you ruin something so unique, all for greed and profit. This needs to be shut down. Not even a thought. Keep Wolf Creek the way it is.

Chelsey Coyne, Durango, CO

This development will be detrimental to our small and personal communities. This will only attract tourists and the type of attention that will continue pushing our locals out. I am extremely disappointed that we locals hardly get a say in decision making such as this, and that this is being left to people who only hope to benefit their pocketbooks in the name of ‘progress’, when in reality it is devastating to the real local families that have fought decades, even centuries, to preserve our land and home. If this passes through I hope you remember that karma will catch up to you, and I hope one day you are forced to give up your home and everything that made it so to someone bigger and greedier with more money than you. Only then will you understand what it feels to be constantly pushed and prodded out of your own home.

McKenzie Graham, Pagosa Springs, CO

This beautiful area should be left untouched. The infrastructure does not support this type of development, and what it would take to put it in place would ruin the appeal of the area. Please take your corporate greed elsewhere.

Dustin, Jarrell, TX

Keep the Pass natural! No development!

Cary, Pagosa Springs, CO

I lived in this small town since 2007 and this little town can only support so many people. It’s been ruined and now crowded and it’s not affordable to live for the residents who have been raised here and are now being pushed away by invaders. We need to keep Wolf Creek the way it has been.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please THINK of all the destruction you will create!
Animal habitat
Extreme Fire Danger
Where do you house employees
How do you manage the traffic nightmare that will come
How much more do you want to strain Emergency services? Law Enforcement?

Terri, Pagosa Springs, CO

In past EIS statements I believe it was reported the natural resources could not sustain a development of this capacity. Looking into the future Wolf Creek has the opportunity to remain a unique ski area experience surrounded by immediate forest and unobstructed views.

Jill Witting, Pagosa Springs, CO

It is important to keep this land free of development. Not just for today, but in the future as well. We do not have that many green (or white!) spaces left. Everything does NOT need to be developed.

Foxfire, Jarrell, TX

No!!!!! Leave well enough alone, we do NOT need this! Stop being so greedy and leave it be!!

bearden, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please do not destroy this natural resource for a greedy few

Shirley Webb, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep the mountain open and looking like it’s part of nature’s forest

Stan Maddux, Pagosa Springs, CO

There’s no point in destroying land up there. No one will be able to live there. It’s hard enough finding people to work in any kind of hospitality now. The Springs resort is destroying the downtown area, and are unable to find local workers. They must find and bring in j1 international students, Wyndham does the same thing. People in Pagosa or South Fork will not be able to afford to even work there! The world does not need another Vail or Aspen. What’s going to happen when the ski resort closes for the agreed upon arrangement with the state. that whole town will be dead, a waste of land. The buyer should have invested into something else, this was a dumb idea that will destroy more than just humans way of life.

Lauren Kienzlen, Pagosa Springs, CO

Can we just keep the wild, wild?

Andy McKim, Monte Vista, CO

I’m am not in favor of the building plans at Wolf Creek.

Julie, Pagosa Springs, CO

Save our wildlands…once they are gone that’s it.

Terri, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is an important wildlife corridor. Leave it wild!

Kristeen Harris, Pagosa Springs, CO

This would benefit no one but rich developers. We have so few pristine natural areas any more. Preserve thus beautiful area for the generations to come.

Evelyn⁷ Malone, Pagosa Springs, CO

It’s a horrible idea to develop this wild area simply for tourism. The wild needs to be wild.

Kathleen Steventon, Pagosa Springs, CO

Growing up in Pagosa was how I was raised. I’m 7th generation there. I grew up on Wolf Creek, and in the Pagosa area. I hunt, hike, cut fire wood off that pass. I drive truck now and pull that pass and already challenging just to go up and over. Add a village then it’s 2x as dangerous. I do not support the village up there because it’s my home. Wolf Creek and Pagosa are my home

tylor evers, Pagosa Springs, CO

With increasing property taxes this would make them go up even more. Taxing locals out of town

Big AL, Pagosa Springs, CO

No more destroying the wildlands. Colorado especially the front range residents have destroyed so much already.

Aubrie Gerdts, Alamosa, CO

This would negatively impact the environment of the San Juan mountains, and Wolfe Creek area and surrounding living areas, including Pagosa Springs and the small businesses that already struggling to survive in that town.

Molly Wolfe, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please be aware that wolf creek pass and wolf creek ski area are not capable of supporting this, without severe damage to the environment.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please protect critical lynx habitat and stop the village at wolf Creek project.

Cody Looman, Durango, CO

Wolf creek pass is one of the most beautiful places in Colorado and its beauty and value are inherent due to its wild and natural nature. Development of this area would destroy its characteristic ruggedness that is hard to come by any more in many other places throughout the state.

Erin, Pueblo, CO

Building this resort would cause irreparable damage to an area that is both fragile and very important. Please don’t allow this to move forward

Kyle Curtin, Durango, CO

This development would be an environmental disaster. Not only the loss of habitat but the continuous occupation of and service to this development would have deleterious impacts on the community and landscape for generations. Our mountains are wild places where we can go to seek peace of mind and meaning. Their natural state is integral to the fabric of our culture. Don’t let this development happen!

Aaron Anderson, Pagosa Springs, CO

There’s no need for one of these up there… what makes this ski area different from the other resorts is the minimal constructs within a pristinely preserved forest. Such traffic flows will only damage the terrain, as the decades of efforts the forest service and conservation agencies have put into preserving the land will be wasted…

Gena Matthews, Pagosa Springs, CO

The fact that this is even coming into discussion again is an outrage. The people have spoken long ago, and they have spoken out and fought against this proposal ever since it was first announced. It’s not uncommon to walk around downtown Durango and to see “no pillage at wolf creek” stickers on cars. The consensus is clear: the people don’t want development on wolf creek. Going against this would prove yet again that the people in this country hold no power agains corporate influence, which makes this fight so much more important.

Toby, Durango, CO

The word yet alone Pagosa Springs does not need more development. This is going to take away the wildlife & the precious beings that live in this wild area not to mention ruin the biodiversity. Our planet is already facing detrimental consequences of human development let’s at least keep our precious southwest Pagosa Springs beautiful by leaving wolf creek alone!!

Theresa, Pagosa Springs, CO

This seems not unlike the development happening right outside of Moab, UT currently. Please don’t make the same mistake here. I strongly oppose the Wolf Creek development plan.

Shannon K., Pagosa Springs, CO

The rich don’t need more playgrounds that destroy the environment. Wolf Creek belongs to the people.

Brandon Moberg, Durango, CO

I’ve fished the streams and lakes throughout this area and have known and loved Wolf Creek Pass since my first, harrowing trip over it in Feb. 1957. Its slow improvement over the years has been beneficial. The proposed commercial atrocity will forever alter this wonderful treasure of SW Colorado and degrade the entire area, all in service of our-of-state profits. Please don’t allow this to happen.

Rob, Farmington, NM

Wolf Creek remains one of the last pristine ski resorts in the mountain west to remain true to what matters most: a focus on skiing, not commercial development. My family and I have been visiting Wolf Creek for more than 35 years for an affordable vacation in Ullr’s winter wonderland, and the Red McCombs family development would ruin the experience for locals and tourists alike. We don’t need another Steamboat, Keystone, or Vail in Colorado… keep Wolf Creek simple, affordable, and devoid of the opulence that doesn’t belong in Mineral County.

Erik Fosshage, Mexico Beach, FL

Keep the Texans in Texas!!!

Crystal Tom, Albuquerque, NM

This sounds like a horrible idea for Wolf Creek. This feels like a cash grab and an instant sale to one of the ski behemoths who will solely monetize and destroy a beautiful place. Please don’t allow this.

John, Breckenridge, CO

Development and a village at the summit of Wolf Creek will kill the wildlife, fishing will be ruined, the water will be ruined. This is wild land. Let it be wild!!

Lisa, Dumas, TX

Such a large development in this currently wild place would put our water and animals at risk and take tourist dollars out of our local towns. Please keep this place untouched.

Deanna Shepherd, Saguache, CO

The area needs to be protected. Water and animals in particular will be greatly impacted.

Kay Shepherd, Longmont, CO

Shame on you “Red” McCombs and the Forest Service. Can’t you people just leave anything alone? When is your endless pursuit of the dollar satiated? You can’t take it with you, or didn’t you know that?

Maile, Santa Fe, NM

I support keeping as much wild as possible. I am against big out of stat developers putting up ugly bunk houses for their personal investment. If we’re not careful you’ll allow developers to destroy the reason people visit. I’m not against progress for progress sake but the progress I see is rv parks and ugly short term rentals packed on top of each other. There needs to be better planning. Upgrades in infrastructure. Affordable housing for local workers and an esthetic way to go forward that’s not an eye sore. Plus I’d like to see studies on water usage and what effect that will have on residence, sewage disposal and how that many units affect those downstream. Please deny this development.

Charles Stone, South Fork, CO

There are enough developments damaging the wild already. If it’s beautiful and peaceful even to one animal or person…leave it alone!

Stephanie Cole, Carlisle, KY

We don’t need another Telluride here. It is already impossible to support our locals, keep things semi-affordable and not over tax our utility systems. This all is aside from the fact the part of the reason the locals AND the tourists love it here is due to the fact that this is wild land territory for many species of animals.

Over-developing this area will remove its nature and its charm. We are not structured for this many people in our roadways… and this would become a nightmare to deal with and to keep up with this population, restructure would become necessary and this town would be in recognizable.

Keep Archuleta County how it is. This is why we live here! To get away from city life and the proposed mess this would create.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

I support the protection of our wild spaces and wildlife. I am apposed to further development of wolf creek village.

Charles Gundry, Pagosa Springs, CO

This development would be detrimental to the wildlife in the area

Jared Omas, Pagosa Springs, CO

Why do rich people need to move & build in the middle of the forest? They move in & the space spreads out like cancer. Please leave our San Juan Forest quiet & free of houses. Live in your cities & visit our ski resort as it is. Don’t ruin our forest. We love our small ski resort as it is. We have fought this fight before, please leave us alone.

Marilyn Dach, Pagosa Springs, CO

All of the info about this development, that I have read, is very interesting, and some alarming. Of all the legitimate issues, negative wildlife issues, things being different, number of visitors, etc. the most alarming to me is the water issue. With 80-100 gallons a day per visitor, even if this number is high and even if the “village” is averaging only say 50% occupancy, where will the water come from? If they retain snow pack runoff, where will the rest of the area get their water from now? The rivers fed by this snow will be lower and livelihoods and livibility of downstream populations will be deeply negatively affected. Plus the fire threat, which is already high, will go thru the roof!

I have not seen what will have to be done to the mountains themselves in order to allow 10,000 people to ski here, but it will have to be a massive change.

Louanne, Pagosa Springs, CO

If we resort wolf creek it will take away everything that makes it special. The powder will be demolished by huge crowds, the price increase will make it to expensive for locals and both Pagosa and south fork will suffer through the winter even more than they already do.

Drew Young, Pagosa Springs, CO

Let nature be. There are towns around Wolf Creek that can handle the ski area traffic. Keep Wolf Creek pure and untouched and leave the resort types to visit the several established resorts already in existence in the state of CO.

MLF, Pagosa Springs, CO

Do not develop wolf creek!

Erin Byrne, Pagosa Springs, CO

Development would negatively impact environment and disrupt the natural habitat of the wolf creek area.

Joanne, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is a wild and scenic place with delicate tundra, fragile soils and struggling forests. An addition of this type of resort would put a huge burden on the ecosystem, increase wildfire danger and expose the area to invasives and degradation from the impact of use.

Additionally, the burden to the medical complex and emergency services of a rural community with no additional funds to manage it. Wolf creek is one of the most dangerous passes to drive in the country resulting in deadly accidents on a fairly regular basis. Increased traffic on this pass, will result in increased fatalities yielding increased financial burden and risk to life of professional and volunteer medical and emergency services in responding in inclement weather.

Kris Salisbury, Pagosa Springs, CO

A village for 10,000 at wolf creek would have detrimental impacts on the environment, wildlife and infrastructure. Even our roads are not equipped to withstand that kind of volume. Wolf creek is a small ski area serving several small towns, it can’t support that kind of volume either. The village at wolf creek should house a couple hundred not thousands.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Pagosa does not need to become another Breckenridge or Vail. This Colorado area is the last of its kind and doesn’t need to be destroyed.

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Colorado and Wolf Creek wild.

Steve Hays, Pagosa Springs, CO

The rio grande forest needs to be restored after the degradation of the beetle kill. The building of a large resort would pull resources needed for this restoration to happen. Many visit this area because it is still wild and this resort would take away from the experience many seek here.

Rebecca Egdorf, Del Norte, CO

As a proud citizen of the San Luis Valley, I do not want your village! We do not want to share our brilliant dark skies and precious water with more unnecessary development. What about your village is vital? Nothing. Leave our rural landscape alone. You have the huge state of Texas to plunder and you’re welcome to it.

Mary, Alamosa, CO

We put our foot down to this constant desire to overdevelop for money and greed.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

I can’t believe this is still being considered after so many years and so many times being rejected. It is obviously about the money that can be made and about the money of the people trying to make more.

The neighboring communities don’t want it. The animals don’t want it. The long time tourists don’t want it. The owners of Wolf Creek Ski resort don’t want it. And the pass can’t handle the traffic it would bring.

Find someplace else to make money and quit forcing organizations to waste their money defending against this unwanted and illegal project.

CAC, Pagosa Springs, CO

We should not allow the destruction of wilderness areas, water sheds and animal habitat. It’s a full on crime to even consider this. The people of Colorado, and the locals want nothing to do with this crime against nature.

Amber Vasquez, Pagosa Springs, CO

I support the battle to keep Wolf Creek wild. No development.

Jacobson Briana, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keeping pagosa springs local and making sure our environment intact should be the number one goal. Greed is already destroying our natural hotspring.

Megan, Pagosa Springs, CO

Would like to see wolf Creek stay as is

MaryLee, Pagosa Springs, CO

The charm of Pagosa Springs is the small town feeling that is being eroded by all the development. This development will raise prices at the ski area and lock locals out of being able to use the resort. This is not what most residents are looking for in a town. Businesses already struggle keeping enough employees to have businesses operational and efficient. A development at Wolf Creek is only going to increase that struggle, not to mention housing prices are already pricing workers out of the market. Don’t do it!

Gastiger, Sandia Park, NM

Please keep Wolf Creek free and as undeveloped as possible. We will never be a ski and stay resort, because we shouldn’t be. We don’t need to take away from dollars being spent in our town there, and not at the numerous options for rentals and restaurants we already have.

Mrs. Lisa, Pagosa Springs, CO

This development will destroy a huge swath a natural high altitude forest, irrevocably altering the fragile ecosystem forever. The only possible purpose of this development is greed & arrogance.

Gene Geren, Pagosa Springs, CO

We are living in this beautiful area because we don’t need one more thing to spoil it. We moved here to be away from societal greed and now it is just following us. A simple life is hard to find. Please do not allow Wolf Creek to be developed into another massive ski resort ! It would not be healthy for our mountains.

Cindy Duley, Pagosa Springs, CO

Save Wolf Creek from this development. The intrinsic beauty lies in its exsistance , now and for the foreseeable future. I believe it would seriously hurt the economy and people that choose to live here.

James, Pagosa Springs, CO

This just is appalling that they want to turn our unique, unspoiled Mountian into a tourist destination. Let our mountain stay small and quaint.

Debi Callendar, Pagosa Springs, CO

My family routinely hikes, XC skis, backcountry skis, and camps in this area. A large development would diminish the natural beauty of WC pass.

I’m hoping my daughter will be able to see this area of the San Juan’s untarnished as I have been able to.

If anything, development and resources should go to the surrounding areas.

CO, Littleton, CO

Please do not allow the development of this massive resort. There are only a few places left on this earth that have not been destroyed by development. We need to keep Wolf Creek the way it is now. We don’t need a huge resort on top of the mountain. It will destroy the beauty of the landscape. I don’t know why anyone would allow this decision other than the developers and greed and money.

Please keep in mind how unique Wolf Creek is today. People come here from all over to ski in this unique place. A resort will make it crowded, expensive and not the place it is today. We have been coming to Wolf Creek for over 30 years to ski. No need to change it. It is perfect the way it is today. Please, please, do not allow this insane thing to happen. Believe me it will ruin Wolf Creek ski area.

Janice BELL, Temple, TX

I think this could really impact our tourists for pagosa springs and hurt small business like mine

Wolferino, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek Ski area is a beautiful landscape of wildlife and nature. This nature should be preserved and let natural.

Archuleta County is dependent on tourism from Wolf Creek. It will crush our small businesses for this type of development to take place at Wolf Creek.

Cheryl Bowdridge, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf creek is special because of its raw beauty. There are countless developed ski resorts. Why ruin a rare treasure that remains in our state? We don’t need another developed resort which will create a rise in cost of use and make it inaccessible for families. I waited my whole life to be able to snowboard and wolf creek made that possible in my late 30s because of its affordability. Skiing and snowboarding already have a barrier of entry for working families so why would you destroy that opportunity to make another overpriced resort. We need to invest in protecting our wilderness not destroying a fragile ecosystem with a village. Once you make a massive mistake like this you can’t take it back.

T, Creede, CO

Let’s keep the serenity and isolation of wolf Creek that we have all known to enjoy and love. Money should not override the reason we all live here and enjoy the wilderness. Greed can take their big $$$ to another area. Leave ours alone please.

Peggy Goss, Pagosa Springs, CO

The Weminuche wilderness should be just that, a wilderness, an undisturbed treasure. It is a vast remote area at high altitude.The snow pack, as water shed, is a precious resource. It is home to countless animals that use it in migration. There is not enough water to support a village. There are no medical facilities. There are no major airports within an hour and half from this location. This proposed development would have a horrible impact environmentally and ecologically. We do not want this atrocity blighting our beautiful wilderness.

Michelle, Pagosa Springs, CO

I am a proud Texan. Have enjoyed skiing Wolf Creek many years. Keep it the way it is!!! That’s a huge positive and attraction that there is minimal development. It’s so beautiful. More development will scar the landscape. Those who want to develop only for financial gain. I love Wolf Creek!!

Steven Scales, Huntsville, TX

Leave Wolf Creek Pass alone

Jeffrey Melssen, Pagosa Springs, CO

Its a complete eye sore, taxes are already high, we like our mountain town to stay a mountain town, we don’t have enough emergency medical personnel to keep up as is. I am a local native to Creede CO and I do not want this Village to be built on Wolf Creek! Keep Wolf Creek the way it is, undeveloped!

Alysia, Creede, CO

Don’t ruin our beautiful Wolf Creek with greed!

Christie Hunt, Pagosa Springs, CO

We moved to Pagosa for its beauty, charm and access to the wilderness and a low key, laid back ski area. Please help keep it this way!

Jenifer, Pagosa Springs, CO

As an engineer of a municipality, I have to ask what are the long term benefits of allowing this development, vs. the long term detrimental effects? So many times, I’ve seen first-hand what developers do to influence political bodies in order to build developments in places like these (always on the cheap and pushing the rules all along the way), only to let things degrade and become someone else’s problems later. One has to consider the consequences of this proposal as it is forever. Part of the equation here is the natural landscape and ecosystem that will be destroyed. People are also attracted to the natural setting and we all have a major impact to the local economy. I realize there’s a ski area and a highway right there, but there’s still some shred of a natural ecosystem that exists and is part of a significant recreational area. Please consider that.

Again, as an engineer who deals with the effects (positive and negative) of development, carefully consider the most likely outcome of major negative impacts to this area. Utilities, drainage/erosion, refuse, pollution, and destruction of habitat and natural water cycle are all problems that are associated with developments such as these.

There will be negative consequences. How much money is this worth and how much of a positive impact will there be if wealthy people reap the rewards of such a development?

Clay Moseley, Los Alamos, NM

We visit and stay in the area periodically. My family owns land across the border in Wyoming. I am a longtime member and supporter of the National Wildlife Society, and strobgly support is ethical stance thati as much of the land as possible in Wolf Pass should remain undeveloped and wild.

Colorado is being developed at an alarming rate. This area is critical habitat for the lynx and snowshoe hare. It also provides water to a huge portion of the Western Slope population. Development in this area on Wolf Creek Pass would have massive impact on the ecosystem as well as the people that depend on this area for water.

Nathan Fawcett, Ithaca, NY 14850

The Wolf Creek area is a reserve that belongs to tax payers as a place to recreate in undeveloped nature. Do not sell it out to developers.

Nathanael Minarik, Frisco, CO

Don’t ruin this area!

Sarah Hanks, Oklahoma City, OK

Please protect Wolf Creek Pass from the overgrowth and spoils that The Village of Wolf Creek will introduce.

Bari Brenner, Monte Vista, CO

Don’t hurt the environment

Karen Gallik, Boulder, CO

This area should never be developed like this. It will destroy nature, wildlife and use precious resources. There is not enough water to support this disgusting development plan. KEEP WOLF CREEK WILD. Choose the well-being of the land, animals and local citizens over the money driven developers who care nothing for conservation. PLEASE protect the land.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek the way it has been since we’ve all been skiing there. It’s why we always come back

Brian Trausch, Dillon, CO

The wild places in Colorado are treasures, and make the state the home I have loved since 1985. Please protect the ecosystem in the Rio Grande National Forest forever!

Rose R., Tabernash, CO

Please don’t destroy and exploit our home

Greg, Bayfield, CO

Wolf Creek is a local and wild mountain that needs to stay that way. The environment itself and the cultural environment need to be protected and maintained as is. There are plenty other resorts with housing options, this one does not need to be one of them. I look forward to going to Wolf Creek every year and would possibly end my trips if it became overcrowded.:(

Caitlin Eggimann, Denver, CO

I vehemently oppose the plan to develop and expand Wild Creek, due to the negative environmental and community impacts.

Kevin Pugh, Lafayette, CO

The proposed development would come at a great cost to wildlife as well as humans. The fire risk and water usage alone should make it non viable.

Mistie’s Support, Evergreen, CO

It’s not needed nor wanted in our wilderness!!

Zahra Dilley, Del Norte, CO

Don’t expand. Keep it small.

Lindy Winkelbauer, Superior, CO

As a senior, I would like to say I have seen far too much of our state being torn down for resorts. They are an ugly eyesore and Wolf Creek deserves to be preserved. Nobody can own property in a ski town but the rich and famous, and they don’t even live there most of the time. Why destroy more forest? Leave Wolf Creek alone! Don’t turn it into Vail or Aspen. Ugh.

Kat, Westminster, CO

Keep wolf creek uninhabited!

Chuck, Placitas, NM

One of the best, one of the last. Let’s fight hard to keep the soul of skiing around for our kids.

Caroline Frost, Dillon, CO

We watch countless communities in Colorado and other states fall apart after corporations come in claiming to make a area better but it hasn’t been true once, they do what they want and charge what they want no matter what they seem to find a way to ruin places with greed and I am tired of seeing it and I’m tired of seeing yuppies come up and destroy our wilderness.

Tony, Avon, CO

The area around Wolf Creek is already operating at capacity in terms of resources. Unless a new development is thoroughly investigated for environmental impact and includes affordable housing for the staff necessary to maintain and operate such a development, I cannot support it. The mountains are no longer special when they are crowded, lacking amenities, and highly developed.

Anna Rice, Georgetown, CO

Wolf creek is the quintessential Colorado town. Please keep it that way! It has found a harmony with the Area’s geology and ruggedness that will be lost with further development. A loss that isn’t worth it. As we loose so much of Colorado to development, please keep this enclave of beauty unscathed.

Laura Backus, Larkspur, CO

Keep your big Texas money in Texas and leave our mountains alone!!!

Kenneth Getz, Mosca, CO

This is the type of things that benefits a few extremely wealthy ppl and decimates an ecosystem. It will force locals/workers out and will be a nonfunctional tourist trap with limited water and resources.

Mary, Breckenridge, CO

I support the movement to keep Wolf Creek pass wild! In a rapid and sprawling state it is essential to keep these few remaining remote places wild and free of congestion. Please preserve this invaluable home to wildlife and locals!

Aspen McArthur, Erie, CO

Keep it as is!! That’s what makes it so great!!!

kristi leblanc, Boyce, LA

I am totally against this eyesore on our mountains. No No No

Phyllis Bennett, Del Norte, CO

I grew up in Pagosa Springs and work in local hospitality. I know development is inevitable, but it needs to be responsible. People always state how they love Pagosa because of its charm and small town feel, but in the next breath complain that we don’t have more amenities. These towns feel the way they do because things are slower and more simple! At the end of the day preserving the environment that makes this area special seems more important than making the ski area just another convenient place for people to show on social media. Places were meant to be preserved so everyone can have access, not just those who can afford it. Wild places deserve to be respected and stay wild. By developing this area you are changing what makes it special in the first place.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

My family drives to Wolf Creek every year for a week of skiing on our favorite wild, family-friendly ski mountain. We love that Wolf Creek is NOT a huge resort like so many others with high prices, long lift lines, hotels everywhere, etc. we beg to preserve the area’s natural beauty and prevent the village development from detracting from the overall experience. The proposed village would draw tourism money away from local small towns that depend on the income like Pagosa, South Fork and Del Norte. The skiers and families don’t want it. The locals don’t want it. The forest can’t handle it. Save the magic of Wolf Creek!

Trent, Austin, TX

Please consider the environmental destruction this development would cause.

Genevieve Mckeown, Denver, CO

Please protect Wolf Creek Pass/Ski area from development. This land is best kept wild. Thank you

William Lawson, Aurora, CO

I love the remote simplicity of Wolf Creek. A luxury village would totally transform the place. I support efforts to prevent the village and to keep Wolf Creek the way it is.

Shauna, Breckenridge, CO

The reason I’ve been skiing Wolf Creek the past 20 years is because it is remote, has a local feel, is affordable, and most of all is NOT a resort. Leave the I-70 resorts for those that want that type of experience, and leave Wolf Creek wild!

Brad Wheaton, Gunnison, CO

My family has lived in the area since 1951. We have witnessed Telluride morph from a near ghost town that still had its rugged mountain town feel to a place filled with millionaires and billionaires, all because of the ski resort. Wolf Creek has managed to stay wild all these years, and it is a reason why those who love it, do. It would be devastating to see a whole resort built up there. It would change the entire atmosphere of the mountain and strip away its very charm we all love so much.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

I do not agree with the developments. I hope it stays wild.

Alexis Jones, Albuquerque, NM

Let’s keep wolf creek the way she is adding things like this takes away from what she is naturally beautiful. My grandfather fished those mountains his whole life and I’d like the baby I have on the way to be able to experience what I experienced with him. We don’t need to add or change anything

Corena, Monte Vista, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek special. We are losing all our great ski mountains and forest lands to large corporations.

Lee Brush, Scottsdale, AZ

Wolf Creek is unique and, as somebody who grew up in the area, believe we need to keep it that way. We have enough mega ski destinations, let’s conserve the treasure that is Wolf Creek.

Scott Golden, Longmont, CO

The community of Pagosa Springs and the Wolf Creek Ski area staff, has spoken out about the dangers of developing this area for decades. Enough is enough. The idea to develop wolf creek is unsustainable and not the right choice for the Pagosa Springs community. We have no work force, no housing, unaffordable cost of living already and the natural beauty and wildness of the area, is the last thing actually driving people to the area; that want to nurture and participate in this community. If the this development happens, you will be cutting off the work force that keeps this community alive. I’ve been here 13 years and I can honestly say that the ultra wealthy and ultimately catering to the wealthy, has hurt our community badly. I feel that there are many examples of mountain towns struggling due to big ideas just like this. Maybe we just need to stop with the “more more more” attitude and nurture what we have. Please leave things alone. It only hurts the most vulnerable people and hardly makes a difference for the people it serves.

Shane Smith, Pagosa Springs, CO

Tell the billionaires to shove it

Matt Anderson, Denver, CO

I support the endeavors of Rocky Mountain Wild and the Friends of Wolf Creek Coalition.

Connor Liu, Denver, CO

No village please!

Valerie Tulley, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep our community wild, natural and beautiful!

Sierra Graham, Pagosa Springs, CO

There are plenty of ski resorts with huge villages throughout colorado. The beauty of wolf creek is that it’s different. A ski hill that reminds us of a simpler time when skiing was about turns and not consumerism

Keller Maharrey, Irondale, AL

The charm of wolf creek is its small town resort vibe. NOT THE TOWN ASSOCIATED WITH IT!! This would ruin the joy of going to wolf creek for everyone.

Dani L., Denver, CO

Stop destroying natural landscapes for profit

Kristina Steinbruck, Austin, TX

This development is far too massive! Lodging for 10,000?? Keep Colorado wilderness wild!

Andrew, Arvada, CO

I have spent the past 20 years enjoying the drive over Wolf Creek pass and in to the San Luis Valley to visit family that has been here for generations. From Christmas snow storms to sunny August days, where the pavement spans a bit farther than seems comfortable, I’ve experienced it all. I’ve seen big horned sheep and mountain goats, birds of prey and beetle kill. Yet what is most prized to me is the seclusion of the pass. It can feel lonely and vast. It feels like being wrapped up in a great big hug. The tourists will flock to see our mountains and ski hills so long as we protect them. Stopping any large scale development on the pass, especially high end residential options unattainable for local residents, is crucial to protecting this regions character and culture. Protecting the scenery, the natural environment, the peace that we all get from loving Mother Nature is paramount in this day and age. Development would impact local towns in need of tourism, crucial habitat for species, and snow pack that we all know is in desperate need of protecting. For the sake of our communities, the already existing villages we call home, and our environment, please stop further large scale development on Wolf Creek Pass.

Anonymous, Durango, CO

Only so many places stay wild and we can’t keep taking advantage of this beautiful land for developments. Leave that shit wild and free

Jarred Perley, Big Sky, MT

Keep Wolf Creek Wild. This is one of the few family owned small ski resorts left. Let’s not whore our National Forest out to help make the rich richer especially when they don’t have a vested interest in our local communities. This is bad for Pagosa, bad for South Fork, bad for locals, bad for the forest.

Local standing up for the forest, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf creek is a gem and further development would ruin that. The world needs a variety of resorts and we already have enough mega resorts.

Sam, Minturn, CO

Not all ideas are good, and this is horrible for numerous reasons, especially when it comes to preserving nature.

Kris Gosar, Monte Vista, CO

There is only so much change that one state can take and this is terrible and idiotic

Jose Miranda, Monte Vista, CO

A 10,000 person village does not belong on wolf creek pass!

Justin, Dillon, CO

Some things are better left without the touch of greed.

Tyler Cernak, Durango, CO

Once our resources are gone or destroyed we cannot go back. I hope the state appreciates what we stand to lose as a community and as a state.

Sadia, Buena Vista, CO

I do not approve this build. Keep WC small.

Liz, Fairplay, CO

Are you kidding me, living at 10,000 feet plus in an area that should not even be developed, come on. The disruption to nature and the environment will be catastrophic to that ecosystem. Why this is an ongoing battle is beyond me. The pollution created from building this idiotic ‘development’ is mind boggling. Stop this project once and for all.

Julie, Ignacio, CO

This is a poor development idea that will ruin the ski area and surrounding ecological systems. The developers in fact have no idea what they’re doing and will not be affected by their actions and are just money hungry. Disgusting but not surprising.

Anonymous, Breckenridge, CO

This is a beautiful area and would stay beautiful if not developed. Keep it wild!

Sharry Akin, Dolores, CO

Wolf creek has always been my break from the masses. Please don’t let them take away the one place left to ride in peace.

Samara, Alma, CO

As a resident of SW Colorado for over 10 years, I have skied at Wolf Creek and recreated in the Weminuche Wilderness year round. It would be an unethical responsible to bring a large scale village to this vulnerable landscape and would change the unique charm of Wild Creek. Please consider the irrevocable impact this would have on the environment, infrastructure, culture and community that inhabits this area.

Morgan Olsson, Durango, CO

The madness needs to stop. Before long the animals will have no home… and these people will destroy the beauty.

Anonymous, Craig, CO

It truly would be a travesty to develop around Wolf Creek. Enough ski areas have had their souls sucked out of them by surges of development and corporate greed. Please preserve WC’s charm and culture by resisting the urge to capitalize on its wonder.

Forrest, Breckenridge, CO

I am a local of Pagosa Springs my whole 24 years of life. Being here for as long as I have I know how many people go to wolf creek to see how beautiful it is. They don’t go to stay at wolf creek they stay in Pagosa to go visit wolf creek. It will not be as beautiful as it is now if there is a whole town up there.

Mahr, Pagosa Springs, CO

The future if Wolf Creek Pass should be decided by locals

Tayler Jones, Colorado Springs, CO

Keep wolf creek natural! None of us want conglomerate companies coming in to ruin more areas of Colorado. It has happened enough.

Rachel, Breckenridge, CO

Wolf Creek is one of the few remaining “wild” ski resorts in Colorado. Please keep it that way.

Georgia Sinclair, Grand Junction, CO

Texas, stay in Texas.

Caroline Brothers, Denver, CO

Wolf creek is a special place. Building a village there would ruin that. One of the things that makes wolf creek special is that it is one of the last ski areas in the state that is not a resort. The appeal of wolf creek is the small mountain feel and the lack of tourists. Please keep wolf creek simple.

Scott, Dillon, CO

This development is a terrible idea. We don’t want to be the next Vail or Aspen

Corrinne, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek Wild. It is so special as it is.

Lauren, South Fork, CO

By building this development, you will be destroying thousands of acres of habitat of all types – flora and fauna. To build this is to destroy life.

Cayla West, West Jordan, UT

These little mountain towns are what makes the skiing and snowboarding industry great. They are the places you take your kids, where you’re able to say, this place brings back so many memories and it has been so well taken care of that they haven’t had to change much over the years! A major development will bring tourists and some money, but will destroy the history and culture of skiing that we are trying to hard to preserve and protect. The huge corporations are turning this amazing past time into a money grub.

Ben, Dillon, CO

Building a village with 10,000 people is the worst possible thing you can do for the environment. This destroys so many natural aspects of colorado just to make a pretty penny for a couple thousand more people. A village can always be buildable somewhere else where it isn’t destructive, but the beauty of nature can’t be reconstructed after you guys destroy it to put a village in.

Hudson, Erie, CO

Keep it simple. There are enough areas that have been developed that could be remade, use and reuse! Don’t consume, lay waste and move on to the next location. Keep Wolf Creek Wild.

Amanda, Creede, CO

Please keep this place the way that it is. It’s sad to Colorado lose what makes it special. Wolf creek is an example

Kimiko Kaili, Dillon, CO

Please keep the specialness of Wolf Creek intact.

Pam, Seiling, OK

I believe the charm and affordability of Wolf Creek should stay as is. It is one place people can actually get away from the I70 corridor and enjoy skiing and winter recreation without the worry of someone else colliding into you while skiing.

Ashley Houchen, Dillon, CO

Save the wildlife

Brady, Fort Worth, TX

The towns of the San Luis valley are already serving as the village for wolf creek.

Paul Fennell, South Fork, CO

My husband and I travel to Wolf Creek from Oklahoma every year to snowboard and snow ski. Wolf Creek resort is one of our favorite places to go because it is still pretty low-key. We often stay in South Fork and drive up to the resort. I would hate to see the beautiful trees be taken out for a “village” development. It would also take away the area where the deer and other wildlife live.

April, Enid, OK

Keep it wild

Tim, Jamestown, CO

I support to keep Wolf Creek Wild and Free!

Lionel, Monte Vista, CO

Keep wolf creek how it is!

Frances S., Peyton, CO

I love you wolf creek

Nathan, Breckridge, CO

Keep Wilderness Wild! Thanks

Richard Vaughan, Pagosa Springs, CO

There are plenty of overpopulated ski areas in CO. Wolf Creek is a nice quiet place to relax and have fun without the big crowds.

Shannon Baldwin, Center, TX

The wolf creek development should not be allowed. The area is not suitable for development due to the elevation and inclement weather. Emergency services will have difficulty accessing that area during storms and road closures. Snow removal for residential properties will be immense after large storms. The ski area itself battles storms with road closures and trying to keep the area open and manage a safe environment for skiiers. How will a village survive? The factor in the environmental impacts. This village is a bad idea

Michele Braeuner, South Fork, CO

Wolf Creek is a unique ski experience. Allowing Wolf Creek Village would make it like so many other ski areas drawing on a greater percentage of higher income individuals and thus, by demand, raising prices (lift tickets, food, rentals, etc) and squeezing out a lower income individuals

George Gardner, Pagosa Springs, CO

STOP wrecking Colorado environment to benefit TEXAS FAT CATS!!!

CO, Durango, CO

Please keep resort development out of Wolf Creek! Not only will that affect wildlife and precious/limited natural resources but quality of skiing. The resorts just make it feel like you’re skiing in a city.

Dylan Rice, Pagosa Springs, CO

The wolf creek ski area has already suffered from the onslaught of the bark beetle, and is just starting to show signs of recovery. But instead of allowing for that recovery by encouraging diversity of tree species, there are plans to destroy even more trees, increase pollution, and drain off millions of gallons of precious water. Water that not only supports wildlife, ranchers, fly fishing, rafting, and our down town Main Street attractions, but all the other towns and communities below us that the San Juan/Rio Grande feed into! This is unconscionable, especially considering future demands for water in the west, due to hotter temperatures caused by climate change! And for what purpose? For the sake of making a few more millionaires even richer? For luxury condos for the rich?

The pristine beauty of wolf creek is exactly what sustains this community. It’s why people leave their congested overcrowded, hot cities and come here to vacation. Let’s preserve our greatest resource and keep it special!

In addition, If they build this monstrosity, it will only hurt local businesses as tourists will drive straight through our town and stay and eat on the mountain. Traffic will become a daily part of life, along with all the CO2 emissions!

Donna, Pagosa Springs, CO

We have to stop taking from the land. It only has so much to give before these ecosystems are ruined.

Ryan Higgins, Pagosa Springs, CO

If this get approved, there will be 10,000+ people to get supplies to over winter months. Wolf creek has weather October through May. There is no other access for these people throughout more than half of the year. This development would hurt SLV and surrounding areas more than it would do any good.

Anonymous, Alamosa, CO

Wolf creek ski area isn’t big enough to support the people this development will bring let alone the amount of BLM land you are killing to build this development. You are taking away from the natural beauty of wolf creek pass

Valerie McEwe, Del Norte, CO

This will ruin Pagosa Springs and completely over run Wolf Creek ski area. It will also make us just another big resort. The whole reason why people come to Pagosa is to get away from the big city.

Laci Jones, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek has always been a family-oriented ski area. Turning it into a “village” will only diminish that factor and move us further from our original mission statement. Keep Wolf Creek great :):):)

FriendButter, Pagosa Springs, CO

I do not support the development of Wolf Creek.

Maria Marchand, Pagosa Springs, CO

We have an already over populated state and increasing prices on things. The more Texans we allow, the more we end up paying in an already expensive state! Keep out wildlife who is happy and thriving alone with out all the people… animals are going extinct and then we will if we keep allowing more people to take over our wildlifes homes!!! Against this project 100%

Claudia Casias, Del Norte, CO

The infiltration of South Fork and Fun Valley has gone far enough. You have Aspen and Telluride; even Taos. It’s okay to keep a place pure and quiet. This only makes everything more expensive for Coloradans that actually live here year around and it’s not appreciated. We need to focus on affordable housing and the regulation of fisheries that are being trashed and abused. We know the government doesn’t need anymore revenue. We don’t need more houses left vacant for nine months out of the year.

This wild largely impact Lynx, snowshoe hare, Moose and fish habitats. The pollution and waste that will stem from a village is absolutely unnecessary. Please keep this space wild.

Zackary, Monte Vista, CO

To build a development like that at Wolf Creek would ruin the experience. People come here for the quaintness of the ski area. They like that it’s not like all the other big areas in Colorado. Also this development isn’t meant to house the wolf creek work force. It’s not meant to house locals. It’s meant for more second vacation homes. Isn’t there enough of that around here?

Anonymous, South Fork, CO

I have been coming here for years and love how it is currently. This WILL impact the surrounding environment and this is not something we want. Keep wolf creek small and quaint!

CO, Breckenridge, CO

NOT Colorado residents but especially out of staters should be allowed to develop our wild and beautiful scenic areas! Many people come here to view our states beauty. Wolf Creek is very attractive to tourists. So in my opinion I believe they’re not going to be too excited to travel here to see some overpaid executives and their over indulged backers “project”. It will destroy the beauty of Wolf Creek Pass!! NO it shouldn’t be allowed!

Judy Mitchell, Alamosa, CO

Please keep things wild and free from the money hungry folks that want to change it forever!

Elizabeth Scogin, Grand Junction, CO

I do not support the development of a village at Wolf Creek Pass due to the devastating environmental impacts it will have on the area.

Megan Viquez, Del Norte, CO

Please keep wolf creek pass wild.

Joey, Nederland, CO

This is the last thing we need in our area, especially being the type of people who will move in that are not used to these weather conditions. This will create more calls for officers and all other first responders in the hard winters on wolf creek. This in turn means putting all of our first responders in greater danger.

Karissa Hunter, Center, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is just exactly perfect. Please do not approve the development.

Jimy, Alamosa, CO

We need to keep Colorado wild. Our environment, ecosystems, and overall nature are greatly impacted by developments and I believe that we need to protect the planet from further non-essential builds. Colorado already has many beautiful skiing locations, we don’t need another.

Anonymous, Highlands Ranch, CO

Please don’t let this ugliness happen !!!!!!

Anita, Montrose, CO

This idea should have never made it this far

Laurel Beagles, Hesperus, CO

Fighting to keep wolf creek small, moved here for the small mountain charm and access for families

Rachel Breitbach, Pagosa Springs, CO

One of the main attractions to Wolf is the primitive feeling. Pagosa doesn’t have the infrastructure to support this.

Courtney, Pagosa Springs, CO

It’s so disappointing to see the colorful Colorado I grew up in being turned into a black and grey asphalt and concrete abomination. Keep Colorado colorful and wild. You cannot sell the nature that isn’t yours, but you surely can destroy this beautiful place that so many people call home. Will that satiate the need for profit? Will the destruction of wild places continue until every place is a vacation spot with hotels and parking lots? Where will we vacation to then? Another parking lot at another concrete building? Keep Colorado wild. Preserve the ecology and ecosystems of this wonderfully unique place, for every person old and young to experience and enjoy. Please do not defile this majestic land for expansion and profit. Protect this place for the planet and future generations so that they, too, may experience a colorful Colorado and a wild Wolf Creek.

Caleb Berlinger, Alamosa, CO

Developing this village will deprive Pagosa Springs and Alamosa of valuable tourism dollars by funneling vacation-seekers and wealthy landowners out of their tax districts. The disheartening trend of destroying “portal” towns such as these will leave the people of SW Colorado poorer and less-equipped to handle higher levels of tourism. The infrastructure does not exist to support a town of 10,000 people on top of Wolf Creek Pass and tax dollars will necessarily be reallocated to funding this vanity project.

Olivia, Durango, CO

This would be detrimental to our local community and environment. Please reconsider this. Not every ski area needs to be like Vail!

Elizabeth Bailey, South Fork, CO

Being a student to heavily studied tourism and sustainability, it would be extremely upsetting to me as [someone born and raised in] Colorado to see Wolf Creek be developed. First it is completely unnecessary but also wildly devastating to the environment. Please reconsider.

Claire Nickerson, Durango, CO

Nature is to be enjoyed, not destroyed. So many places once beloved for their wildness have now been bulldozed into treeless, paved submission. I hate to think that this same fate might befall our wonderfully wild Wolf Creek. This development is called an “investment,” but it’s certainly not an investment in our natural world. It’s not even an investment in the surrounding communities, for this would take away vital business from these small towns. And it’s not like this development is going to bring in more tourism; Wolf Creek is — as it should be — in out in the wilds of Colorado, on a treacherous pass, too far away from already-developed places to justify visiting for many. This is precisely what shuttered the state’s newest ski area, Bluebird Backcountry. No, this “investment” is only an investment for the developer, a businessman from far away. When this development fails, he’ll still be a billionaire but it’ll be our community that has to live with the damage. Keep Wolf Creek wild, and nature as it should be.

Anonymous, Creede, CO

Wolf creek is one of the last true ski areas. Don’t destroy this gem.

Whit, Johnstown, CO

Keep wolfie small

gregg mccauley, Breckenridge, CO

As a long time resident of Pagosa Springs, I am deeply opposed to the creation of any kind of lodging/village at Wolf Creek. The impact on natural habitat and the environment would be incredibly harmful.

Resident, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf creek is one of the last ski resort areas in Colorado that feels more like a ski area than a resort. The people who frequent wolf creek love this feeling, and would be less resilient to return if things changed.

Zach, Carbondale, CO

Stop developing a ruining what makes areas unique and beautiful. Nature is being ruined by such terrible ideas.

Anonymous, Georgetown, TX

We don’t need more development, we need to protect the little we have left

Christy, Denver, CO

We do not want or need this on our mountain. The environmental impacts alone to the area are atrocious. The effects on our local town and infrastructure would be tremendous. We need to stand up to out-of-state money that has no vested interest in our community, environment, or the well-being of people who live and work here. I firmly believe only harm will come if this proceeds. The pollution alone would ruin many vital habitats for trout and taint drinking water for communities downstream. Pollution at the very source! Locals say no! We don’t want or need this abomination of greed anywhere near our town!

Zane Duffy, Pagosa Springs, CO

I would like to add my support in saving Wolf Creek and keeping it small to the locals who live there & not allow a condo village in.

Lili, Los Angeles, CA

Don’t destroy what made wolf creek special.

Jon Thacker, Boulder, CO

If you frequent the Rio Grande National forest, you understand the impact of beetle kill in its alpine environment… most of our trees are standing dead. All of our efforts need to be focused on environmental regeneration not further degradation. We cannot afford to continue our extraction first approach with this national resource.

Justin Egdorf, Del Norte, CO

Money has already taken many of the ski towns. We don’t need another mountain to be un attainable to those other than the extremely wealthy. They have enough.

Sam, Silverthorne, CO

I believe this space should stay open space and be preserved.

Brandi, Silverthorne, CO

I do not support this proposed ski area. Developing the pass has dire consequences for the surrounding area. Environmental concerns, wildlife conservation and carbon footprint stress alone each tip the scale to a resounding NO!

Abigail, Denver, CO

We don’t need the best places in Colorado/the west to be turned into vanity projects for rich out of staters to own second/third/fourth homes. If we don’t put our foot down on developments in areas we love, we will lose what makes Colorado and the West special. If we actually love the wild places that we claim we do, we have a duty to protect them from greedy developers trying to make money off of the increasingly limited unadulterated places in Colorado. It’s already getting painful and frustrating to recreate in the places we have, we don’t need less land available to exacerbate the issue. Colorado is being loved to death, and vanity development projects like this ruin the ecosystems, pollute the groundwater, punish taxpayers, and cater to the 1% to pillage and “own” their slice of nature. Yet, when asked to do something beneficial for the nature they so cherish, the type of people these developments appeal to couldn’t care less. This is the story of the west, and if we keep approving these resource-draining McMansions, (which likely will be cookie-cutter, hastily built, urban sprawl-esque farmhouse modern eyesores), we will repeat the same mistakes of the boom and bust economy of resource extraction earlier in Colorado’s history. On behalf of me, and everyone else who cherishes the wild increasingly threatened ecosystems, please do not build a “village” at Wolf Creek, and let something in this state be enjoyed for what it is. Wild. Thanks.

Jackson Krause, Bozeman, MT

Please allow this community to decide its future

Nick Mitchell, Keystone, CO

Keep WC small and for locals. The mtn isn’t big enough for this size project.

Benny F., Denver, CO

Keep Wolf Creek small!!

Grace Mansen, Frisco, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Wild!!

Ethan Black, Fort Collins, CO

Keep wolf creek how it is! The mountain is too small for big development. Preserve the balance between skiers and nature

Eric Duncan, Denver, CO

Keep the pass wild!

David C, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is really the last best ski area in CO. The Pitcher family has done everything they can to keep the area from becoming a resort area. I for one would never want to see this area changed for capitalism when the locals like it just they way it is. There are plenty of other resorts people can go and visit throughout the state. No one wants one at Wolf Creek.

Maria, Frisco, CO

We need to keep Wolf Creek Pass wild. for the good of the environment, the local communities and the future of southern Colorado.

Lydia, Grand Junction, CO

Please don’t turn Wolf Creek into a mega area. The beauty of it is the fact that it is Not a destination resort.

Steven Gooding, Albuquerque, NM

I support the battle to keep Wolf Creek Pass wild.

Andrew Letterly, South Fork, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Undeveloped! No Village!

Dallas, Durango, CO

Profit and efficiency of use might serve us well in some respects, but it’s not the only thing that serves us. We need balance. Whether we proactively decide to not exploit every possible opportunity we have to develop resorts or we wait til they bloat and collapse from lack of use or climate change, one day we won’t need this much infrastructure here. It’s only to maximize profit in the short term. I support FoWF in this effort because I think we should proactively limit our exploitation of this land and its use, so that each person who does get to experience is better for it, and so that the environment is better for it.

Brett Forsberg, Arvada, CO

Wolf Creek is the last vestige of small town ski areas left in Colorado. Anyone who has been there knows how special it is. It is a small mountain, not much vertical and nowhere to expand to. This village would ruin Wolf Creek. What makes WC special are the lack of people and the incredible snow. Increase the amount of people and WC is no longer special. Keep WC wild. Texans have ruined everything else. Save this last great small Colorado ski area for the true, diehard skiers and snowboarders.

Alex Ray, Dillon, CO

Wolf Creek Ski resort is one of the last truly independent ski resorts in the United States. It also happens to be one of the best of any resort period. What makes it loved by so many people is the lack of development. Half the mountain is left unformed. Parking is free. And the only restaurant on the back side of the mountain is a trailer towed in with a snowmobile where burgers are actually reasonably priced. This is the way skiing should be, and it keep it accessible to a great majority of people. I don’t know very many people who can afford to ski at Vail or Breckenridge or even Taos when lift tickets are $200. But Wolf Creek only charges $80 because that’s what Wolf Creek does. Caters to everyone.

Pagosa Springs, as a town, is often touted amongst my friend as the best mountain town in Colorado and a place where many of them would like to one day settle down. The building of a huge resort at the ski area would undoubtedly change that. Overdevelopment, overcrowding, and overpricing are the quickest ways to kill a community. It makes me sick to think this could happen to such and incredible place.

Please do not allow this to happen. The soul of skiing is at stake.

Anonymous, Clovis, NM

I moved to Colorado some time ago for the unaltered nature mountains streams valleys etc. keep it wild and stop milking this beautiful state for personal gains.

Nicholas Graham, Westminster, CO

Please, don’t. I’m begging you.

Brandon Stone, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is an immensely special place. Don’t let it fall into the ever growing category of “once special” places.

Nick L., Erie, CO

We don’t need any more boutique ski villages in Colorado. Keep the Wolf small and mighty!

Curtis Devore, Frisco, CO

The wilds of Colorado have been steadily falling to increased population and corporate development for 30 years. Can we please keep a few places unsoiled and unspoiled? Please??

Rebecca White, Golden, CO

As a local to Colorado, I’ve witnessed the growth of this state, from a lesser known state to a very crowded one. The increase in popularity of ski resorts has overgrown to the point where the current infrastructure cannot support the amount of people. Building a village at the top of a lesser known ski resort, in this case Wolf Creek, will absolutely affect the area and infrastructure in which this resort is located. Years down the line, it will turn into a similar situation that the central mountains are facing.

Stephen Drozda, Lakewood, CO

Please don’t ruin what is great about Wolf Creek. Not everything needs to be developed for $$. *especially* from out of state

Ms B, Fort Collins, CO

As a long time local, I have been skiing at Wolf Creek for many years. Wolf Creek ski area is truly unique in that it is one of very few remaining ski areas that has not been fully developed into a Disney Land-esque dystopia. People come to Wolf Creek to ski deep, light powder. It is what skiing is at its core. Developed resorts create a happy facade that looks attractive from the outside but truly brings down the locals and diminishes what Wolf Creek has always stood for. True enjoyment of skiing. I do not know a single long-time local that supports this development, as it detracts from the beauty that we all know is truly Wolf Creek as well as the surrounding forest. I do not support the village at Wolf Creek, and I urge others to speak out against it as well.

Anonymous, Del Norte, CO

My family has been coming here to visit our family in Monte Vista for years. we always ski at Wolf Creek because it’s the only place out there that we can afford. On top of that, it offers vast variety of terrain and we rarely have to wait in line, which is a necessity with our big family. We love Wolf Creek and love supporting a family owned facility, but this village would change all of that and make Wolf Creek essentially inaccessible to us, and I’m sure many other people and families. It would also destroy the entire vibe of Wolf Creek. keep it small and don’t give in to the continual expansion and gentrification of these resorts, let Wolf Creek keep its charm. We’re begging.

Anonymous, Fitchburg, WI

Over development is killing ski mountains! More crowds, skiing accidents, pollution, inflation. Do NOT follow in “EPIC” and “ICON”’s footsteps! Keep Wolf Creek “small”, wild, local, beautiful. There is something to be said about seeing nature vs. looking at cement and buildings.

Anonymous, Eagle, CO

I’m 5th generation Coloradan! Let’s keep as much of Colorado from turning more into Texas! We don’t need every town and road any more congested than it already is!

Matthew Grannell, Winter Park, CO

Please stop this [nonsense]! Building a village at Wolf Creek would ruin many of the best things about this beautiful resort!

Douglas Fletcher, Golden, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Pass wild!

AZ, Durango, CO

Please maintain the charm of Wolf Creek. A large development would destroy the character and quality of this special ski area and surrounding towns.

Colorado Skier, Denver, CO

Colorado needs to preserve wilderness for generations to come

Jen, Delta, CO

It is time for us as citizens of Colorado to prioritize nature and the environment. This is not necessary and it will be detrimental to the area. I oppose.

Munck, Lakewood, CO

Please stop this travesty. The land, the water, the wildlife, will be devastated. Colorado, and especially Wolf Creek, cannot sustain such unfettered growth.

Karla Roquemore, South Fork, CO

There are precious few places in this world that we can enjoy even mostly unspoiled. Please don’t destroy one more of them.

Erin, Washington Court House, OH

Save Wolf Creek!

Gaby, Breckenridge, CO

I support the local effort to keep Wolf Creek natural and wild with out the proposed expansion that will ruin it forever more.

Dana Franklin, Denver, CO


Ramiro, Monte Vista, CO

Please don’t ruin a great small town ski area by allowing this huge village to burden an area not big enough for the amount of people coming in. Look past the dollar signs!

Mary, Denver, CO

Some see value in leaving things be. Not always in making more money.

Kent Broome, Lyons, CO

Wolf Creek was one of the many ski hills in Colorado that I grew up skiing that was a local hill. Growing up in the San Juan’s, I grew up in a very inaccessible part of the world but even then I’ve watched the likes of Telluride and Purgatory become major ski corporations in the San Juan’s and I’ve seen the I-70 corridor become a multibillion dollar location that increases prices year over year to the point that the people that live in and around those areas are no longer able to afford the lifestyle that is engrained into the culture of Colorado. Wolf Creek stands alone in the southwest as one of the greatest true ski and snowboarding destinations for locals from around the state that truly appreciate the sense of adventure and love for teaching the new generation. Wolf creek deserves to remain a ski hill trapped in time of the glory days of skiing that families in the southwest and true enthusiasts that seek the best snow in Colorado can enjoy. It has always been a hidden gem that is even considered remote to many within its own state and it deserves to remain that way.

Taylor Caldwell, Colorado Springs, CO

I support to keep Wolf Creek wild! No development

Barbara Schaer, Alamosa, CO

The proposed development would create a negative impact on our wildlife and strained water resources.

Kyle, Salida, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Wild

Pow Shredder, Dillon, CO

Wolf Creek Pass and Ski Area are unlike other more developed parts of the state. The wildlife, the activities and the towns of the Rio Grande and San Juan National Forests should remain the way they are. Developing a village at the top of the pass area would the look and feel of the area forever… We do not want a village. We want tourist to spend time in local towns around the ski area such as Del Norte, South Fork, Creede, Pagosa. These towns rely on the ski area tourism to stay alive and thrive.

Gilbert Moreno, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf creek is a stuck in time frito pie slinging family resort with history and raw skiing. Real skiers recognize each other every winter when major storms roll through and attract people from all over. I’ve spent over a week total camping in the parking lots at Wolf Creek and the community there is great. It’s a group of dedicated people that care for the mountain and skiing at Wolf Creek.

Ethan, Bozeman, MT

Building a “village” for 10,000 people at Wolf Creek Pass is a bad idea and the wrong choice for our community and state

Anonymous, Fraser, CO

I’ve enjoyed a number of very special days skiing at Wolf Creek. It’s perfect just how it is! Please don’t let this disaster of a plan go ahead.

Brooke Scatchard, Morrisville, VT

The reason we ski at Wolf Creek and drive 1000 miles to do so is because it’s different from all the other ski areas in that it doesn’t have a resort. It would be devastating for it to succumb to “being like everyone else”. This is very disturbing that this development is possible. It will change the beautiful mountains and scenery and the pureness that the ski area has coveted for decades. This turns my stomach to hear that people will ruin this great area for money.

Melanie Tipton, LaGrange, TX

I’ve been at Wolf Creek 5 years now. I’m very much here like everyone else that skis Wolf Creek here for a reason and that being it’s a ski area and not a resort. We don’t have the lift capacity to add this crowd that is not in the staying on the pass. The second issue I have is the trash problem at wolf creek is already bad enough. We spend months and months cleaning up the mountain on a slow ski season shooters, beer cans, lift tickets scour our mountain affecting all wildlife. My 3rd reason is the wildlife and that is wildlife that hand fed by tourists wildlife that no longer has the ability to find food on their own because of the way people treat them. The village at Wolf Creek is solely going to cause more lift lines, more expensive lift tickets, and more damage done to a mountain we dedicate our time to taking care of.

Wolf Creek Mechanic, Pagosa Springs, CO

A “village” not supported by the community is not a village but a hostile takeover.

Seth, Longmont, CO

Wolf Creek is crowded enough already! Let’s stop paving paradise.

John E. Farley, Pagosa Springs, CO

I support keeping Wolf Creek Pass wild and am strongly against the Village at Wolf Creek development. It is such important land in Colorado and we are already struggling with over development and disruption to our natural resources. This purposed resort is not good for surrounding communities and has gross environmental consequences. We (community members and environmentalists) have been fighting this proposal for over 10 years. Why without thorough analysis of the consequences and with so much public disapproval is this issue still emerging? Please put a permanent stop to the Village at Wolf Creek. Thank you!

Diana Davis, Durango, CO

This has to be one of the greediest, selfish development concepts imagined, with total disregard for the wilderness environment and ecosystems, local/county residents, constituents of the ski area, and backcountry access. Not to mention the burden to county and local townships that would have to support such an incredibly one-sided land grab and proposed land use plan!

I am appalled that the 10th Circuit proceeded in moving forward to support this!

Everything that can and should be done to prevent this from happening needs to be done ASAP to ensure protection of this area’s natural resources and recreational opportunities!

Jim Banks, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is too special of an environment to be turned into a large village. Please stop this bad development right away.

Julie, Palo Alto, CA

The proposed area of development is inappropriate for commercial development. Besides all the environmental concerns is the fact that the widespread beetle kill has created a substantial fire risk! People in Colorado are having their insurance coverage dropped for being in a high fire risk area/ surely this would be a problem!

CO, Bayfield, CO

The Pillage at Wolf Creek is an ill conceived idea that will negatively impact the area in which it is proposed to build and the surrounding communities. Anyone who has spent time in our communities understand this sentiment and are tired of billionaire greed threatening to destroy our habitats and community. Please stop the pillage!

Molly, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek Pass needs to be protected as a valuable wildlife corridor. A small ski area in winter is acceptable, a large year around development is not. It will be far too disruptive to the environment and will require more resources than available. Building a resort of that size in such a remote location defies all logic and common sense and must be stopped. There are numerous overly developed ski resorts in Colorado for people who like that sort of thing to enjoy, we do not need another one. We need to preserve this area for wildife and clean water and people who do not like overly developed, overly priced, overly crowded ski resorts. I currently see lots of wildlife when backcountry skiing at Wolf Creek Pass especially in the spring. The pass is relatively quiet once you get a short distance from the road. This will not be the case with this development up there year around. If any, we need common sense, sustainable development, in this remote location. Not this kind of atrocity.

Eric Polczynski, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is so special. One of the only remaining places you can go on an amazing powder day and not have the snow tracked out in 30 min. One of the only places with an actual locals vibe and is truly unique. All of my best days on skis are here. Please don’t let it turn into another stereotypical, overcrowded, pricey destination for rich tourists. Leave locals and ski bums at least one place to ski and actually enjoy it!

Jillian Ardrey, Dillon, CO

Wolf Creek is one of the few remaining ski areas in the state which is locally and family oriented and not dependent upon the influence of out-of-state interests. In addition, the Rio Grande National Forest which is the home to the reintroduced Canada Lynx as well as a myriad of other native flora and fauna and within which the ski area is located should, in my opinion, be kept free of additional commercial development. When Vail was built in 1962, its presence virtually destroyed the second largest migratory mule deer herd in Colorado. A similar event should not be allowed to happen in southern Colorado. I strongly support the denial of development in the area.

Rob Lewis, Allenspark, CO

I do not want to see our beautiful communities of the valley and our mountain towns turn into Breckenridge, Aspen, Vail or any other ski town. There are proven cases in in Colorado and around the U.S. and Canada where when villages like the Wolf Creek one go in the people who live and love their towns can no longer work or live there. Some are life long residents others have come later and love the small mountain towns we have. Creede, South Fork, Pagosa, Del Norte and Valley towns could become unrecognizable in not a good way. We live here as we love small towns for our families to be in. Colorado is already turned into a state I am not proud to be from anymore as we are more and more like California. I don’t want our small part of Colorado turn into resort that the people coming in that don’t care about our communities, people or our land and the beauty of it to just trash it as happens so often when out of town people come in to develop a place. No I don’t want stagnation but it will put to much strain on our community service people that love to live and serve in public service jobs of our small towns. Please take a deeper look in the true price it will cost.

CO, Center, CO

Development in Wolf Creek will contribute to the degradation of Colorado’s natural environment. Wolf Creek is a special place, and it deserves respect. I am firmly against the development of the area and will only see its approval as trigger for more unfortunate development to occur in our precious outdoor spaces. On top of this it is not a wise economic or environmental choice for the community as our climate changes and places like these become less practical to maintain. Money should be invested into employee benefits, environment education, forest service, schools, and community resources before it is ever used erect structures that will have zero benefit.

A.C., Del Norte, CO

First, 10,000 people is NOT a village, it is a large town or small city. 10,000 people is bigger than most of the towns in the Valley. Second and maybe the most important, THERE ARE NO RESOURCES to support such a huge town. There isn’t enough water to support a population that size. It is time for the government officials and corporations to come to the understanding that Colorado CAN’T support more population growth. The environmental damage would be devastating, forest fires, insurance would be sky high or impossible to get. Insurance companies are withdrawing from states with too many natural disasters. To build that town would be increasing the likelihood of disaster in the San Jauns, the San Luis Valley, and the western slope. For what? Another mountain town that only the rich and famous and out of state people can afford is all this will be. It will NOT have long term benefits for Colorado citizens. It WILL have negative impacts on agriculture and all the systems agriculture supports. The only ones to benefit from this are the developers and the rich who can afford it the rest of the area, the citizens, etc. Will see no long term benefits. DO NOT BUILD!

Virginia, Northglenn, CO

Don’t spoil one of our last independent ski hills. This area cannot support that level of development.

Anonymous, Nathrop, CO

The times I have skied at Wolf Creek have felt like one of the last true Colorado ski areas. Local, no frills, good fun. In our state’s current atmosphere of overcrowded areas, overburdened roads and infrastructure, and overdevelopment of our wild spaces, another profit-driven development will only serve to exacerbate our already growing problem. Keep our wilderness wild. Keep Colorado local. Oppose this development.

Anonymous, Broomfield, CO

Wolf Creek Ski resort is one of the last truly independent ski resorts in the United States. It also happens to be one of the best of any resort period. What makes it loved by so many people is the lack of development. Half the mountain is left unformed. Parking is free. And the only restaurant on the back side of the mountain is a trailer towed in with a snowmobile where burgers are actually reasonably priced. This is the way skiing should be, and it keep it accessible to a great majority of people. I don’t know very many people who can afford to ski at Vail or Breckenridge or even Taos when lift tickets are $200. But Wolf Creek only charges $80 because that’s what Wolf Creek does. Caters to everyone.

Pagosa Springs, as a town, is often touted amongst my friend as the best mountain town in Colorado and a place where many of them would like to one day settle down. The building of a huge resort at the ski area would undoubtedly change that. Overdevelopment, overcrowding, and overpricing are the quickest ways to kill a community. It makes me sick to think this could happen to such and incredible place.

Please do not allow this to happen. The soul of skiing is at stake.

Anonymous, Clovis, NM

Mentioning Wolf Creek to a stranger often gets you a “hell yeah, that place is awesome”, not because of its amenities and massive footprint, but because it’s an under the radar ski area that attracts the people that ski it for its connection to the sports humble beginning. Colorado has plenty of resorts, people ski here to get away from the ikon and epic seen, not for a new alternative that would likely join them. Allowing this development to happen would destroy an amazing independent ski area, as well as cause devastation to the ecological area it envelopes. Please reconsider

Kyle Bradley, South Fork, CO

WATER! Water, water, water – our most precious resource. The SLV and beyond already don’t have enough of it. How will the village be able to adequately sustain a population of 10K with the existing water supply? Farmers and ranchers downstream will take a hit and food prices will rise.

Access to health care. The Village will be located 30 minutes from the nearest clinic and 40-45 minutes from the nearest hospital. Living at 10,300 feet is not as easy as it might seem since there’s about 6% less effective oxygen in the air compared to sea level, and unfortunately most people don’t realize they’re not fit for high altitude until they’re in it and need urgent medical assistance.

Elesha Goad, South Fork

I moved here when I was 20. I’m far older now and have witnessed the developments and disregard and disruption of our quiet, respectful spots. Every space absolutely does not and should not be filled with huge resorts. We are in generational drought, our resources are limited, and yet another development is going to suck up what little we have. Bought and paid for subservience is not how we want to live. This is not good growth. It’s just parking lot mentality.

Laura, Farmington, NM

I DO NOT support the building of a village at the top of Wolf Creek Pass. It’s heartbreaking to think of the effect this would have on the wildlife and ecosystems in the area. I grew up in Pagosa and work in Creede, and have driven Wolf Creek Pass thousands of times. Its beauty comes from its remoteness. If this is built, what is stopping further development of the land? Please leave this land alone.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

There are plenty of ski areas in Colorado that are loaded with slopeside lodging. Wolf Creek is a gem in that it does not have that amenity and gives it a completely different experience. Why do we have to make all the good ski areas the same scrappy environment of over population. Wolf Creek is still wild and undisturbed for the most part and adding this development will only degrade the environment there for wildlife and degrade the experience for those of us that wish to experience wild Colorado. Don’t turn this wonderful area into another Vail, Aspen, or Breckenridge…

John Alexander, Fort Worth, TX

Wolf Creek is one of the last untouched wilderness’ of Colorado. We don’t want more people up there to destroy God’s country. I go fishing up there and you will be destroying fishing habitat as well as hunting areas. We have a water issue in the valley, we are in the middle of a drought and stuff like this will only hurt the water table and our main source of income in the valley, agriculture. Don’t do this.

Jan Vigil, Alamosa, CO

The Village’s proposal is one of the worst conceivable things that could occur to this community and the ski resort. It makes me sick to think this is even on the table, so much environmental destruction and destruction of the hard earned community and culture that Pagosa Springs and the Wolf Creek ski resort created. I will do everything I can to ensure this doesn’t occur.

Katie, Pagosa Springs, CO

This is our land. Keep it wild.

Wivina Vigil, Littleton, CO

I lived in Pagosa for a long time now and worked 5+ seasons at Wolf Creek and it has been a huge part of my life and it will definitely be sad to see things change when they inevitably do but until then I’ll do my part to fight the fight to keep Wolf Creek the peaceful sanctuary for snow sports that it is.

Jaxon Cizek, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is a haven for wild powder hounds looking to get away from the typical out of state vacation skier. Its rolling cliff terrain, excessive snow, and small size makes it a unique and challenging mountain not fit for just anyone. Bringing in this massive development would not only tarnish the beauty of Wolf Creek, but would fail to satisfy its demographic. Those who go to Wolf Creek are humble locals to southern colorado and die hard powder chaser that don’t need to spend a lot of money to be happy; not rich vacation goers looking to spend 10k. The whole development would be a waste of time and ruin a good thing.

Matt Francomano, Breckenridge, CO

This is a horrible idea. This will have a huge negative impact on the Rio Grande National forest. The waste from this will affect our water systems as well. The wildlife and migration that goes through this area will be impacted. Also there is not enough population to even make this feasible for this area. Also this will have a huge negative impact on the local economy and people.

Stephen Kdennis, Alamosa, CO

I believe, when you have something as beautiful as Wolf Creek, you support it, not exploit it.

Suzanne Demming, Ormond Beach, FL

seriously, colorado needs areas to STAY WILD. wolf creek is special for a reason and won’t be anything like it is with 10,000 extra people

kalima, Silverthorne, CO

Building a “village” for 10,000 people at Wolf Creek Pass, Colorado, is a misguided decision that poses significant environmental, logistical, and social challenges. This pristine area, known for its natural beauty and biodiversity, would suffer irreparable harm from large-scale development, disrupting wildlife habitats and increasing the risk of erosion and water pollution. The remote location lacks the necessary infrastructure to support such a population, leading to substantial costs and potential safety hazards, particularly during severe weather conditions. Moreover, this development would undermine local communities’ character and strain public resources, ultimately detracting from the sustainable growth and environmental stewardship that should be prioritized for our state. Therefore, we must protect Wolf Creek Pass and seek alternative solutions that align with our long-term vision for Colorado’s well-being.

Ethan, Montrose, CO

Colorado does not need new developments around the ski areas. Neighboring towns rely on the tourism that the ski area brings in to stay afloat. Exploring the towns of Pagosa, Del Norte, South Fork, and Creede are a part of the experience that people want when coming to visit Wolf Creek Ski Area. It is heartless and unnecessary to build a “village” that would only cause problems for the wildlife and surrounding towns.

Anonymous, Denver, CO

Wolf Creek is amazing the WAY IT IS. We do not need mega growth and overpopulation literally everywhere. Stop ruining the natural beauty of this state!!!

MoCzy, Silver Plume, CO

Colorado has already suffered so many losses with the increase of population to the state. Please leave Wolf Creek wild, and accessible to the community

Emily, Lakewood, CO

Wolf Creek is a gem just the way it is. The whole reason I like to go is because it is small, uncrowded, and not $200 a day to ski like the big resorts closer to Denver. It should be kept just the way it is and I think every skier and snowboarder would agree.

Luke, Denver, CO

Wolf Creek is one of the last “undeveloped” ski areas in the state. Tourists are what keep the ski area and surrounding towns alive – a village would be economically and environmentally devastating to the surrounding areas. The ski area does not have the infrastructure to support that large of an increase in visitors and in order to afford that they would almost certainly have to sell out to a megacorp. This would be the antithesis of everything that most people love about WC. Please keep Wolf Creek wild!

Brooke, Monte Vista, CO

The whole reason Wolf Creek is as amazing as it is is because of the small knit community we have. Pagosa Springs will not be the town it is if the Village gets put in place

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

I don’t want an Aspen or a Lake Tahoe. Keep Wolf Creek beautiful and clean.

Rasmussen, Pagosa Springs, CO

Colorado does not need more development. Take you Texas money somewhere else!!!

Tom, Telluride, CO

Wolf Creek is a special place that must not be turned into a conglomerate ski area that’s a carbon copy of other mountains. Colorado has few unique ski areas left and developing Wolf Creek will not only destroy what the area means to Colorado but will worsen the housing crisis as plots are bought up by wealthy out of staters. Leave Wolf Creek be. Summit County has a myriad of issues when it comes to sustaining housing for the hard working full time residents, overcrowding, traffic, etc. We’ve seen many once amazing places in Colorado turn into nightmares due to over developing. This proposition brings nothing but corporate greed.

Kyra, Fort Collins, CO

Please, let’s keep places wild. This is a precious area and and it will change the heart of the communities.

Kristin Coughlin, Gunnison, CO

We have a cabin just west of South Fork. Close to Beaver Lake. I can’t imagine what traffic would be like just getting to Wolf Creek Pass if they pass this. Keep Wolf Creek the same and let us enjoy the beauty we see and not a million dollar homes.

Jan, Hurst, TX

As a local resident I understand development is inevitable. Something of this magnitude has major consequences that should be carefully considered. Beyond the obvious impacts on our wildlife and environment I would like to keep our primitive little ski area the way it is, that’s what makes this place so unique. It’s really nice to head up the pass and not be stuck in gridlock traffic every time I want to go ski. I know progress is inevitably but I think 10,000 people is just too much too fast.

Jeremy, South Fork, CO

I support keeping Wolf Creek wild! We do not need infrastructure Wolf Creek.

JJ, Ignacio, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild. Capitalism is destroying everything, leave Wolf Creek alone

Anonymous, Alamosa, CO

We don’t need any more Vail like places. One is more than enough.

Kathy Heslinga, Edwards, CO

Can’t support that many people all the time. The best part of Wolf Creek is how you can still find powder weeks after a storm.

Ben, Evergreen, CO

I grew up near there, and it is a special place that deserves to be kept wild and undeveloped. Progress does not mean taking over nature’s gems until there are none left.

Mykytiuk, Broomfield, CO

Keep Wolf Creek great! Keep Texas out of Colorado! But seriously, this is one of the last “local” ski areas with terrific terrain, laid back atmosphere, affordable prices and overall great place. Bigger does not mean better. Stay Wild Wild Creek.

JM, Black Hawk, CO

The beauty of nature is just that, nature. The amount of tourism trying to be created by these villages is going to ruin what is the San Juan Valley and area. Don’t ruin a mountain over revenue. Protect what is left of nature.

Jessica Scott, Glen Elder, KS

One of the last few gems in the Rockies. PLEASE don’t sell out OUR lands and become a resort.

Peter Widing Crew, Silverthorne, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild!!

Emma, Birchwood, WI

This will destroy our national forest, increase our already enormous wild fire hazard, and out price those that can afford to ski here. In addition, our mountain will lose the beloved cross country ski track. This is an awful idea.

CO, Monte Vista, CO

Keep skiing local and for everyone. This is so sad to see.

Chris, Breckenridge, CO

Send em to Breckenridge if they want a village

Ellie, Red Lodge, MT

I support Wolf Creek! Keep Colorado local!

Kendall Cordell, Durant, OK

Wolf Creek and the surrounding areas are old school Colorado. They are beautifully underdeveloped with majestic views, wide open spaces and a true local western feel. Leave the big resort feel to Aspen, Vail, Breck, etc. Let’s keep Wolf Creek ski area as beautiful as it is now and a true gem for locals and the chasing powder storm hounds!!!!!!!

Jeff Biancamano, Breckenridge, CO

Keep Wolf Creek a place for people that actually love skiing and not a corporate resort to squeeze out as much profit as possible.

Emanuel, Denver, CO

Keep it wild!! So few places like this remain. It’s important to preserve it.

Lauren Richert, Durango, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild.

Parker, South Fork, CO

This area does not need a quasi-Aspen that will do nothing to benefit the locals. This benefits no one but Red McComb and will ruin the character of the area

Steve Perry, Palisade, CO

The charm of Wolf Creek is its small town resort vibe. NOT THE TOWN ASSOCIATED WITH IT!! This would ruin the joy of going to Wolf Creek for everyone.

Dani L., Denver, CO

Do not develop a Wolf Creek base village

Ben, Frisco, CO

Keep the wilderness wild! Last thing we need is another phony village

Jeffrey, Frisco, CO

Colorado needs more small ski hills where people can just do what they love-ski. Building out resort style accommodations ruins the fun in skiing with overcrowding.

Kate, Silverthorne, CO

My family has owned property in Pagosa Springs for the past 50 years. We were attracted to the area because of all the beautiful natural resources. In the 70s Wolf Creek was pristine and a place of awe.

Please reconsider the expansion of this area in terms of both infrastructure issues as well as disturbing the surrounding wildlife we must coexist with.

Pagosa means so much to so many. Let’s continue to honor this gift with respect instead of losing it out of greed.

Amk, San Antonio, TX

The government should not do a land swap. The area should be kept as-is, or close thereto. There are sufficient large and well developed ski areas in the state – allowing some to stay small and unique adds immense value and prestige to the Colorado ski ecosystem.

Aaron, Edwards, CO

I am a local and long-time Wolf Creek pass holder. I absolutely oppose this development as completely out of character for the area and wrong for the overall health, environment and enjoyment of the pass. Placing a large development in a pristine area just under timberline in one of the snowiest places in Colorado is completely nonsensical, will create significant risk to the watershed and local animal populations, and will create huge burdens on municipal services on either side of the pass, burdens that will not be supported by taxes related to the development as it is in a different county.

This was a bad idea 40 years ago and remains a bad idea. Let this one die.

Jeff Newman, Bayfield, CO

We need to protect our natural resources and environment.

Anonymous, Glenwood Springs, CO

Please stop development in our National Forests, we need to have clean water and clean air. Our forests do not have to be developed to benefit a few people who have no concern for our lands. It is owned by all not to be developed by few.

Paul Howard, Nederland, CO

Leave Wolf Creek as is…

Krasovic, Pueblo, CO

We spent countless resources restoring the habitats in this area to support our endangered species and this village development and occupation will reverse these advances in a matter of months. Go develop elsewhere. Do not build a huge development that isn’t sustainable and will ultimately economically fail and leave a terrible scar on the earth.

Brian, Monte Vista, CO

I am against development on Wolf Creek Pass it is a very important area that needs to be protected

Sarah Porter, Idaho Springs, CO

Big development has ruined my local ski area, I don’t want that to happen again!

Sarah Tey, Fraser, CO

Wolf Creek is a beautiful remnant of what a ski town should be. It is unencumbered by resorts concerned merely with profit and offers real, good skiing, beautiful views, and a sense of ownership of this beautiful place we call home. To develop on Wolf Creek would be to turn something beautiful into a cash-mongering eyesore.

Joshua, Durango, CO

The land needs to be for the animals. We need to stop developing land and building, all it does is grow and there is less land to enjoy.

Brittany Petsche, Trinidad, CO

I like Wolf Creek Pass and Wolf Creek Ski Area. It’s great that so many other people like it too, and it’s not surprising that wealthy people might want to live there. But this plan is bad for the environment, bad for the vast majority of regular people that also like Wolf Creek, and is also simply bad design (those renderings look miserable). Any reasonable person can see that this plan only truly benefits the developer and hurts virtually anyone else who appreciates Wolf Creek for the beauty and recreational opportunities it provides.

Parker C Jones, Louisville, CO

I support keeping Wolf Creek wild

and free. It’s no place for any kind of development now or anytime in the future. I hike and snowmobile this area and the last thing I want to see is a bunch of expensive homes occupied by snobby, selfish non caring Texans or Californians. These people come out to Colorado and destroy the back country then go back to where they live and brag about it. We that live here see the damage year after year from these idiots.

I stand with Wolf Creek friends and support the movement against developing this area.

Chris, Antonito, CO

Preserving the ski area and keeping it wild is nice, but I believe the important part is the impact on the communities that surround the mountain. These are the communities that raise the children to work at the ski area and learn to love the wilderness. There already is a disconnect between locals and the mountain and that gap does not need to be larger.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild!

Anonymous, Carrier, OK

Colorado is being developed at an alarming rate. This area is critical habitat for the lynx and snowshoe hare. It also provides water to a huge portion of the Western Slope population. Development in this area on Wolf Creek Pass would have massive impact on the ecosystem as well as the people that depend on this area for water.

Chris, Gunnison, CO

Building a village for 10,000 people at Wolf Creek Pass is not just a bad idea; it’s an irreversible mistake that jeopardizes our community and state’s ecological integrity. Destroying this incredible natural resource would mean sacrificing biodiversity, disrupting delicate ecosystems, and forever altering the landscape. Instead of paving over paradise, let’s prioritize sustainable development that respects and preserves the beauty and biodiversity of Wolf Creek Pass for generations to come.

Stephen Young, South Fork, CO

I feel that the environmental impact to the area of the proposed development is extremely negative. There are several large ski areas throughout Colorado. Wolf Creek is unique because of its small scale and remote location. The landscape in unable to handle the dramatic increase in traffic that would result from this development proposal.

Erin McCrea, Silverthorne, CO

Too much impact on pristine land. Not on my watch!

Wade Klos, Woodland Park, CO

I know change is inevitable but I’d rather try to prevent this change from happening to Wolf Creek. I’m a local to Pagosa and regardless it’s going to be a tourist destination, but the effects of this Lodge would have a huge impact on our ecosystems. Let’s not pillage Wolf Creek

Katelyn, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek small, please.

JP Mitchell, Breckenridge, CO

I support denying developers the ability to ruin acres of valuable ecosystem that all US citizens have a right to enjoy. Under no circumstances should the Wolf Creek development continue.

Colton, Silverton, CO

The sprawl of housing development into wilderness is unacceptable. There is plenty of room in both Pagosa Springs and South Fork for people to stay to ski. Keep Wolf Creek Pass wild.

Lisa Bloomquist, Durango, CO

Do not develop Wolf Creek. We don’t need more resorts; we need amazing mountains that focus on riding and not profits.

Mark, Arvada, CO

With a history of growing up in a resort town, I strongly advise against turning Wolf Creek into such an overpopulated place that it becomes unattainable for most. Keep Wolf Creek wild!

Nanette, Durango, CO

This village will be an absolute disaster for people from sea level trying to sleep at almost 10,000 feet.

Isaac Portz, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild, please don’t turn it into a Vail resort. Over priced and too crowded.

Jody, Los Alamos, NM

Please don’t let a Texas billionaire ruin Wolf Creek.

Dara Miles, Boulder, CO

Wolf Creek should be kept small and wild. We don’t need another resort in the mountains taking away from the beauty and wildlife

Chris, Breckenridge, CO

Wolf Creek is special because of its small, homegrown vibe. Developing it would destroy the things the make it special. Keep Wolf Creek small!

Jonah Seifer, Boulder, CO

Keep Wolf Creek wild

Sarah Fortune, Richmond, VA

Wolf Creek is the last great small resort in CO. It would be a shame to see it be turned into what other resorts have become. Growth is inevitable but a village to support 10k seems completely out of touch with the community and the mountain as a whole.

CO, Dillon, CO

I vote AGAINST the development of the ‘Villages ’ at Wolf Creek!! No changes! This is a small community with a good ski area but most importantly it allows the wildlife to be secure in its environment. Do not turn Wild Creek into a monopolized ‘resort’. It’s unethical. Leave Wolf Creek alone!!

Beth Zecca, Westminster, CO

Save Wolf Creek! This is too much development for the area, redevelopment would be better in many of the smaller ski resorts and surrounding areas that have closed over the last few decades. Spread out the capital!!

Anonymous, Lakewood, CO

This village would be the perfect storm of bad decisions. It would negatively impact a sensitive, important ecosystem that is one of the most wild and valuable in the state. It would also gravely harm the communities of Pagosa Springs and South Fork, which currently rely on the business that Wolf Creek visitors bring to their communities. This whole thing feels like a ploy to make rich people richer at the expense of the environment and local communities. The only people who would benefit from this village are wealthy investors. When so much of Colorado is being developed for the benefit of a few, this is a rare opportunity to reject a truly bad proposal and make a good decision for the people, animals, and ecosystems of Colorado.

Leah, Littleton, CO

Change is inevitable in this life but that doesn’t mean that we need to develop every bit of free land in this area for someone’s ski cottage for vacation.

Anonymous, South Fork, CO

How many times have we seen the same cycle? We’ve seen the same thing in Vail, Summit County, the Arkansas River Valley, and now I fear the same thing will happen here as well. Developers move in and exploit an area in the name of progress, all local communities who are unable to keep up with rising prices, are elbowed out. The “creation of jobs“ or “tax benefits“ sounds good on paper, but I have never seen them actually come through to benefit the surrounding communities. An affordable, family-friendly ski area that role models sustainability is what this community means. Not a glutton of excess that marginalizes and pushes out the working community.

Will, South Fork, CO

I support Wolf Creek locals, county and town officials that oppose this proposition to develop Wolf Creek. I believe the sense of place that is cherished by so many should be preserved for the good that exists in small mountain towns. Let this place remain a gem of state history and character that envelops anyone who visits or lives there.

Stop wasteful development for greed and stimulus. Support the local people that make the place so special in the first place.

Christian, Silverthorne, CO

This land has had a significant meaning to life, and its purpose should not be taken away due to any development

Abby Alvarez, Indianapolis, IN

No Wolf Creek development.

Jordan, Pagosa Springs, CO

Go back to TX and CA and don’t come back!

Evelyn Passey, Parker, CO

There is already an overwhelming amount of overdevelopment in our once wild Colorado mountains. The I-70 corridor has been pillaged & decimated enough to show that this same type of development in the beautiful & still small Wolf Creek area would be catastrophic. Wolf Creek is in an area that only the most dedicated & seasoned can access in the winter, imagine a parade of rented Porsches, Land Rovers & Teslas driven by ignorant flat landers & entitled unskilled drivers, navigating 160 & 550 during the normal winter snow dumps of 2-3’, it’s already dangerous, but add 10,000 plus the needed resort staff, just say NO to this, keep Colorado wild, and let the tourists fly into Aspen or Vail & get their ski on.

COmountainChick, Bailey, CO

Keep Wolf Creek small and local!

Eric Keeney, Boulder, CO

The backcountry & Wolf Creek ski area is what keeps me going… it’s my escape from when things are bad and my escape when things are good. Building a resort would kill not only the towns below but the spirit of all locals. STOP THE PILLAGE

Dalton Goode, Pagosa Springs, CO

I love my home and would like to be able to continue living here

Alius, Saguache, CO

Please do not ruin another area in Colorado with money and greed.

Roberta Flanigan, Clark, CO

There are no grocery stores to support the amount of people, if ever at full capacity, not to mention the trash that’s going to accumulate on account of so many people, as well as the air pollution, and encounters with wildlife, wildlife lives matter to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Priscilla Gallegos, Grants, NM

There is absolutely no reason to ruin such a great mountain. Keep it wild!!!! Let all the visitors stay in Del Norte or Pagosa Springs and help out their economy!

Dani Ryan, Durango, CO

The local ski hill and infrastructure can not support this type of expansion. Not to mention the environmental impact increased by visitors and vacation rental owners.

Anonymous, Bailey, CO

Keep Wolf Creek the way it is!

Mark, Centennial, CO

Development of that area is unnecessary. There are plenty of places to stay and shop on either side of the pass. Not needed, not wanted, not helping!

James, Hesperus, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Pass wild

Amy Lee, Arvada, CO

We have enough big ass ski resorts in the state and not enough like Wolf Creek.

Elizabeth, Frisco, CO

That would be way too much traffic for that road that is already busy and dangerous in the snow. This will end up going through though because the pos billionaire will make sure to line the pockets of all the right people.

Joel White, Silverthorne, CO

Wolf Creek pass is such a wonderful and magical place, exactly how it is! It needs to remain such. Developing the area further will only take away from the natural beauty and make the area more crowded. Please keep this place wild and undeveloped.

Chris, Mesa, AZ

There are few places in the world with the natural beauty on display in the Wolf Creek area. Destroying this amazing part of the planet to allow a housing development is mind boggling. Leave no trace doesn’t only apply when convenient or when the opportunity for profit doesn’t exist.

Rocky, Oklahoma City, OK

I would like to preserve the small mountain vibe and remote backcountry feel that Wolf Creek currently has. The surrounding communities would be forever changed as well as there is currently not enough infrastructure to support this type of resort.

Michael Raszler, Golden, CO

Let’s talk water for a moment. This state is running out of it and Wolf Creek isn’t exactly known for having loads of it. Yet here we are discussing taking water away from farmers to import people. Why? If you want to ski, stay local. If you want a house to ski go buy in Angel Fire. It’s closer anyway.

Anonymous, Colorado Springs, CO

Wolf Creek is a local favorite. People go there to enjoy beautiful nature, wildlife, and that backwood feel. We want to keep it wild, not fill it with unneeded infrastructure. Keep it wild. Keep it local. Let the animals keep their homes. Let us keep our views and childhoods.

Anonymous, Del Norte, CO

The allure and charm of Wolf Creek Ski area lies in the fact that it is one of the few small and undeveloped ski areas remaining in Colorado. Skiers will drive from hundreds of miles away to avoid the crowds and headaches of developed ski areas that often see ten thousand or more people per day. To lose this small-mountain appeal would be a travesty. Never once have I ridden the lift with a skier or rider from anywhere else who would trade Wolf Creek for Vail or Park City.

J., Del Norte, CO

We, the concerned inhabitants of the San Juan Valley, Colorado, oppose the proposed development in our mountainous region. Our valley is a haven of biodiversity and natural beauty, deserving protection and preservation. This development threatens the delicate balance of our ecosystem, risking irreversible harm to wildlife habitats and water quality. In an era of climate crisis, we must prioritize conservation and sustainability. We urge local authorities to reject this project and instead invest in initiatives that honor our commitment to preserving the environment. Let’s ensure a future where our mountains remain pristine, our community thrives, and our legacy of conservation endures for generations to come.

Michelle Buck, South Fork, CO

Screw big corporations

Kyle, Silverthorne, CO

In a time of climate change scares we need to preserve as much of our mountain as we can.

Tonya Van Horn, Alamosa, CO

Not enough space to hold this many more people and preserve the land the enjoyment of it.

Anonymous, Colorado Springs, CO

I do NOT support the “village” development at the Wolf Creek Ski area. I am concerned about the environmental impact on Wolf Creek. The village will put to much pressure on surrounding landscape, water and forest. Keeping the Wolf Creek Ski area free from development is the only way to save the natural beauty for future generations.

Randy, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please don’t develop Wolf Creek further not everything is about making more money year over year endlessly. Sometimes it can just be about good skiing.

CO, Denver, CO

Wolf Creek is one of a few ski areas that has not been overwhelmed with development. Keep it that way!!!!

Kristin, Crestone, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Independent! Don’t allow a development that is far too large for this area.

Jay Brigleb, Steamboat Springs, CO

There is absolutely no legitimate reason for there to be a development on Wolf Creek Pass when you have Pagosa Springs just to the west and South Fork just to the east. All this will do is ruin the pass all in the name of greed. It will also cause a loss of jobs in the area and wreak havoc on the beautiful wildlife.

Mark Jablonski, Grants, NM

Colorado has seen a large increase in residential development over the last 10 years and we are trying to preserve as much of the forest as we can.

Dustin, Mancos, CO

I support the battle to keep Wolf Creek Pass Wild.

Derek Sawyer, Durango, CO

This is a tale as old as capitalism. Out-of-towners with too much money decide to build in a wilderness area to increase their wealth without considering the communities that live there, the wildlife, or the ecosystem. Because they have an itch and so much money, they’re repeatedly allowed to circumvent laws and use a bogus environmental impact statement to scratch it. 

So, what happens when inevitably – as the environmental nonprofits they mocked and lied about on their website have already predicted – the fen wetlands are destroyed, the Canada lynx and other species are extirpated, the increased traffic requires wildlife crossing structures, the “village” destroys the important wildlife corridor, and the towns downstream lose water, destroying their way of life? Will the McCombs’ excessive wealth be there to provide the solutions to the problems they created? No. They will likely have already invested their profits destroying another wilderness area to accumulate yet more wealth.

We can’t let the ultra-wealthy destroy our shared environment, ecosystems, wildlife, and access to life-giving water for their immediate profits anymore! If the McCombs family really wanted to commemorate Red in a positive way, they could give the land back to the people – or better yet, the Indigenous Tribes it was stolen from in the first place – rather than become persona non grata and famously responsible for the devastation of wildlife and our way of life in the region.

Chris, Denver, CO

Leave the Wolf Creek area alone.

RD, South Fork, CO

I/we have been fighting this ill-conceived development since it’s inception. It was a horrible idea then and even more disastrous now. The elevation is too high for most rich, flatlanders, and older folks so they will get sick, etc. Economically it is stupid and very selfish. Trees would be cut, land razed and then, what?? They go broke and the land is already permanently [destroyed]. Trees don’t grow back here like the Midwest and south. Look at the clear cuts on the pass. Luckily the Forest Service realized their mistake and has not clear cut there again.

And what about wildlife habitat, lynx, ecosystems? Wolf Creek ski area had been there for a long time so the wildlife is used to it. AND no one spends the night, causing 24 hour disturbances!

There is absolutely no reason to continue this selfish, narcissistic project. Let the animals and mountains be!!!!

Penny, Ignacio, CO

No pillage

CW, Gold Canyon, AZ

Having traveled most of my life over Wolf Creek Pass I’ve seen it in both good times and in terrible weather.

Have seen wild animals trying to get across the road in high storms and kept wondering if they made it without being struck by a sliding vehicle. Seeing the animals was the good part seeing so many vehicles stuck and spinning it remains a tough spot to either live or travel. Am wondering if the developers have added a hospital of the drivers or a vet for the animals. This is a prime wild spot with problems for humans and a disaster for the wild environment.

Susan Davies, Durango, CO

Please keep it wild and beautiful.

Stacie, La Plata, CO

I have been visiting the San Juan mountains and Wolf Creek for 50 years now. We don’t need another ski area development in Colorado, there are too many already. Keep Wolf Creek wild and rescind the access road permission!

Building a community at Wolf Creek is counter to the spirit of southern Colorado. Already the region is overdeveloped and this plan would not only strain the region’s resources but destroy what makes southern Colorado special. 

Gary Simpson, Las Vegas, NV

The fauna and flora natural resources are unique to this Wolf Creek area and must be protected from this proposed development. As a retired federal ecologist I fully support protection and am strongly against the proposed development in this area.

Laura, Durango, CO

I am strongly against the ill conceived notion of a village of 10,000 people at Wolf Creek for the following reasons.

-lack of adequate water resources

-placement in the middle of this pristine wild country will negatively affect the ecosystem of the area and humans who love this area due to its current natural state of wildness.

– infrastructure alone would ruin many wildlife corridors. 

There are so many other reasons why we, the citizens of this area of Colorado, think this development is a terrible idea.

CO, Durango, CO

Wolf Creek and Pagosa Springs are part of a history in which we are quickly losing touch with. The Rocky Mountains are the epitome of the ‘Wild West’, from the Oregon Trail, Louisiana Purchase to the Native American Tribes along the whole range. If we keep letting outside builders, who don’t know or simply don’t care about anything other than the almighty dollar, come in and build, cut down our forests and block the views that everyone fell in live with in the first place. Turning the Rockies into California will result in the same nightmares that California has been dealing with for the past few years, fires and devastation of the whole Sierra Nevada mountain range. We should stop it before it reaches the point of no return.

J. West, La Plata, CO

It is critical to respect and protect the mountaintop source of Colorado water, wildlife animals, and plant life. Ski tourists already have appropriate locations in the vicinity better suited to provide for their needs.

Dennis, Durango, CO

Enough of ignoring what we know must be done. Protect this landscape! This watershed must remain intact or all suffers. Wildlife diversity hangs on by a thread. This Water basin storage cannot be sacrificed for the enrichment of so few benefactors. In truth these efforts to “develop” this wild treasure only provide stale, superficial, shortsighted economic “gains” that mostly go to Texas.

CO, Durango, CO

In this moment in time, where we’re on the precipice of climate disaster, those who approve destructive development projects will be looked at with sadness and ire by those in the future. Projects like these aren’t just shortsighted and greedy, they’re part of a destructive colonialism that must end if we want to survive. Please say no to the Pillage of Wolf Creek.

Y. Pleasant View, CO

I was first exposed to Wolf Creek in 1981 when I moved to Colorado from North Carolina. My wife and daughter and I moved here for the recreational opportunities that Southwest Colorado offered and for small town living. My brother took me to Wolf Creek Ski area that first year for my first downhill skiing experience. We became emerged in the winter snow activities and cross-country skied Wolf Creek Pass on numerous occasions. I am 80 years old now and cannot participate like I used to, but I can still appreciate the challenge, beauty and tranquility of Wolf Creek Pass.

My family and I do not need, nor do we want any new roads of developments in the Wolf Creek Pass area. Wolf Creek Pass is simply not the place for a development of this scale or any development for that matter. Wolf Creek Pass should remain the outstanding natural resource that it is. Wolf Creek Pass is Colorado.

Ranger Rick, Cortez, CO

I support the efforts to stop any development. On Wolf Creek Pass. It appears that the developer is more interested in winning and money than protecting a pristine wildlife habitat. Please stop the pillage of such a wonderful treasure.

Kathy Judson, Arvada, CO

Wolf Creek cannot support development, it’s ecologically unsustainable. Let’s not ruin it.

Shannon, Durango, CO

The ecologically sensitive area around Wolf Creek simply cannot sustain a large-scale development like this. In addition, the ski area has become dramatically more crowded since the Pandemic – the character of it has already been changed, and this will only make matters worse. Please preserve the ecologically sensitive area around Wolf Creek pass and keep the crowds to a manageable level.

John E. Farley, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please preserve the quaint and natural atmosphere that surrounds Wolf Creek Ski area and Pass. I have been skiing for 55 years and have never found any place like Wolf Creek. The natural beauty that lies between South Fork and Pagosa Springs is evidence of God’s magnificent handiwork. We don’t need developers destroying this area and the surrounding towns. The high influx of people and traffic will create more dangerous travel on the pass. A development like this will also have a devastating economic effect on the surrounding towns drawing business away from them. Thank you for the opportunity to give feedback.

Gregg Enger, Prairie Village, KS

Development of the “village” would be detrimental to ecosystem and snowpack in Wolf Creek. The local population and wildlife depend on it as a water source. Preservation is imperative.

Holly, Colorado Springs, CO

Wolf Creek summit should not be expanded to provide lodging on the pass. The unique, low key, atmosphere is what makes Wolf Creek Ski Area so great, and a village will only detract from both the mountain and the towns on either side of Wolf Creek Pass. Wolf Creek Ski area has been a great steward of the national forest, and it would be a shame for this dedication to low environmental impact go to waste. Developing a village on the pass would almost certainly compromise the ecosystem of Wolf Creek pass – especially given the scale of the proposal. Keep Wolf Creek Pass wild!

Collin, Colorado Springs, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek ski area as it is.

NM, Albuquerque, NM

I moved to the San Luis Valley a couple years ago, and my favorite things about it are the wild, open spaces, and of course skiing at Wolf Creek. I don’t want to see the pass developed for multiple reasons: scenic views and wild spaces, habitat for wildlife and threatened species, and because it would change the nature of the ski area that we know and love. No one who loves Wolf Creek skiing wants to look out over an ugly development, fight traffic over the pass, or have nowhere to park, let us continue to look out over the trees and fields of snow, and remember why we are here. Let’s not become another expensive, developed mountain area in Colorado. Let’s protect what we love and hold dear, and let’s allow the wild species of Colorado to thrive in the scenic, untouched vistas that we can save for future generations if we tread lightly

Anonymous, Del Norte, CO

This country is over developed as it is. I believe we need to leave more of the land untouched by human construction. Nature is suffering enough at our hands … please leave our forests alone! The animals and future generations deserve better. Let’s stop greed for once and say no to choosing money or convenience over our beautiful land and suffering planet.

Kate Wilson, Pagosa Springs, CO

The Villages at Wolf Creek Pass development is not welcome! This development is going to destroy our way of life, the natural beauty of the area and the environment. It must nor be permitted.

Jemal Mihalik, Pagosa Springs, CO

I’ve been following the saga of Wolf Creek Pass development for a long time. I was happy when it seemed like it had put to bed. Now, developers are trying again. It’s all about the money (one of the roots of all evil). The entire ecosystem would be affected. This includes water, wildlife, trees, and people. More roads and traffic is not a good thing for that area.

CO, Bayfield, CO

I support keeping Wolf Creek Pass wild and respecting the wishes of the community.

Mattie, Los Alamos, NM

Small towns rely on the ski area tourism to stay alive and thrive, the ski area should not replace towns

Dave, Buena Vista, CO

Wolf Creek is one of the last spaces where you can actually go ski and it’s not over-developed. Please keep it wild because this is why I travel 6 hours to get there.

Shaye Holdaway, Boulder, CO

Protecting one of Colorado’s valuable resources, our nature and biodiversity- is our responsibility. Please protect our state’s natural heritage !!for everyone!! not just some developer’s current dream. Wolf Creek doesn’t NEED any additional development.

Amy, Bailey, CO

Please take a moment to think of the long reaching consequences of yet more destruction and loss of wilderness filler. Habitats are fragmented, rivers are polluted, and there’s more and more people on the land. Keep Wolf Creek wild, your grandchildren’s grandchildren will thank you.

On behalf of wilderness and water!

Dan N. King, Durango, CO

At the Rio Grande Headwaters, the development would have significant impacts to the River, influencing farmers and San Luis Valley residents, dependent on the water from the river; not to forget our compact water delivery obligations to New Mexico, Texas and the Country of Mexico.

This decision might have devastating consequences for the sensitive alpine habitats, the local economy, and the water supply for the upper Rio Grande that this fragile ecosystem provides.

Texas, Mabank, TX

This development will have a negative economic impact on Pagosa Springs and South Fork businesses. This development will have a negative impact on the watershed including the local ranchers and farmers, as well as river sports like rafting and fishing. The only place around here where I’ve seen big horn sheep and ermine is up at Wolf Creek, let’s protect this beautiful area. There are already plenty of resorts, hotels and malls on Colorado mountain tops, we don’t need to ruin another beautiful recreation area for generations, or forever, to enrich one family at the expense of all of our families.

Beth, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek as is!! NO Resort.

Carol, Austin, TX

I am against the development on Wolf Creek Pass. This development would be detrimental to wildlife. It also makes no sense to build this kind of village next to a ski area with so little terrain.

Thank you.

Jeff Hoffmeyer, Boulder, CO

As someone who has hiked through the San Juan Mountains twice on CDT thru-hikes and once on a CT thru-hike, please keep the mountains wild without development. I’ve walked the backbone of the US northbound and southbound and the San Juan mountains are in my top 3 favorite spots. The wild habitat there includes so many species of animals and of plants that deserve a place in this world, too.

Mandy, Kingston, WA

The Village at Wolf Creek is bad for the area. This would destroy the neighboring communities who rely on tourism to support their economies by funneling those tourists to a luxury resort, and put unnecessary strain on rural communities relying on the water provided by this watershed. This project hurts an important environmental resource in a time where we should be striving to preserve these fragile ecosystems. It would harm the average community member who would experience more traffic, higher taxes, and eventually housing unaffordability. The only people who benefit from this village are wealthy out-of-state investors, not the people in the Rio Grande community.

Leah, Littleton, CO

There are several reasons why someone might oppose the development of a huge ski resort on remote wilderness land:

1. Environmental Impact: Large-scale ski resorts often require extensive clearing of forests, altering natural landscapes, and disrupting ecosystems. This can lead to habitat loss for wildlife, soil erosion, water pollution, and other ecological consequences. Construction and human activity can also disturb fragile environments and potentially threaten endangered species.

2. Loss of Wilderness Character: Wilderness areas are valued for their natural beauty, solitude, and undisturbed state. A huge ski resort can dramatically alter the character of a remote wilderness, turning a serene natural area into a crowded, commercialized space, diminishing the sense of escape and peace that many seek in such places.

3. Overcrowding and Overuse: Building a large resort attracts significant numbers of visitors, which can lead to overcrowding. This can put pressure on local wildlife, increase waste and pollution, and degrade trails and natural features. The influx of tourists can strain the environment and local infrastructure.

4. Cultural and Community Impact: Many remote wilderness areas are home to indigenous communities or small local populations who have deep cultural and spiritual ties to the land. A large resort development can disrupt these connections, lead to displacement, and change the social fabric of local communities.

5. Economic Concerns: While proponents might argue that a ski resort brings jobs and revenue, the benefits often do not outweigh the long-term costs. Many of the jobs created are seasonal and low paying.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

What’s a woman from Florida doing writing about Colorado? First, I summer here often and do NOT come for the resorts. I come for the stupendous scenery your state is blessed to have. Second, you really have to ask yourselves, “When is ENOUGH?” Third: do you really want to mess up the crucial rivers and streams here? You cannot replace, replenish or rehabilitate ecosystems once destroyed. Don’t let them tell you otherwise.

Sara Savage, FL

Building this type of resort on Wolf Creek Pass is a terrible idea. It’s not only very dangerous during the winter, it provides a home to countless animals and Indigenous plants, as well as being a huge provider in our watershed system. Developing the ski area would compromise the ecosystem and work against conservation efforts in the SW Colorado region.

It would also likely cause many small businesses in the tourist towns of Pagosa Springs, Creed, Del Norte and South Fork to go OUT OF BUSINESS. Additionally, there is a shortage of workforce housing as it is, so a resort would be challenged to even get staff in place. Colorado should want these towns and those in them to thrive, not die.

Lastly, water in these areas is also an issue. Development on Wolf Creek Pass would have massive impact on the ecosystem as well as the people that depend on this area for water!

Please, please reverse this decision!

Kristin, Pagosa Springs, CO

Notice how Wolf Creek Ski Area runs with great efficiency currently and is not in NEED of further development. However, if the natural habitat in the surrounding area is disturbed at the proposed suggestion of developers, it will NEVER again support the wild habitat as we know it now. Please STOP the development proposed for this area as we do not need another ski resort on this planet; but we do need the climate sequestration which comes from the rich Fen currently existing in this critical wildlife habitat. This unique riparian area will never come to be again for several lifetimes. Another ski resort village is not what we need to leave our children, grand children and their grand children.

Nanette, Durango, CO

The building of a community would impact wildlife and destroy eco systems of important wildlife species and plant species that are in the area. The watershed would become compromised and it would negatively impact the entire area of a beautiful ecosystem.

Collin Goode, Gilbert, AZ

For 25 long years, we have fought this man and now his son. The pristine nature of Wolf Creek doesn’t exist elsewhere. The area is a critical wildlife habitat for many species endangered or nearly so.

Why does a man/son/corporation have such a desire to destroy? Personal gain and if so for what?

I support the continuing efforts to save one of the last wild frontiers in Colorado.

Kathy, Del Norte, CO

Save Wolf Creek! What a special place for rare ecosystems and untouched wilderness. We need to protect this watershed for the wildlife, surrounding areas, and downstream water users. Please don’t develop! It will jeopardize the landscape and take away tourist dollars from already established towns that depend on that revenue.

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

For too long developers have viewed the state of Colorado as a place to make money. The time has long since passed to stop this rampant development and save something for future generations. This place is too special to allow the type of development that takes place in states with less physical beauty and fragile ecosystems. If people are dependent upon changing a place to make their livelihood, perhaps they can relocate to other places more suitable to their economic survival.

Kerry Coy, Lake City, CO

Building a village for 10,000 people at Wolf Creek Pass is a terrible idea, especially for those of us who cherish the few remaining remote ski areas in Colorado. We’ve already got plenty of resorts, but what we don’t have enough of are places like Wolf Creek, where you can escape the crowds and experience nature in its purest form.

This development would destroy the untouched beauty of the pass, wrecking the wilderness that makes it so special. It’s not just about losing great skiing; it’s about losing a place where wildlife thrives and where you can find peace and quiet away from the hustle of the bigger resorts.

Think about the traffic, the noise, and the strain on water and local resources. Wolf Creek doesn’t need more roads, more buildings, or more people. It needs to be preserved for those of us who value its solitude and wildness.

Turning Wolf Creek into another crowded resort would be a huge mistake. Let’s keep it the way it is—a rare and beautiful spot where the skiing is great, and nature is still in charge.

Kyle Bradley, South Fork, CO

To destroy such a delicate and rare environment and ecosystem while be more than a tragedy and WILL NOT allow this to happen to our beloved home. To do this for money and greed shows what sick individuals think they can come and ruin things for my children and future grandchildren and the beautiful animals of Wolf Creek.

Angel and Clayton Weaver, Pagosa Springs, CO

I support the battle to keep Wolf Creek just a ski area where the people go home at night. The wildlife is used to the ski area being there as it has been for many years. It is ill-conceived, selfish and economically ludicrous, besides destroying important wildlife habitat!! It could be [pillaged] and then abandoned! Once the habitat is destroyed there, it will be forever. I totally support this battle that we have been battling for far too long…give it up…

Penny, Ignacio, CO

This development is so wrong is SO many ways! It would have devastating results on the land, the watershed, and the wildlife. Hwy 160 through over Wolf Creek Pass would become a death trap to travel. It has been proven time and time again that the ONLY people to benefit from this are the developers and it’s all about money. Please, please PLEASE protect this mountain from devastation and help keep our trees, water and wildlife safe!

Terri Andersen, Pagosa Springs, CO

The beautiful and crucial habitat at Wolf Creek must be protected from greedy developers looking to profit off an ill-advised development, which will only ruin the landscape that makes the area attractive while also greatly negatively impacting the lives of the land’s current residents (human and wildlife). Please keep Wolf Creek wild.

Mari West, Missoula, MT

I support the Friends of Wolf Creek in rejecting this mega-development in order to preserve the natural beauty of the area along with its many resources that would be destroyed. Please do the right thing.

Kira Smith, Dolores, CO

This should not go forward.

Steve, Durango, CO

I support Friends of Wolf Creek in their opposition of this large and unnecessary development that would exacerbate habitat destruction and set back current efforts to maintain high-value wetlands, forest, meadow and riparian habitat in the area.

Kevin Sloan, USFWS Retired, Crestone, CO

I am opposed to the proposed development of Wolf Creek Pass. The area is home to critical wildlife areas and wetlands. Water is precious. The development will be detrimental to our water situation.

San Luis Valley Resident, Crestone, CO

As a retired Fighter and EMT in Pagosa Springs who responded many times to an injury or incident at Wolf Creek Ski area, I can absolutely tell you that the injured party’s life was placed at serious risk due to the response time. The local county has absolutely no way to have met those needs nor could even remotely handle another 10,000.

Dave, Chromo, CO

I support the Friends of Wolf Creek to keep the area wild and free. Once it’s gone it’s lost forever. We should never develop this area, for the love of god and all that is good in this world!

Susie Wiley, Tannersville, PA

Well, will they ever go away? After all these years the development group still does not understand that they are not welcome here! They support short term gain and long term loss. They can take their money and influence someplace else! The people of the San Luis Valley will happily help them pack their bags!

Suzanne, Del Norte, CO

Building a housing development at the top of Wolf Creek Pass is not practical, and terribly destructive to the environment. That area is home to all kinds of species, some of which may be endangered. There are no emergency services up there, and no infrastructure for a community of any kind. Please do not allow any housing to be built.

Sue Wells, Pagosa Springs, CO

When will enough be enough? Can we please not destroy one of the last great natural areas in Colorado?

Colorado KD, Thornton, CO

Just because we can doesn’t mean we should. I join my legions of objectors in opposition to this ill conceived development. Let’s have a little humility.

Howard Cox, Del Norte, CO

There are fewer and fewer wild places in Colorado. While Wolf Creek’s ski area keeps it from being fully wild the addition of a resort community on this narrow mountain pass is an encroachment that will impact the area permanently. No to development!

Matt “fotomatt” Lit, Crestone, CO

I support protecting this watershed and important ecosystem as well as the economy of surrounding towns. No to the Village!

Colorado, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Wolf Creek Wild!

Taylor Fabricius, Durango, CO

The development at Wolf Creek is absurd and should never be permitted. Keep wild Colorado wild.

CO, Durango, CO

Please don’t allow billionaires to ruin Colorado’s nature and destroy important migratory areas

Dorothy, Durango, CO

As a resident of southwest Colorado, I believe in the preservation of public land and public resources for the benefit of the public. I believe the public has a right to enjoy viewing elk and lynx, to be able to ski beautiful slopes of Wolf Creek, to be able to travel with ease over the pass in a vehicle, and to be able to enjoy clean water and a resilient climate. All these benefits would be threatened by the proposed “village” of Wolf Creek.

Artemis Eyster, Durango, CO

I support keeping Wild Creek wild and DO NOT support the “village” at Wolf Creek development. It is ridiculous development proposal that has no place in a small corridor between two wilderness area at 10,000 feet elevation

Please do not allow this to happen.

Tim Wheeler, Durango, CO

Wolf Creek is a gem and a haven for wildlife because it has stayed a small, quiet part of nature. It will lose those qualities and negatively impact our planet if development is allowed to occur.

Sybil, Middletown, CT

Wolf Creek Pass is a beautiful and cherished natural wonderland. Please do not ruin it for profit. Some humans feel entitled to “develop” natural areas at the expense of the actual nature that resides there and against the wishes of the citizens that live there (specifically because the area is not developed). There are already plenty of ski resorts in the state of Colorado. More than enough. This is a selfish cash grab rooted in greed and a flagrant disregard for the wildlife and residents of the area.

Village at Wolf Creek is a horribly bad idea. It’s aim is not to protect a delicate ecosystem and serve a wonderful rural community. Instead, the aim is to MAKE A PROFIT BY EXPLOITING a delicate ecosystem and DISREGARDING the will of a wonderful rural community.

I’ve been going to Wolf Creek since I was a kid. I’m 51 now. It’s virtually the same to this day and is absolutely perfect exactly as it is.

We must not allow these rich [people] to destroy what is beautiful in this world for their own greed and selfishness.

Eddlemon, Wuncote, PA

I oppose development to this fragile alpine ecosystem. As a conservation specialist with a degree in natural resources I understand the irreversible damage development would cause. I oppose!

Aubrey Garner, Durango, CO

The towns of Pagosa Springs and South Fork are already struggling. Our infrastructure cannot support the folks we already have here. This development is reckless from a planning standpoint. Much more, the environmental impacts are profound. The majority of folks in the area have to truck in water already. There are not enough resources to support this!

Joni Watkins, Pagosa Springs, CO

The Wolf Creek development is a terrible capitalist idea that will ruin an invaluable ecosystem. The Forest Service is supposed to uphold public law and protect wild places and the flora and fauna they support – not be in the pocket of a billionaire. We cannot give up this precious natural resource especially given the climate change we are experiencing. The water resources are critical. Taking these wild lands to create another elitist ski village is unacceptable and dangerous – from the altitude sickness, to snowfall, to wildfires and the emergency services that will be necessary to manage the safety of the mass influx of people who are not properly equipped to visit this area. This is wholly unsupportable.

Katrina, Phoenix, AZ

Now more than ever, it is vital to protect our wilderness. This “village” will be devastating for so many types of wildlife, destroying habitats for human greed. Please, build elsewhere and keep our wilderness WILD!

Julie, Lancaster, PA

This area is vital for Wildlife like Lynx, Elk, Snowshoe Hare, Pika, and all of the species that depend on this unique area for food, shelter, breeding, and migration. All too many places are catering to developers who want to replace forests with buildings, wetlands with parking lots, and drive all the native species out to make room for “progress”. As humans, we have done so much to completely demolish the Wild species and spaces, forgetting the rights of those who live on the land as well as our own human need for Nature for our own health and well-being. It’s up to us to make the right decision, which often isn’t the easy decision. These Wild species and spaces have rights to belong where they are. They have intrinsic value. We can coexist and do better by and for them. It’s been done before and we can do it again.

Aela, Colorado Springs, CO

While we are in a housing crisis in this state, putting more houses in wild land is not the answer. There are way to create high density housing in places that are already developed. Expanding into the wild places around us is not it. Please consider different solutions.

Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO

I love to hike in total silence on Wold Creek Pass in hopes to see a wild and rare Canadian Lynx. I have seen five of them in the San Juans. When you stand face to face with this majestic creature you want to help preserve its habitat.

Wolf Creek Pass, a breathtaking gem of Colorado, is not just a scenic byway; it is a vital ecosystem, a cultural landmark, and a sanctuary for countless species of flora and fauna. The proposal for development in this pristine area poses significant risks, not only to the natural environment but also to the local community and future generations. Here’s why we must protect Wolf Creek Pass from development. 1. Wolf Creek Pass is home to diverse ecosystems that support unique wildlife, including threatened and endangered species. 2. The area surrounding Wolf Creek Pass is a crucial watershed, providing clean water to surrounding communities. Development would likely increase pollution runoff and strain local water supplies, threatening both the environment and the health of residents. By protecting this area, we ensure the sustainability of these precious water resources, which are essential for agriculture, recreation, and everyday life. 3. Wolf Creek Pass is not just a natural wonder; it is steeped in history and cultural significance. Preserving the area allows us to honor and maintain these cultural connections. 4. The area is a magnet for eco-tourism, drawing visitors for skiing, hiking, and wildlife observation. These activities support local businesses and create sustainable jobs.

Elizabeth Riley, Crestone, CO

This development would be devastating to our small local communities on either side of Wolf Creek Pass. It would also be detrimental to the ecosystem of the region. This area has been ill-managed in the past and is currently being developed at scary rates; giving tourists what they want while leaving locals with nothing but sadness for what is and what’s to come. We want Wolf Creek to remain wild. This is a crucial area for lynx, snowshoe hare and bighorn sheep. Its wildness benefits the human spirit. Some places are worth so much more than money, money, money and this is one of those places.

Deirdre Denali, Pagosa Springs, CO

We live here, love Wolf Creek and the wild surroundings and absolutely do not support development of this special area. Leave human development out of our pristine mountains. Why should paradise always have to be paved? This would completely ruin the magic of the entire pass, never mind disrupt the environment for all the flora and fauna.

Kelly Barnes, Pagosa Springs, CO

Leave Wolf Creek Pass wild and free!

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please make the decision to keep Wolf Creek as it has been for decades. Our community does not have the infrastructure to accommodate 10,000 more people. We live in our small town because we chose to live in a small town – not a ski resort town. Please do not destroy the natural beauty of our community for the sake of profit. We need to stand strong together against building this monstrosity.

Bernadette Campoli, Pagosa Springs, CO

We do not have the infrastructure to support a village at Wolf Creek. We currently have a shortage of housing for work staff and this will only make it worse. If you want to turn Pagosa Springs into a ghost town, then build the village! This idea was [ridiculous] 15 years ago and it is still [ridiculous]. We are not equipped to handle that level of population. If you want to put in all the infrastructure FIRST, then we can revisit it, but that never seems to happen. So I say NO

Kim, Pagosa Springs, CO

Resort development of a ski area can be harmful because it often leads to environmental degradation, including deforestation, disruption of wildlife habitats, and water resource depletion. Additionally, such projects can contribute to over-tourism, strain local infrastructure, and increase greenhouse gas emissions. These developments can also commercialize natural areas, diminishing their ecological and cultural value.

Katherine Auble, Pagosa Springs, CO

There is so much dead timber up there that one lightning strike and the whole mountain will go up in flames. Why would you want to put people in harms way. Also who is going to insure this place? I bet you’ll have trouble getting insurance just to work up there. Our small mountain town cannot support this area either with medical, infrastructure, water or anything else. Keep this area wild. Go to Vail or Aspen or some other community, but leave Wolf Creek alone.

Sylvia McDaniel, Pagosa Springs, CO

I support Not doing a development on top of Wolf Creek pass. Water, sewage and the rest of the infrastructure needed to support 10,000 people would be environmentally devastating and ruin such a beautiful place. Surely there are more important things than making money as this world that we live in is becoming more and more dangerous to live in due to man’s unsustainable activity.

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

Let’s keep Wolf Creek Pass like it is – we don’t need further development or destruction of the ecosystem.

Henry, Pagosa Springs, CO

I oppose any unnecessary developments in our forests. Not only will this impact the ecosystem of our forest but our emergency services could also be impacted by adding additional strain to their coverage area.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep up the good fight!

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

I believe the area of The Village is pristine wilderness and should be treated as such! Leave it alone!

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

I’ve seen money ruin Sandpoint, McCall and CDA ruined by greed! Talk with the real locals and then make a decision with baby steps. Lawyers will run you over if they have a chance!

Toehead, Moscow, ID

There are no words strong enough to express my deep concerns and opposition to building a “village” for 10,000 people at Wolf Creek Pass. The negative impacts on the environment are broad in scope, not only on wildlife and wildlife habits but on water resources and water quality that will affect our local communities, ranchers, and food producers. It will negatively impact the local economy by drawing tourism away from local businesses; increase air, noise, and water pollution; place excessive demands on the local infrastructure and resources; and diminish the overall quality of life in the area. Over the years, the greedy, irresponsible and narrow-minded development in Colorado has gradually diminished the pristine beauty and quality of life unique to Colorado. Greed and money have taken precedence and blinded us from doing what is right, protecting this precious environment, way of life, and local communities. I am for development, but smart development that factors in impacts on communities, quality of life, the environment, and local resources. It is not just about money and benefiting the few. Living in harmony with the environment and one another generates prosperity and wellbeing for all. I am also for freedom, but freedom does not imply or mean that we do not consider the impact our actions have on each other, our communities, local resources, and the environment. Stop the madness! Stop the development of the village at Wolf Creek Pass!

Paulette, Pagosa Springs, CO

I cannot imagine a “village” of 10,000 anywhere on Wolf Creek. It would devastate habitat, add greenhouse gases to our environment, and change the area significantly from the quiet wild place we know and love.

Jean, Pagosa Springs, CO

Obviously, there are major habitat and wildland resources at risk here, but I’d like to voice my own opposition as someone who has made many sacrifices to call this area my home. In the last 3 years, I feel i have finally found my home in the San Juans and a place I love to practice medicine, in Pagosa Springs and surrounding valleys. In this time, the rivers, national forests and Wolf Creek are a big part of my life. Though my brother has owned property in Breckenridge for decades, he doesn’t even ski there anymore as the resort is overcrowded, now unenjoyable for all to use. Please don’t destroy one of the last few beautiful ski mountains of Colorado by greedy plans that would ruin the quality of the experience for all, including visitors of the resort. I have never heard anyone be pro-“village” that lives here and have lived here for many generations. There are plenty of resorts through Colorado and the Southwest already and opportunities for that experience. Please don’t destroy one of the last.

Joy Norris, MD, Pagosa Springs, CO

There must NEVER be Condo Development at Wolf Creek Ski Area! I first skied Wolf Creek in 1974; the year the 1st double chair was installed. Susan’s/Nova Lift & #3 were Pomas. Wolf Creek had a warm, family-friendly log cabin Lodge w/ a big pot-bellied stove. I was a (Certified in ’80) Ski Instructor from ’77-’81. Two of those seasons brought 800 inches of snow! I was priviledged to have met Charles Elliot & worked w/ Kelly Boyce, scheduling school lesson programs across the San Luis Valley & as far west as Ignacio. Everyone loved Kelly. His first trek into ‘The Valley’ was over Wolf Creek Pass in a Model T in 1925. We must NEVER allow the Pillaging of Wolf Creek by the Pitchers & greedy developers. First thing Pitch did was remove the pot-bellied stove. Then came demolition of the historic lodge & a new lodge built on ground that had been prime beginner teaching area. We had a 1st class Ski School Director who supported/promoted Professionalism & Instructor Certification, dedicated to enhancing the skier experience, including disabled folks. He was let go for a fruitcake, resulting in mass exodus of quality employees. Wolf Creek must NEVER be exploited by massive development, which would cause significant Environmental Pollution. Nature & Wildlife would gravely suffer in numerous ways. The National Forest is NOT suitable for building a city! Our infrastructure/local services cannot handle it. And, such folly would devastate local businesses on both sides of Wolf Creek Pass.

Lucinda, of Pagosa & the San Luis Valley, CO

The Pass and surrounding wilderness is what makes this area so special. As a small business owner in neighboring Pagosa Springs, this development would change the magic of the area from an exploration and recreation perspective, and it would hinder tourism in our small town. Some of our favorite hikes are at Wolf Creek and the proposed village would likely change our behavior and interest in enjoying them in the future. Most importantly, the ecosystem in the Pass is delicate. A large development would negatively impact so much of the wildlife that lives in the harsh conditions of the surrounding wilderness. Please don’t allow the building of a road to private land that will open an can of worms for the neighboring wilderness and communities. We would likely leave Pagosa and close our restaurant if this development moves forward, and move to a place that values keeping the wilderness wild as that’s what’s important to us.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

It is too many people for this small resort. They can’t support that much on the mountain. No water !!! Where are they going to get there water from? Don’t try to make up s vail for already rich people to get richer

Becky, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek Pass should be kept wild. It is an inappropriate place to house so many people. Leave some beauty wild.

Julie Sims, Conifer, CO

Why do we need another development? Should we continue to use limited water resource? Should we continue to encroach on wild spaces, then complain about bears in our trash or a mountain lion near a playground? Do we add to the demand on limited infrastructure in the neighboring mountain towns. Won’t fire danger increase with year-round humans living in an already dead forest? Just a few questions for consideration. 

Lori, Pagosa Springs, CO

This development will be detrimental to the towns on both sides of the Pass. Horrible environmental impact on wildlife. Also, where do they think they’re going to get water?! Disgusting GREED is driving this. NO ONE WHO LIVES HERE WANTS THIS. Again…WATER?? Where do they think it’s going to come from?!

Wendy, Pagosa Springs, CO

There are so many reasons this development is a bad idea. Environmental impact on animals and our water shed and fires. Lack of infrastructure to support the development on a pass that is often closed for rock slides, avalanche control and accidents. The road cannot sustain that amount of traffic and would increase accidents straining our emergency response teams. The ski area cannot sustain that amount of visitors. We already cannot staff local businesses in town. Sleeping at that elevation would pose an issue for many flatland tourists. It will ruin why many of our tourists come to visit our surrounding towns.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

We don’t need that kind of resort up at Wolf Creek. We need to keep it pristine just like it’s always been. We don’t need 10,000 more people coming up into this town.

Sheryl Peterson, Pagosa Springs, CO

The impact on the environment is very concerning. Lodging for skiers and visitors is readily available in Pagosa and South Fork. Public transportation is also available.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

As is typical, “outside” folks simply want to make huge amounts of money when we actually LIVE here and will have to deal with the sewage, trash, water issues, etc., forever! NO ONE wants this destruction of the forest and imposition of crowds, crime, pollution, and expenses. GO AWAY!! [Ruin] some other area of you must but leave Wolf Creek alone.

Melanie Lorenzen, Pagosa Springs, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is a beautiful wild space, there are many other places with flat views/ land where people really need housing to be. We need housing closer to town for our people, we don’t need new infrastructures for tourism.

Anonymous, Pagosa Springs, CO

The impact of 10,000 people to the ” little ” town of Pagosa Springs would be devastating. Traffic on 2-lane Hwy 160 would be even more like rush hour in Denver. Our ONE grocery store can never restock shelves fast enough, to allow current residents to buy all the items we came for. We used to have a 100-member herd of elk wander across our property every night about 7:00 With all the growth around Pagosa, we rarely see them anymore/ their migration path must be obstructed by people/developments. Same with the large deer herd. They come down from higher elevations (Wolf Creek Pass?) to our level when it gets colder. Has anyone done a study on the effect of all local wildlife? I believe it’s required(?)

Barbara Tillman, Pagosa Springs, CO

I support Friends of Wolf Creek in their opposition of this large and unnecessary development that would exacerbate habitat destruction and set back current efforts to maintain high-value wetlands, forest, meadow and riparian habitat in the area.

  • Wildlife-lynx, elk, bighorn sheep and deer migration and calving-disruption. Many other smaller animal disruptions
  • Water supply stress, watershed, ground water
  • Wetlands, grasses, trees, wildflower health etc
  • Medical care/emergencies-~45 minutes to medical support on good roads. (assuming the pass is open) Elevation of resort is over 10,000 feet.
  • Road/Pass closures and partial closures- over 400 inches/year of snow falls on Wolf Creek Pass. So far in 2024, the pass/road was fully closed, partially closed or delayed traffic over 50 times due to avalanche control, rockslides, semi-trailers accidents/spinouts, car crashes, car/semi recoveries and road maintenance. https://iswolfcreekpassopen.com/closure-history There were 47 semi semi-truck crashes from 2015-2019
  • SLV Rural Electric Company doesn’t have the capacity to provide electricity to this size of development
  • CDOT-thousands more vehicles on the road and maybe not the most experienced of drivers? Snowplow drivers, road maintenance crews are expressing huge concern about this.
  • Economic Benefit- If the resort is fully self-sufficient with school, groceries, gas, shopping, gear rentals etc. the surrounding towns will not get the financial benefit they would otherwise. As you know, there never has been lodging or groceries or nightlife at the ski area. Pagosa, South Fork and Del Norte currently receive those benefits!

Luann Andrew, Durango, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is exceptional for its isolation, scenery and abundant wildlife. Building an enormous resort up there and the infrastructure required to support it would ruin the very things that make the area special.

Paul S., Bayfield, CO

Let’s keep the rustic and quaintness of our community. It has changed so much already. Let’s give the community to catch up with what has already expanded so quickly. People love it because of the WAY IT IS NOW!!!

True year round local, Pagosa Springs, CO

Keep Colorado beauty protect the wetlands

Michael, Evergreen, CO

A development at Wolf Creek only benefits the developers and tourists. Keep Wolf Creek wild!

Donna Mac, Pagosa Springs, CO

I couldn’t think of anything worse for the region and its resources and the damage done to the ferns wetlands water and wildlife. This is not about conservation it’s a money grab by wealthy out of touch visitors who want to shape this area to suit their tasteless desires.

Michael Cecere, Pagosa Springs, CO

Please keep Wolf Creek Wild. Not only is it vital for the animals, but the surrounding land, and people.

Chloe, Monte Vista, CO

This is irresponsible development, and I do not support the destruction of forest land to create this village just show some Texans can get richer and destroying our lovely ski area.

Glenn Clements, Pagosa Springs, CO

Leave this area alone! Protect the landscape and the wildlife and water. We have enough mountain towns in Colorado.

Angie Butler, Durango, CO

Keep those people off our mountain.

Simmons, Norton, KS

Wolf Creek is a unique and charming ski area nestled in the wild mountains. It’s loved by locals and visitors for its terrain and beauty. Developing the village would ruin the appeal of this Colorado treasure!

Brett Anderson, Pagosa Springs, CO

It is extremely important that Wolf Creek Pass does not undergo development. It is a sacred place that fosters so much wildlife. Developing it would have a devastating impact on locals and the species of wildlife that call it home. I extend my utmost support for keeping Wolf Creek Pass the natural sanctuary it has always been.

Sylvie, Boston, MA

I support the battle to keep Wolf Creek Pass wild.

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

this development is not representative of the community

joseph, Thornton, CO

Protect Nature and give the wild animals the space they deserve to roam!

Michelle, Denver, CO

We’ve seen this go wrong at every other ski area in Colorado already. Rent, traffic, and accessibility to the average person will be seriously compromised. Wolf Creek is special because of how remote and distant it is from civilization, let’s keep it that way.

Wendell, Fort Collins, CO

Wolf Creek Pass is one of the most fabled, mystic and raw places left in Colorado. It is a gem far enough removed from most of the hustle and bustle of this state, and to this day, still holds wildness and solitude for those who are willing to venture out and seek it. No matter the season.

To develop it beyond what is currently laid there upon its winding roads and peaceful nature would be a tragedy. There are better ways to accomplish any goals regarding community and economic growth. This would not be it. Development would destroy not only the magic for the people but also the surrounding naturalness. There are few places left where you can access such beauty and splendor from the road without fighting off the masses. To inundate this fragile and valuable thing with hoards of people would be devastating.

Colorado, Boulder, CO

The mere fact that this proposal to trash high country is continuing is abominable.

Maria Spero, Durango, CO


Scotty Jackson, Marlow, OK

Developement done well designed and planned is inevitable as the national migration from city to country continues. South Fork, the SLV and Pagosa actually can benefit with planned, careful measured growth. Planning an excessive populated mountain top village adjacent to Wolf Creek is not. When local communities are hungry for tax base dollars as costs rise to manage the thoroughfare to get to Wolf Creek, they are missing the benefit by creating such a large community up on the hill. There’s more than enough room down here for everyone. To negatively impact nature, wildlife, traffic, footprint and manipulation necessary to build and support such a large undertaking is seriously abusive to the sensitive area proposed for growth and profit. If legally required to allow a property owner to develop their land, why not do so respectfully and create a modest approach free from greed and investment and destruction to our land? Integrity and morality, thats why. Not of which is present here, therefore I encourage everyone to deny any approvals for the proposed mountain city of such magnitute. Perhaps a lodge for 50 to 60 guests may be mored well suited?

Bobcat Frank, South Fork, CO

It’s time to start thinking about the impact on the ecosystem. The impact on the local wildlife, the local first responders, the pristine wetlands, the wilderness that supports so many basic needs. Money isn’t and can’t be, the most important factor when considering an expansion like this. The most important factor is maintaining and preserving these wild places for future generations. Those future generations deserve for us to do better and be better. I’m appalled at the Forest Service and these developers.

Fitz Jay, Santa Fe, NM

I strongly oppose the plan to build a houseing community in Wolf Creek, Colorado. As a resident, I’m deeply concerned about this massive development’s devastating impact on our rural community and environment.

Wolf Creek is a small, remote mountain community that relies on its natural beauty and solitude. This enormous development would fundamentally alter our area’s character and destroy the peaceful atmosphere that draws visitors here.

The infrastructure in Wolf Creek is inadequate to handle such a large population. Adding thousands of new residents would overwhelm our roads, water supply, schools, and other public resources.

Environmental concerns are paramount. Clear-cutting thousands of acres for construction would decimate wildlife habitats and disrupt sensitive ecosystems.

Property values in surrounding areas would likely plummet due to the massive influx of new residents and construction.

Instead of this destructive mega-development, I suggest focusing on sustainable growth that preserves Wolf Creek’s unique character. This could include modest improvements to existing infrastructure and selective, environmentally-friendly development that enhances the area without sacrificing its natural charm.

Thank you for considering my views on this critical issue affecting our community’s future.

Frank, Alamosa, CO

It will ruin Wolf Creek

Janice Bell, Temple, TX

This is an abomination and completely unsustainable in this environment. Shame on Texas, the developers and the corrupt judge who approved this. May your demise be swift.

Cara Nosek, Bayfield, CO

In CO’s words: Development on Wolf Creek Pass exemplifies humanity’s tendency to prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability. As natural habitats are disrupted and landscapes altered, the ecological balance is put at risk, echoing past errors in urban expansion and resource extraction.

What will be destroyed: Critical wildlife habitat and migration path, important watersheds, local economies, the wild and beautiful views, the magic of a small independent ski hill. Please don’t repeat what’s been done to other ski resort towns where the locals can’t afford to live. Be stewards of this wild place….keep it wild.

Earth Stewardess, Durango, CO

Beyond the environmental impact, light pollution and mountain beauty that is currently available to everyone here, a large development here doesn’t make logistical sense. Wolf Creek pass often gets paralyzing snow, making travel to and from the area extremely dangerous. This would put a great strain on emergency services and risk the safety of anyone living in this area. Traffic is already an issue with the ski area, and thousands of more vehicles would negatively impact both travelers and residents. Increased development and traffic would be dangerous and impractical for all who appreciate Wolf Creek Pass and the surrounding area. These factors apply to both part-time and full-time residents who would want houses on Wolf Creek Pass.

CO, Pagosa Springs, CO

Preserving Wolf Creek in its wild, untouched state offers far greater long-term economic benefits than any development could provide. A thriving natural environment attracts eco-tourism, recreational opportunities, and outdoor enthusiasts, all of which contribute to sustainable, year-round economic growth. By keeping Wolf Creek wild, we invest in a future that fosters biodiversity, promotes environmental education, and ensures that future generations can continue to experience its beauty. Additionally, protecting such natural areas can help mitigate climate impacts and maintain ecosystem services, such as clean water and air, which are vital for the long-term well-being of both the local community and economy. Keeping Wolf Creek wild isn’t just a matter of environmental stewardship—it’s a smart economic strategy that will pay dividends for years to come.

Katie James, Durango, CO

Once a development like this is allowed, it will open the door for more development in the future. It’s ludicrous to think this kind of development won’t entirely change the character of an area that has remained a wildlife sanctuary, a small, treasured ski area ( not found anymore), and a safe passage over Wolf Creek Pass. Please don’t allow this development.

Kristin Maas, Parker, CO

We have enough “resorts” in Colorado. Keep the spirit of one of the few mountains where the focus is still skiing.

Lindsay F., South Fork, CO

This area should be wild. What is life without wild spaces?

Clara Bertany, Durango, CO

Why not build more in Pagosa or SF?

Lauren Laqua, Bayfield, CO

You have my support! Keep it wild.

Lee, Pagosa Springs, CO

The development of the Colorado land brings more people, which then reduces the resources we will have. Let’s help people and wildlife by not continuing to give everything to developer etc. They do not care about Colorado. They only care about money.

Mary Kay, Grand Junction, CO